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The folks up at EA Canada are nearing their goal as NHL 09 skates towards its September release. They are undoubtedly working very hard since they have a hard act to follow considering how well NHL 08 was received by most gamers. Also, with such high expectations, it's no surprise that the OS community has tons of questions when it comes to NHL 09. Due to this fact, we here at Operation Sports felt it was important to get the NHL developers to answer some questions from the Operation Sports community. So every Friday, until NHL 09 releases, OS will be running five-question-Q&A sessions with NHL 09 developers. This is the second Q&A session we have had thus far. Enjoy!

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Member Comments
# 1 bad_philanthropy @ 08/15/08 03:44 PM
I was very satisfied with these answers. Nobody here was expecting franchise to get an overhaul or anything, but I'm pleased they did some tweaking, and mainly fixed that issue with all rookies looking the same.
# 2 mudtiger @ 08/15/08 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by bad_philanthropy
I was very satisfied with these answers. Nobody here was expecting franchise to get an overhaul or anything, but I'm pleased they did some tweaking, and mainly fixed that issue with all rookies looking the same.
I was prepared for the worst, but the answers satisfied me too. If the game plays mostly like last year with more neutral zone play, better defense, and better player progression, I'll be happy with it.
# 3 kt-od @ 08/15/08 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by aBiNeR
To whom this may concern,

Can someone please ask in your next interview with EA:

-When can long-time customers of NHL expect a revamped online client that supports balanced and fair ladder leaderboards? A client that closely resembles the 2002 Battle.net client for Warcraft III would be sufficient even being out-dated

-When can long-time customers of NHL expect post-release patch support for the entire year that would address hockey realism tweaks, in-game exploit removal & online client exploit removal?

Many thanks.
There's a questions thread for this. You can post it there
# 4 Qb @ 08/15/08 07:29 PM
Good stuff. Like BP said, I wasn't expecting a franchise overhaul either. Hopefully they truly did fix the generated rookie problem as well as fleshed out the CBA-related stuff (RFAs, roster limitations, etc), toned down retirement with more regression before they hang it up and above all, made sure it's stable. Too many freezes in 08 after finishing a game and I had one dynasty corrupt as well.

I feel bad that my stats question made it through, as overall the sim stats weren't too bad. It was just a few areas that were wonky like uneven plus/minus distribution, specialty teams and to a much lesser degree, team GF/GA (overall simulated scoring was just a tad too low).
# 5 ChaseB @ 08/15/08 09:57 PM
If you guys want a certain type of question for next week like how we did Dynasty this week, just vote in the questions thread and if it's resounding I'll go that route.
# 6 Qb @ 08/15/08 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by aBiNeR
Unfortunately, even online will be bad if they intend to run the EASHL with the same online client and match-making system they have used since 2003. All indications are there have been no changes to it.

The online NHL client is the core of the online community. Without a sold design, there will be cheating and poor matching which completely unbalances the leaderboards.
You may be right, but I really don't know much at all about that stuff. When I play online, it's mostly with friends in custom games and I had little to no issues with lag/disconnect/etc. I'm not much for the leaderboard/ranked stuff, but if that's your thing, I hope it is improved...


Now, what type of questions can we come up with for next Friday?
# 7 ohyeahbaby123 @ 08/16/08 12:29 AM
I think we should go game play, as in asking questions about neutral zone play and stuff like that.
# 8 Flyermania @ 08/16/08 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by SaintPatrick33
One more time I have no problems with its gameplay accept lack of sliders and cheap scripted cpu goals but some say that bug is still buzzing in 09 ?
I just call it like I see it and unlike some of you I base mine on FACTS not opinions.
Me and a few others even Started a control all rosters thread but well we just fell short .

Ps Ronnie Hobbs at GCHD is working on his NHL09 preview as we speak so you guys should have more good info enough even though it doesnt seem much changed ?
I disagree with the lack of sliders. More doesn't always mena better...2k has a ton of sliders, but unfortunately most of them have a placebo effect for tweak-a-holics and they don't impact the gameplay one bit. As far as the "cheap scripted goals", I don't see it in 08, but then again I took the time to learn how to play defense in the game.

Oh, and you are merely stating your OPINION on things. It's no better than anyone else's.

Your comment on NHL 09 not having may changes is ridiculous. Take off your 2k glasses and try to look at things objectively for once. Or better yet, quit trolling the EA forum. All you seem to be interested in is taking pot shots at EA's title while trying to fluff up 2k's game. That's great if you like 2k. Move on.
# 9 Eddie1967 @ 08/16/08 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by Flyermania
I disagree with the lack of sliders. More doesn't always mena better...2k has a ton of sliders, but unfortunately most of them have a placebo effect for tweak-a-holics and they don't impact the gameplay one bit. As far as the "cheap scripted goals", I don't see it in 08, but then again I took the time to learn how to play defense in the game.

Oh, and you are merely stating your OPINION on things. It's no better than anyone else's.

