Madden 09 News Post

I'm back now and wanted to relay some news - we found and fixed the Franchise freezing issue that some have been seeing and decided to delay the patch a couple of days in order to get that in. Major thanks to this community ...a few folks here on OperationSports actually emailed me PS3 Franchise files which allowed us to track the issue down much more quickly. You guys rock - as always!

The patch is now at our internal quality control group, and then on to Sony and Microsoft by (we think) Friday.

We are still targeting about 2-3 weeks from now for the patch to drop, and of course I will keep you updated as things progress.


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Member Comments
# 161 glitch3d @ 09/09/08 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by BenjiA
I'm wondering the same thing. I've edited lots of player's numbers and helmets/facemasks etc. Do I need to start over when the patch is installed or will those edited players progress even if I'm halfway through the season...??

Please anyone who REALLY knows reply!!
Can someone with any knowledge of this please answer? Many gamers want to know, lol.
# 162 tanis38 @ 09/09/08 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by ab2c4
Ok, so I just need to enter a "room" and it will prompt me at that point? The reason I ask is because I have never played online and don't ever plan to, but I do want the roster update. I have the ps3 version, my ps3 is connected to my wireless internet and I do have an EA account. Last night I was looking around in Madden and I selected the online item from the Main Menu. One of the options in there was to join a room from a list of "rooms" (I forgot what they are called). So all I need to do is enter one of those "rooms" regardless if there are 10 people already in there or I am the first person in there and it will prompt me for the roster update at that point? If so that is fine, I just don't want to be rude to somebody by having them think I am playing them and then back out at the last minute.
You can't get them from just being in a room/lobby. You need to start a match. What I usually do is select "Quick Match" then choose "Unranked". It will automatically search for an opponent for you and then take you to the team select screen once it finds someone. That is when you will be prompted to download the roster. Choose yes, save it, then back out of the team select screen.
# 163 tanis38 @ 09/09/08 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by ab2c4
Actually what would make the most sense would be to have a menu option in Madden for "Roster Update".
Yup, that would wouldn't it?

Not sure about the flash card, but I don't think you can.
# 164 bwyant32 @ 09/09/08 01:35 PM
I do thank Ian for listening to us, but I don't thank EA at all for releasing a patch to fix a game freeze issue. To me this is elementary, get it right before you release it. I've never seen so many bugs and errors by a video game company before in my life. Most game play issues I can live with, issues of freezing.... come on.
# 165 ab2c4 @ 09/09/08 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by tanis38
You can't get them from just being in a room/lobby. You need to start a match. What I usually do is select "Quick Match" then choose "Unranked". It will automatically search for an opponent for you and then take you to the team select screen once it finds someone. That is when you will be prompted to download the roster. Choose yes, save it, then back out of the team select screen.
Thank you, I appreciate the info.
# 166 ab2c4 @ 09/09/08 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by tanis38
Yup, that would wouldn't it?

Not sure about the flash card, but I don't think you can.
Believe it or not, you can do that method with the flash drive and the ps3 for game updates. I know because I have done it before with ps3 games.
# 167 billsjunkie @ 09/09/08 01:42 PM
Care to tell me how? Because it would be a lot better than dragging my ps3 and tv over to my moms house.

I know you could do PS3 system updates via the usb drive but how would that work with a flash drive when you have to be connected to the net?
# 168 ab2c4 @ 09/09/08 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by billsjunkie
Care to tell me how? Because it would be a lot better than dragging my ps3 and tv over to my moms house.

I know you could do PS3 system updates via the usb drive but how would that work with a flash drive when you have to be connected to the net?
I did this method for the last roster update in Madden a few weeks ago. Over on Gamefaqs one of the guys put the file up on a site for download, and then I followed these directions and it worked perfectly:

- Download the zip file of Roster updates onto your pc.
- Unzip the file
- Create new folder (name it PS3) in your USB Flash Drive.
- Create another folder inside the PS3 folder, name it 'SAVEDATA'

In most cases, the file you unzip would be a folder named something like this 'BCUS98103'. DO NOT rename it.

