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Even though the baseball postseason is in full swing, it is never too early to start thinking ahead to next year's baseball games. MLB '09: The Show will be hitting store shelves in approximately 6 months and our own Kris Watson is anticipating the games release with a new article MLB '09: The Show - Always Room for Improvement.

"In my franchise, Game 5 of the Division Series has just ended and the Tampa Bay Rays have just won its third game, moving the squad one step closer to the American League Championship. This should be a joyous time for a gamer. I'll now be able to sit back and watch the dugout and bullpen empty, as they all run at full speed waving their hands and tossing their gloves off as they engulf closer Troy Percival on the mound. However, there's one huge problem here. The cut-scene begins and lasts for about two seconds before the normal "end of game" summary is given by Matt Vasgersian. I think I noticed what seemed to be my Rays, but unfortunately I must have blinked just once, which made me miss the whole celebration."

MLB '08: The Show screenshot gallery - Click to view
Game: MLB '08: The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSPVotes for game: 97 - View All
Member Comments
# 41 CornChip @ 10/14/08 04:51 PM
I aggree.. i was pretty dissapointed with the cut sceens, i had to play 200+ games in franchise mode but when i finally won the world serries i was pretty disspointed with their celebration.. -.- nothing special... no firework.. nothing!!! i also agree with the gear... i wish they would add more gears, and be able to change them during anytime of RTTS... by the way when is this game comming out?
# 42 Skyboxer @ 10/17/08 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by mrnickyb
cursor hitting???? Yeah, ok.....
And exactly what's wrong with having options other than "Swing where you want as it doesn't matter because the batter will swing where the ball is no matter what" hitting system.....

The game needs a true zone hitting system, IMO. or a cursor system Or both and give us an option.
Never a good idea to only have one option.
# 43 AUTiger1 @ 10/18/08 01:46 AM
I agree with everything he said. Talking about the players wearing long sleeves in cold weather. Why don't the umpires where long sleeves in cold weather? Seems like a minor problem that could be fixed easily. One more thing. I noticed on most stadiums (I'm a small detail guy) they did a great job having the past championship banners and stuff wherever teams have them at. But on my Braves stadium (Turner Field) they just have red and yellow banners in left field. They don't have the years on them and it is just generic. I guess it's better than the PS2 version considering that depending on if you were playing a day game or night game the banners weren't there at all. But I don't see how hard it would be to put the years on there and then have only 1 red banner for 1995 when the Braves won the World Series. Also below that banner it says World Champions. The other banners are yellow with black numbers for the division titles expect the years the Braves made it to the World Series (91, 92, 95, 96, 99) the numbers are red.
# 44 da1ugot2love @ 10/27/08 01:45 PM
I just want to know are they going to add the headset feature in mlb the show 09?what happen this year with that?
# 45 ehh @ 10/27/08 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
I'm a huge baseball gaming fan and the one thing I want more than anything is a true zone hitting system or an accurate cursor hitting system. I prefer zone.
Ditto, they NEED to do something about the hitting system.

Sig styles is #2 for me.
# 46 Alonzo @ 10/27/08 02:28 PM
There is always something to improve, even for a very good sports game like MLB the show (08), but some things are more neccessary than others.

I'd be happy with:

- Baseball tonight (NFL 2k had that in 2k4 and 2k5, a little show with highlights from other games, but I don't think that's gonna happen in 09)

- more variety in franchise-mode like september call-ups, 3-way trades, improved AI logic and single A...and a few other things)

- collission system, it's ridiculous that players ran thru others like ghosts. c'mon, it shouldn't be that hard to put that into the game.

- dynamic weather, you know what I mean, rain-outs (double headers), rain-delays...

- most important thing: IMPROVED HITTING SYSTEM! Please, make it happen. 08 (all-star/HOF) feels like you are hitting on rookie mode. It's sad that I am happy if I end up with only 4-5 hits in a game, something is wrong.

- sliders which actually work. If we want more walks, there should be a slider for that...if we want less hits, there should be a slider for that, if we want more extra basehits, there should be a slider for that. I think you got it...

- improved FIELDING! I always feel like I don't have control about my throws. take some notes from MVP baseball, their fielding was SPOT ON.

