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With just 6 days left until NCAA Football 09 drops onto store shelves, Patrick Williams checks in with an article discussing how EA is focused once again on visuals and atmosphere. Check out his article and be sure to leave feedback on whether you think EA's focus is sound!

"It is no secret that EA has heard the consumers' cries for more atmosphere in games. Atmosphere is a word I have typed numerous times when referring to titles such as Madden, NCAA and NHL 0, and it is something that adds so much to the gaming experience."

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Member Comments
# 1 hoodlum10 @ 07/08/08 03:26 PM
does anyone know if the season opening game between illionis and missouri will be played @ a neutral site in ncaa 09 like it is in real life or will it be that same crap as last year with the game being played @ mizzou?
# 2 babyfat9 @ 07/08/08 03:31 PM
I don't see that big of a difference with Visual and Atmosphere from last years version. Yeah the lighting, grass and player models look better but that's about it.
# 3 Ghettoshark @ 07/08/08 03:32 PM
I could care less if the visuals are almost real. I want a fun playing football game again. Madden/NCAA on last gen was solid, not because of top notch graphics or atmosphere, but because the game felt right. And in the end, that's the most important thing to a video game.
# 4 yamabushi @ 07/08/08 03:34 PM
the weather in Madden is as good as ever.

Until then we will miss the days of rain changing to snow in Madden, and dry conditions at the start ending up in a muddy mess
Im confused.....
# 5 RaychelSnr @ 07/08/08 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by Ghettoshark
I could care less if the visuals are almost real. I want a fun playing football game again. Madden/NCAA on last gen was solid, not because of top notch graphics or atmosphere, but because the game felt right. And in the end, that's the most important thing to a video game.
I think this is something most of us are hoping for. Hopefully we see the fun factor back this year...if nothing else.
# 6 ChaseB @ 07/08/08 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by yamabushi
Im confused.....
Sorry that's my bad, it should be cleared up now. There was some relatively heavy editing of this article and so it was kind of put back together and that was an inconsistency I still missed.
# 7 Craigsca @ 07/08/08 03:51 PM
Not sure what the aim of the article is - it speaks of EA's renewed focus on atmosphere and weather effects and then talks about the multitude of ways it doesn't live up to previous-gen. Perhaps a title change is in order?
# 8 ChaseB @ 07/08/08 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by Craigsca
Not sure what the aim of the article is - it speaks of EA's renewed focus on atmosphere and weather effects and then talks about the multitude of ways it doesn't live up to previous-gen. Perhaps a title change is in order?
There was originally a question mark at the end but perhaps the folks who post stuff don't like having question marks in titles.
# 9 Craigsca @ 07/08/08 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by Slizeezyc
There was originally a question mark at the end but perhaps the folks who post stuff don't like having question marks in titles.
Ah - ok - that makes sense!
# 10 RAZRr1275 @ 07/08/08 04:27 PM
Can someone edit the NHL 0 thing? Just wanted to let you guys know that was there.
# 11 fightingillini @ 07/08/08 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by hoodlum10
does anyone know if the season opening game between illionis and missouri will be played @ a neutral site in ncaa 09 like it is in real life or will it be that same crap as last year with the game being played @ mizzou?
No. I feel your pain. It's just not the same playing the Arch Rivalry series at a home field Adam confirmed in the other thread that the Jones Dome is not in the game
# 12 auburntigersfan @ 07/08/08 04:59 PM
So, the writer thinks that ncaa is going in the right direction, but isn't there yet and needs to be there. I guess we always have next year.
# 13 4solo @ 07/08/08 05:01 PM
For God Sake will they please take MASCOT GAMES off the games who cares if the UGA can play football againts BEVO.I know that space could be used for some extra REAL football features!!!!
# 14 TheGamingChef @ 07/08/08 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by 4solo
For God Sake will they please take MASCOT GAMES off the games who cares if the UGA can play football againts BEVO.I know that space could be used for some extra REAL football features!!!!
This has been addressed hundreds of times; the mascot game doesn't take up hardly any space at all. It took one day to implement if I am remembering what Adam said correctly.
# 15 Solidice @ 07/08/08 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by 4solo
For God Sake will they please take MASCOT GAMES off the games who cares if the UGA can play football againts BEVO.I know that space could be used for some extra REAL football features!!!!
except mascot games take up 0 space and took basically 0 time to complete. so i fail to see how it would help if it gets taken off.
# 16 Craigsca @ 07/08/08 05:13 PM
How 'bout - "stop changing the player models and lighting effects and give us more features!"
# 17 Old Gold and Blue @ 07/08/08 05:16 PM
I'm all for making gameplay as good as possible and implementing new features or ones that are just missing from older games. However I still think EA should also concentrate on the atmosphere too. I want to see team entrances instead of a few cheerleaders here and there.
# 18 OMT @ 07/08/08 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by dbrandon
I feel for you if you really thought ea would put much effort in improving gameplay and AI. Our love for football has made fools out of those of us wanting a better playing game ea is all about gimmicks and hype. My brother has worked there for years but will remain nameless for obvious reasons.
Then ask your brother, and he'll tell you that we have a seperate game team who's job is to improve gameplay and AI. They have totally different staff, management, budget, etc from the team that does the visuals and the atmosphere.

Changing the lighting, for instance, has no effect on AI. None. They are totally different engineering principles and skill sets anyway, so that guy doing rendering wouldn't be the guy you want tuning offensive line play (for instance).
# 19 Russell_SCEA @ 07/08/08 05:38 PM
How 'bout - "stop changing the player models and lighting effects and give us more features!
Soon as they do that everybody and their momma will be complaining that the player models and lighting doesn't look good.
# 20 Phobia @ 07/08/08 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by OMT
Then ask your brother, and he'll tell you that we have a seperate game team who's job is to improve gameplay and AI. They have totally different staff, management, budget, etc from the team that does the visuals and the atmosphere.

Changing the lighting, for instance, has no effect on AI. None. They are totally different engineering principles and skill sets anyway, so that guy doing rendering wouldn't be the guy you want tuning offensive line play (for instance).

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