News Post

We've just posted some screenshots that show off the ratings of all the players in NBA 2K9.

*Note: I am not allowed to show the jerseys of the Magic, Thunder or Kings, at this time.

NBA 2K9 screenshot gallery - Click to view NBA 2K9 screenshot gallery - Click to view
Game: NBA 2K9Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 72 - View All
NBA 2K9 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 ZephyrSong @ 09/21/08 10:15 AM
It seems like every time I check back Steve has posted something new... thank you thank you thank you!
# 2 shifty @ 09/21/08 10:17 AM
good to have all this info but by the time the game arrives, it will seem like we've already played it
# 3 youvalss @ 09/21/08 10:17 AM
Thanks Steve! And all you wanted was a quiet Sunday... hard to have it with all of us nugging that we want this and we want that...
# 4 ZephyrSong @ 09/21/08 10:18 AM
Wow... first time someone complains about someone posting a screenshot... then don't view it.. sheesh.
# 5 arod @ 09/21/08 10:23 AM
dayum the knicks suck. Their highest rated player is Randolf (83) and he is the player we are trying to get rid of.....gonna be another rough year for my knickerbockers.
# 6 Bornindamecca @ 09/21/08 10:35 AM
Thanks a lot, Steve. You've been doing your thing, man. I can't wait to see the ratings fights start.
# 7 Moses Shuttlesworth @ 09/21/08 10:39 AM
Rondo with the 83. Yeah boi

KG and LeBron 99
# 8 V.DiddYDavis @ 09/21/08 10:41 AM
I usually don't like to complain about player ratings.. because I can manually change them however this year they left me a LOT of work to do. Honestly on some of them, what the hell were they thinking? Robin Lopez better than Brooke? Al Jefferson better than Chris Bosh? Stuckey a 74, making him equal to Anthony Carter, and worse than Magic rookie Courtney Lee who never even played a game?! Kidd better than Dirk? KG a 99?! (I guess this is somewhat to be expected..) Chris Paul 5 overall points better than D.Will?

Anyways there were more I just forgot them off the top of my head.. thanks for posting Steve keep doing your thing man.. can't wait til' the next gameplay vid.
# 9 Bornindamecca @ 09/21/08 10:48 AM
Rip Hamilton and Crawford are rated the same in "Handle"

I'm not even complaining. Just observing, lmao. I can't wait for the user created roster files.
# 10 Epiffani @ 09/21/08 10:48 AM
LMAO @ Jerome James. He better not let his momma see that report card.
# 11 Scoop 24 @ 09/21/08 10:52 AM
86 for bynum. came along way from 71

no Sun Yue though he signed a guaranteed 2year contract with us.
# 12 Po Pimp @ 09/21/08 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by Bornindamecca
Rip Hamilton and Crawford are rated the same in "Handle"

I'm not even complaining. Just observing, lmao. I can't wait for the user created roster files.
I'm not saying they should have the same Handle rating, but since these are the simple ratings based on letter grades, I'm guessing Handles is a combination of ball handling (crossovers and such) and hands (holding on to the ball and not getting stripped).

I was looking at some of the Athleticism ratings and surprised that Jason Richardson and Josh Smith were A- and not an A, but that's probably a combination of speed, dunking, layups and quickness, and maybe vertical.

Chris Paul is rated too high in my opinion...maybe a 96 for him.
# 13 Muzyk23 @ 09/21/08 11:10 AM
Arenas 95 lol too high unless he has a 99 in 'Chatterbox'
# 14 eko718 @ 09/21/08 11:19 AM
De'Andre Jordan 64? lol... damn.
# 15 ehh @ 09/21/08 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by eko718
De'Andre Jordan 64? lol... damn.
LOL, was gonna post the same thing. That's worse than Josh McRoberts!
# 16 edubbs @ 09/21/08 11:26 AM
What rating is ATH?
# 17 thriller92 @ 09/21/08 11:31 AM
Thanks for another post Steve, youre the man.

Too many players are rated too high and too many players outside shots are being underrated especially the bigmen.

I do the player editing myself once I get it anyway so its all good.

But Jamario Moon being a 72 under Ukic Solomon and Bargnani is mindboggling. He averaged 8+6+48% in his rookie year, how do the 2 rookies and Bargs who had a terrible year even come close? Moon should be a 76 or 77. Hes a good role player.
# 18 South525455 @ 09/21/08 11:40 AM
Heat are looking pretty good but a couple things I noticed. One Zo shouldn't be on the team. Look I love Zo and he's my favorite Heat player in the teams history, but he's still rehabbing his injury and hasn't signed a contract yet. So unless he comes back fully healthy and the Heat want him back, he won't play again. Jamal Magloire should be replacing him on the roster. Also what did Marion do? He went from low 90s last year to an 85 this year. He barely played after he was traded but when he did he played well. Beasley and Chalmers are looking good however so I'm excited to start playing online with them. Thanks for the screens.
# 19 The 24th Letter @ 09/21/08 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by Bornindamecca
Thanks a lot, Steve. You've been doing your thing, man. I can't wait to see the ratings fights start.
ditto Steve.

I never understood arguments about some completely editable LOL
# 20 Benicio10 @ 09/21/08 11:43 AM
no one's mentioned the new development here?


I love that change. Numbers are so ambiguous. This is way easier to understand how well players are in certain areas, and way easier to edit ratings also!

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