Your comment on NHL 09 not having may changes is ridiculous. Take off your 2k glasses and try to look at things objectively for once. Or better yet, quit trolling the EA forum. All you seem to be interested in is taking pot shots at EA's title while trying to fluff up 2k's game. That's great if you like 2k. Move on.
Your one to talk about moving on. 2k's sliders don't effect the gameplay? Please talk about never learning or taking time with the game. As I recall EA's game didn't have individual sliders and 2k had sliders for everything you could imagine and yes they did effect the game and I know because I'm still playing it which you never did. And let's be honest you do the same thing in the 2k forum all the time. Your opinion is no better than anyone else's. All you seem interested in is taking pot shots at 2k'S Title while trying to fluff up EA's game. That's great if you like EA. I would like EA's offering to be good this year just for a change of pace, no one is biased we just want both games to be good.
# 10 Eddie1967 @ 08/16/08 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by SaintPatrick33
First Thanks Chase and Andy for making these questions happen great info to make choices by.
On my questions I didnt think anything much would change from 08 but its seems like they are trying .
But its clear EA s main focus at least this year is for getting online going which I totally understand from a business standpoint .
And while they did add enough in dynasty to keep rosters from changing when you start a dynasty theres still no way to update it with real time transactions , rosters ect .
So unfortantly this solid game is a Cant buy for me as I dont play online.
Its amazing why they would ever take these simple functions out that were basic in last gen like control all rosters /All teams option to play all games in a season mode like they never exsisted ?
OPTIONS are GOOD and the more their are will allow all gamers to be happy !
Well 2k9 will still have all these options like play all games be all teams and total roster control in season mode so my choice is simple but I would have love to have 2 NHL games this year , well maybe next year ?
Well unfortunately that seems to be the way of EA's games, take out things or not improve on what's already there. Granted they added some things that were missing last year like separate line changes and a few other items but 2k seems to make it as realistic as possible from the beginning and then improve on that. Here's hoping for 2 great games.
# 11 Qb @ 08/16/08 01:14 PM
Look, can we please stop with the EA/2K crap? EA does this, 2K does that... We've all heard it a million times. It's pointless, tiring and just downright annoying. Once the games come out & we have some real cold-hard stuff to compare, then maybe we can constructively compare the two games, but at this point it's worthless...
# 12 ChaseB @ 08/16/08 01:57 PM
PS when I spoke with these developers at the showcase, they were adamant that next year they wanted to really focus on Dynasty. Priorities clearly were gameplay, online, and be a pro this time around so yea, some things took a bit of a backseat.
# 13 Flyermania @ 08/16/08 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by Eddie1967
Please talk about never learning or taking time with the game. As I recall EA's game didn't have individual sliders and 2k had sliders for everything you could imagine and yes they did effect the game and I know because I'm still playing it which you never did.
Get your facts straight before you try to make an assumption. I bought 2k8 day of release and still do play it from time to time. 08 was my game of choice last year, plain and simple. And I've been tweaking sliders in the 2k series since 2k3, so I'm pretty familiar with what works and doesn't work in their sliders. Nice try though.
# 14 mudtiger @ 08/16/08 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by ChaseB
PS when I spoke with these developers at the showcase, they were adamant that next year they wanted to really focus on Dynasty. Priorities clearly were gameplay, online, and be a pro this time around so yea, some things took a bit of a backseat.
I hope they follow through on that
# 15 ChaseB @ 08/16/08 03:13 PM
I totally think Flyermania and Eddie should just make out already. I can sense the sexual tension from here.
# 16 Flyermania @ 08/16/08 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by ChaseB
I totally think Flyermania and Eddie should just make out already. I can sense the sexual tension from here.

It's a classic case of two people passionate about their games. I respect his opinions on 2k and hope that 2k9 gives him what he looks for in a hockey game. It's good we have choices...we obviously just don't agree on our game of choice.
# 17 Cold77 @ 08/16/08 09:09 PM
The main thing I want to know about is the offline "Be A Pro" mode
# 18 ohyeahbaby123 @ 08/17/08 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by SaintPatrick33
Hi Chase
Once again thanks for doing this for us and I didnt mean to start a war but most here are very narrow minded and always try to make into 2k or ea as I just want the best game for me and I think having all types of options , sliders ect does that.
I am typing this while playing Madden 09 which I am having alot of fun with intil NHL2K9 comes out .
Unfortantly I am very passionate about realisum in a video game and not being able to keep real rosters makes nhl09 unplayable for me for 3 years straight .
Your news for 10 is incouraging so once again maybe next year I can finally get 2 realistic sim based hockey games
Well see you guys 2010.
Saying that NHL 09 isn't a sim is laughable. I really don't understand how full roster control makes one game more sim than the other.
# 19 mudtiger @ 08/17/08 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by SaintPatrick33
Hi Chase
Once again thanks for doing this for us and I didnt mean to start a war but most here are very narrow minded and always try to make into 2k or ea as I just want the best game for me and I think having all types of options , sliders ect does that.
I am typing this while playing Madden 09 which I am having alot of fun with intil NHL2K9 comes out .
Unfortantly I am very passionate about realisum in a video game and not being able to keep real rosters makes nhl09 unplayable for me for 3 years straight .
Your news for 10 is incouraging so once again maybe next year I can finally get 2 realistic sim based hockey games
Well see you guys 2010.
Nice. I didn't mean to start anything but let me get my final shot in.
# 20 ChaseB @ 08/17/08 02:35 PM
You can control all teams and their rosters in NHL 2K9, this is true -- I did ask when I was there at 2K on Friday. But you seemed to already know that.

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