- Drag the folder into PS3/SAVEDATA

3) What's next?

- Turn on your PS3
- Plug your USB stick into the USB slot on your PS3
- Under Game > Saved Data Unity, 'USB Device' should appear on the top, select that
- Hit triangle when you see the save on your USB stick, select 'Copy'

If and when the guy does the same thing for this roster update I will post here to let you know. As a matter of fact, I will go over to gamefaqs and ask now. Keep in mind you don't need your ps3 connected online to do this method.
# 169 djep @ 09/09/08 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by tanis38
You can't get them from just being in a room/lobby. You need to start a match. What I usually do is select "Quick Match" then choose "Unranked". It will automatically search for an opponent for you and then take you to the team select screen once it finds someone. That is when you will be prompted to download the roster. Choose yes, save it, then back out of the team select screen.
You could also just create a private unranked match. This way you won't have to deal with jumping in and out of someone else's lobby.
# 170 vikingsfan1 @ 09/09/08 03:48 PM
I will be very happy when the patch is release. I was playing a season game today and won in the last 2:00 minutes. the CPU was driving down the field and on 4th and 8 the CPU QB threw a pretty pass to the FB but he headed out of bound because of the ball switch glitch.
# 171 ab2c4 @ 09/09/08 03:52 PM
Here is the post on this site for the link to download the new roster update:

# 172 tanis38 @ 09/09/08 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by djep
You could also just create a private unranked match. This way you won't have to deal with jumping in and out of someone else's lobby.
I might just have to try that.
# 173 bdawkins20 @ 09/10/08 09:57 AM
A few questions regarding the patch:
1. Will it fix the computer's questionable playcalling, notably punting from an opponents 38 yard line?

2. If I edit players, and create players do I have to start over once the patch is released.

My apologies if this has been asked and answered already someplace within these now 19 pages. Thanks in advance for anyone that replies!

Have a great day.
# 174 av7 @ 09/10/08 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by bdawkins20
A few questions regarding the patch:
1. Will it fix the computer's questionable playcalling, notably punting from an opponents 38 yard line?

2. If I edit players, and create players do I have to start over once the patch is released.

My apologies if this has been asked and answered already someplace within these now 19 pages. Thanks in advance for anyone that replies!

Have a great day.
For 2. I was under the impression that the fixes would not cause you to restart your franchise.
# 175 billsjunkie @ 09/10/08 12:22 PM
One question.....when you edit players it takes away there draft history and such. Now will that draft history come back after the patch? It's a little thing I know but I like to have as much info at my disposal during my franchise. I look at everything with players.

If it doesn't come back I will probably restart my franchise after the patch. If it does come back than I will re-start my franchise after the next roster update this weekend.
# 176 splanch @ 09/10/08 03:20 PM
Are we gaona be able 2 change our uniforms online
# 177 widoutkrew @ 09/10/08 07:44 PM
one more thing i notice about this game. After the season is over. i was unable to sign my 1st overall pick in the draft (QB). i exported players from NCAA 09. I try clicking on them but nothing happen. I can't even get to the screen where you sign them and agree to a contract. but when i went to change my setting to cpu sign draft picks. the cpu was able to sign him. Is anyone one out there having this same problem? Will the patch fix this? Please help, it's very annoying. Thanks in advance!
# 178 Tweeg @ 09/10/08 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by billsjunkie
One question.....when you edit players it takes away there draft history and such. Now will that draft history come back after the patch? It's a little thing I know but I like to have as much info at my disposal during my franchise. I look at everything with players.

If it doesn't come back I will probably restart my franchise after the patch. If it does come back than I will re-start my franchise after the next roster update this weekend.
I dont think that glitch will be fixed anyways.
# 179 Jono078 @ 09/11/08 06:11 AM
Well it's been 1 week since the announcement...

That means the patch COULD be here in just 1 week!

Here's hoping so I can finally have some fun with franchise and build some rookies into superstars.
# 180 billsjunkie @ 09/11/08 09:11 AM
I just hope with all the whining about progression that they don't go overboard with it now. Don't want to see players going up 8 points a year unless they have a record setting blow out season.

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