I have faith in SCEA that they are aware of the problems most of us have with the 08-version and will fix them.
# 47 ARMORALLL @ 10/29/08 12:40 AM
My biggest problem is that game sliders don't work. I would like a slider that increases the umps strike zone. In 08 the zone is too small! As far as add ons I'm suprised that no one has mentioned "Home Run Derby!!!" Rain delays are long overdue in The Show. Just look at this years World Series! The game needs better collision detection and a uniform select option like every other sports game. In RTTS mode, if your a catcher, have the ability to call out pitches for the pitcher. I would like to see some pitchers down in the bullpens sitting on the bench down there. Also I wonder if its possible to add retractable roofs in Toronto, Seattle, Arizona, Milwaukee, and Houston.
# 48 Rawdeal28 @ 11/01/08 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by hapa17
can we please PLEASE have realistic body types for managers??? lou pinella, mike scioscia, and all the other big-gut managers haven't been that svelte in decades!


and how about a team jacket on em instead of a plain uniform. it's been documented that terry francona has been asked to wear his uniform when managing. he argues that he has a circulatory problem that requires him to bundle up in the outer-wear jackets, etc. in other words, we should almost never see francona in a full bosox uni during a mound visit.

i know this is purely cosmetic, but when you're trying to immerse yourself in a fantasy world and the manager trots out there looking nothing like his real life counterpart, you're ripped from the fantasy! The Show does such a great job in most aspects, but when i see that lean lou pinella paying a mound visit, i suddenly realize that i'm not at wrigley; i'm in my boxers on my recliner at 3 a.m. playing a video game (LOSER!).

please don't remind me that i'm a loser!
# 49 pfunk880 @ 11/02/08 02:47 AM
Good ideas. The occasional rain delay would be cool also because it might force you into some pitching change strategy and such.
# 50 rmn28 @ 11/02/08 05:51 PM
40-man rosters in September, full roster (MLB, AAA, AA, [maybe?] A) in Spring training, more realistic weather (rain, seeing the player's breath) that can cause doubleheaders, equipment is more personalized (sunglasses, goggles like k-rod used to use, and like, shin guards higher or turned on the leg).

i wouldn't mind like, seeing more all-star game events, like home run derby using the leaders in the currently playing season.

all of the stuff mentioned in this post make sense to be added. hope they keep it in mind.
# 51 ehh @ 11/03/08 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by ajw
Can you explain in more detail what the cursor hitting system is?
Best bet is to grab 2K4 for $.99 and check it out for yourself.

There is a cursor screen and you have to move it to line it up w. the ball as the pitch comes in. The reason I love it so much is because it gives you the most accurate hit variety assuming the game play is done properly.

For example, if you move the cursor and it's slightly under the ball when you swing you will pop it up, if you the cursor is too high you will hit a ground ball. All of this is basically left to timing-only or chance in MVP, The Show and other games.

Cursors can be well-done and poorly done. I think the cursor in 2K4 is the best hitting system ever in a baseball game, on the other hand I did not like the cursor in ASB.
# 52 kenkraly2004 @ 11/09/08 11:51 PM
Here what SCEA should add for MLB 09 The Show. here are additonal changes I want the makers of MLB to add 1. Have the real sounds and crowd noise from all the ballparks like the cow belle in Tampa Bay, The Dum guy at progressive field, and the tomahawk chop at turner field just to name a few.
# 53 tessl @ 11/11/08 08:06 PM
I play manage only mode. One thing that is annoying is the countdown between pitch which requires you to tap a button on every pitch to speed up the game. Do away with that delay, simply make it so you can stop the game to make a move before the pitcher begins his windup.

Also, I hope they allow saved franchises to be transported from '08 to '09. I would hate to have to start over.

Other than that, is the ps2 version there are a couple bugs that I'm hoping they will fix, but they aren't bad enough to ruin the game. Sometimes a runner runs the bases backwards, and sometimes the catcher tries to catch all popups.

I played high heat until I nearly wore it out. MLB the show is by far the best baseball game I've ever played, great for those of us who prefer the manage only mode of playing.
# 54 DodgerFanatic2K3 @ 11/15/08 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by sask3m
i agree about the hitting, needs true zone , the hitting system used now is more what you'd expect in rookie or veteran mode not hof.
I agree with you about true ZONE hitting needed but just because people prefer to use "classic" timed hitting they shouldn't be subjected to just rookie and veteran difficulty just because they don't want to aim !!!

There should be a choice of 3 batting styles (CLASSIC) (CURSOR) & (ZONE) and they should all be available in the options menu on ANY difficulty level because the difficulty setting should only effect A.I. and not have anything to do with batting preference
# 55 DodgerFanatic2K3 @ 11/15/08 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by ericjwm
Actually rain occurs quite a bit in baseball, especially in Florida & Seattle. It just doesn't always cause delays or cancellations. If its a light drizzle they can & usually will play through it.

Don't you find it kind of dull with the same constant fair weather in past iterations of The Show? Wouldn't it be more interesting to play a game where theres constant worry about the weather on cloudy or overcast days/nights? Then if it does happen to start raining hard enough to cause delay, that's when bullpen strategy comes into play if your starter is still going strong at the time. It's all about variation & ways to keep every single game interesting in more ways than just on the field play.

Now if Sony implements the weather conditions like 2K did, then I'd agree with you. They did a horrible job with those lines falling from the overlays supposedly resembling rain. I don't think that'll happen with Sony though. Especially since Kolbe & Chris have mentioned in the past that they're holding out on weather till it can be done properly. Well you'd think with the power of the PS3 that would no longer be a problem.
ASB was amazing with weather details...They had realistic looking rain, snow flurries and even fog

I remember playing some crazy games in Wriggly field with fog and all the players were bundled up and you could even see their breath......it really made me feel like I was there in the cold, even pitchers wore jackets on the bases

If "The Show" can implement those conditions and little details it will be even more amazing
# 56 Scooter3 @ 11/15/08 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by DodgerFanatic2K3
There should be a choice of 3 batting styles (CLASSIC) (CURSOR) & (ZONE) and they should all be available in the options menu on ANY difficulty level because the difficulty setting should only effect A.I. and not have anything to do with batting preference
I would love to see batting set-up this way! The same 3 choices for 3 levels...
Got my vote!

# 57 jerm21 @ 12/04/08 03:26 PM
i have some "wishes" that i would like to come to mlb the show. hopefully 09.

main thing. is crowd atmosphere.

-I want the crowd to go nutsss after a late inning/extra innings go ahead/walk off home run or hit or after a big strike out in pitching jams or ending the game.
-I want there to be a "Yankees Suck" chant at Fenway
-I want there to be standing ovations after a pitcher is taken out of the game or with 2 outs in the 9th inning, waiting for the last out.
-I want Opening Day to be new, with players running onto the field getting introduced, and whoever wins the world series the year before gets their rings. (for example; Philadelphia)
-I want more cut scenes, with player, fan, coach reactions after a call is made or a after a big hit/stolen base.
-I want fan attendence to be involved, like for the last place teams, there will be a lot of empty seats; when in BOS or NY it will most likely be a full house every game..
-More detail with the coaches, i think there was a post already put up about that.
-I want there to be standing ovations for a pitcher once he is taken out by the manager, or after getting a no hitter broken up.
-I want there to be those fans that are at a ballpark rooting for another team, giving high fives after their team puts a run on the board.
-I want the All Star Game to be more detailed. With player introduction running out onto the field from the dugout like opening day..and i want the all star game uniforms to be like they are now (team uniforms and hats. i think?) no NL or AL uniforms.
-I want a cut scene when you want to warm up a pitcher, and show him warming up in the bullpen.
-I want the POSTSEASON to be a complete change from the regular season. some stadiums have towels, Tampa Bay has cowbells, I want the fans to be louddd and crazyy after everything little happens (like a run scored, a strike out of a batter)
-I want there to be little press conferences from coach or player
-After winning a series CELEBRATIONS NEED TO BE BETTER AND LONGER. yeah after the divisional series, a lot of high fives, hugs, jumping up and down on the pitchers mound.
League championship, mobbing the field, some champagne "we're going to the world seriesssss!"
After winning the world series, I want the last out to be a cut scene, like position yourself to make a catch, or to make a ground ball then the game takes it from there, so that right when the out is made the player can react with his arms in the air, everyone jumps over the dugout fence, and mobs the mound. I want signs that say "We Believed" and then it cuts to the locker room with players jumping with champagne WITH championship hats and t shirts, spraying the drinks into the camera..some interviews with players that say "I'm so proud of all of these guys around me". going out on the field and spraying it onto the fans. then the mvp trophy and world series trophy.
-I want the post season fans to be the loudest you're audio could make it.
-This cut scene should be about 5 minutes long. I mean comeon we've played 162 games, it would be nice to sit back and watch all your hard work paying off with some celebration!

Now my all time wish for this baseball game would have to be..after winning a world series. i want there to be a celebration parade that goes throughout the city. Comeon, how sick would that be!

I've given these recommendations to you guys because, I believe that MLB the show has much more potential than mlb 2k. SO PLEASEEE. LISTEN TO MY IDEAS. this will make it the best baseball game ever played.
# 58 ARMORALLL @ 12/04/08 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by jerm21
i have some "wishes" that i would like to come to mlb the show. hopefully 09.

main thing. is crowd atmosphere.

-I want the crowd to go nutsss after a late inning/extra innings go ahead/walk off home run or hit or after a big strike out in pitching jams or ending the game.
-I want there to be a "Yankees Suck" chant at Fenway
-I want there to be standing ovations after a pitcher is taken out of the game or with 2 outs in the 9th inning, waiting for the last out.
-I want Opening Day to be new, with players running onto the field getting introduced, and whoever wins the world series the year before gets their rings. (for example; Philadelphia)
-I want more cut scenes, with player, fan, coach reactions after a call is made or a after a big hit/stolen base.
-I want fan attendence to be involved, like for the last place teams, there will be a lot of empty seats; when in BOS or NY it will most likely be a full house every game..
-More detail with the coaches, i think there was a post already put up about that.
-I want there to be standing ovations for a pitcher once he is taken out by the manager, or after getting a no hitter broken up.
-I want there to be those fans that are at a ballpark rooting for another team, giving high fives after their team puts a run on the board.
-I want the All Star Game to be more detailed. With player introduction running out onto the field from the dugout like opening day..and i want the all star game uniforms to be like they are now (team uniforms and hats. i think?) no NL or AL uniforms.
-I want a cut scene when you want to warm up a pitcher, and show him warming up in the bullpen.
-I want the POSTSEASON to be a complete change from the regular season. some stadiums have towels, Tampa Bay has cowbells, I want the fans to be louddd and crazyy after everything little happens (like a run scored, a strike out of a batter)
-I want there to be little press conferences from coach or player
-After winning a series CELEBRATIONS NEED TO BE BETTER AND LONGER. yeah after the divisional series, a lot of high fives, hugs, jumping up and down on the pitchers mound.
League championship, mobbing the field, some champagne "we're going to the world seriesssss!"
After winning the world series, I want the last out to be a cut scene, like position yourself to make a catch, or to make a ground ball then the game takes it from there, so that right when the out is made the player can react with his arms in the air, everyone jumps over the dugout fence, and mobs the mound. I want signs that say "We Believed" and then it cuts to the locker room with players jumping with champagne WITH championship hats and t shirts, spraying the drinks into the camera..some interviews with players that say "I'm so proud of all of these guys around me". going out on the field and spraying it onto the fans. then the mvp trophy and world series trophy.
-I want the post season fans to be the loudest you're audio could make it.
-This cut scene should be about 5 minutes long. I mean comeon we've played 162 games, it would be nice to sit back and watch all your hard work paying off with some celebration!

Now my all time wish for this baseball game would have to be..after winning a world series. i want there to be a celebration parade that goes throughout the city. Comeon, how sick would that be!

I've given these recommendations to you guys because, I believe that MLB the show has much more potential than mlb 2k. SO PLEASEEE. LISTEN TO MY IDEAS. this will make it the best baseball game ever played.
Its still a videogame. Its never going to be real life. Some good ideas in there, just dont get your hopes up!
# 59 jerm21 @ 12/04/08 08:04 PM
hey, you never know. it could be done!
# 60 exteban @ 12/07/08 07:53 PM
sounds great...i think the show should make a college baseball game and to make that even better, they should start it off like in ncaa football where they begin in a high school tournament and after they finish dominating in the tournament they choose which school they go to and the show can import the ncaa career into the mlb game

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