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To start off today, Jess Stewart skips ahead to next-summer to give us a glimpse at what he hopes are the new features EA will be touting for NCAA Football 2010. Check out his article, A Look Ahead to NCAA Football 2010.
"Now that we know what features are coming with NCAA Football 09, what should we start looking for in 2010?

The hype in the forums for NCAA Football 09 is building exponentially with the game still over a month away. With new features such as online dynasties, wide-open gameplay, and deeper playbooks, some folks are already planning vacations to meet the July 15th release date. A main contributor to the hype has been the presence of NCAA developers answering questions in the forums. This involvement by the developers has been a pleasant surprise and the response by community members has been amazing. Since development of NCAA Football 09 is nearly wrapped up, let's take a look at what we want to see in NCAA Football 2010."

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Member Comments
# 41 kevin80216 @ 07/23/08 04:04 AM
# 42 BoomerSooner11 @ 07/23/08 08:57 AM
Great article, im just looking forward to FCS teams.
# 43 deebo2246 @ 07/23/08 09:20 AM
I think EA and Tiburon need to get back to the basics and provide the gamers everything that was offered in Last Gen. Why continue to expand when you haven't fixed the core game and features that was offered previously. However they have those marketing guru's that tell them the community is looking for xyz and not the abc's. I can not recall the last time I was ever polled to vote for what I liked and didn't like about their offerings. However this is a new generation and they are not as hard to please as us ol' school gamers.We have become the minority and the "All-Play" generation has taken over!
# 44 huskerfan101 @ 08/12/08 01:15 PM
I want a little more of a challenge make it hard to get 250 rushing yards because it gets really boring after awhile when you get 700+ yards every game.And when you get very ridicululous numbers sometimes you get ripped off and you dont win the heisman.So if you want it to be as realistic as can be, make it fair, make us have are good games and bad games,ah heck just make us the best by a little bit.
# 45 huskerfan101 @ 08/12/08 03:11 PM
1. I also want more depth in Campus Legend mode
2. And make it easier to find stuff I looked up tips for NCAA 08, not that I need my GPA up, but it said I could spend extra hours at the library to get it up and I dont even know where the library is.But it could be on the Xbox and not the PS2, but if it is only on the Xbox make it on the PS2.
3. I was on you tube and I found out that on Xbox you play with your player in high school on Campus Legend mode thats a good idea and it would add depth into Campus Legend mode.
# 46 huskerfan101 @ 08/12/08 03:17 PM
I forgot to say on Quote #3 that EA should put the high school thing on PS2
# 47 huskerfan101 @ 08/12/08 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by hustle55
-Coaching changes or some refer to it as the Coaching carousel
-You should be able to start your own traditions
-Ability to forge and break rivalries
- Add Assistant Coaches
I like it.
# 48 huskerfan101 @ 08/13/08 02:21 PM
on hair selection could you not make the long hair so long because I have long hair but its not that long.
# 49 huskerfan101 @ 08/13/08 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by huskerfan101
on hair selection could you not make the long hair so long because I have long hair but its not that long.
well i guess you could have something like long hair1 and long hair2.
# 50 fistofrage @ 08/13/08 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by huskerfan101
on hair selection could you not make the long hair so long because I have long hair but its not that long.
No offense, but hair length!? With so much wrong, hair length?

A guess another question instead of looking ahead to 2010, we have to consider what features will be left out and unfortunately what gets broken that was fine before.

I can't stress enough that we need to make a list of items that are good from 2009 that don't need any "fixing" otherwise there is a good chance that things we like will get busted in 2010.
# 51 doctorhay53 @ 08/13/08 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by fistofrage
No offense, but hair length!? With so much wrong, hair length?

A guess another question instead of looking ahead to 2010, we have to consider what features will be left out and unfortunately what gets broken that was fine before.

I can't stress enough that we need to make a list of items that are good from 2009 that don't need any "fixing" otherwise there is a good chance that things we like will get busted in 2010.
gameplay-wise, I don't think I can think of a single thing that I would say is good enough to not get a long look for next year.

EA, upgrade your gameplay team.
# 52 trayeight @ 08/13/08 04:03 PM
For 2010 - How about a button in the roster edit screen that would allow you to transfer a player? You could have it in the same menu where you can change their attributes. Make it so that when you select it, it gives you a list of all the schools to transfer that player to, you choose the school, and voila, he goes to that roster and is ineligible for one year. So for players that by the time the game comes out have transferred to other schools, you could "transfer" them to their new school. For instance, right now I could go in and transfer Josh Jarboe over to Troy.
# 53 huskerfan101 @ 08/15/08 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by fistofrage
No offense, but hair length!? With so much wrong, hair length?

A guess another question instead of looking ahead to 2010, we have to consider what features will be left out and unfortunately what gets broken that was fine before.

I can't stress enough that we need to make a list of items that are good from 2009 that don't need any "fixing" otherwise there is a good chance that things we like will get busted in 2010.
dude chill out! Its just a suggestion.
# 54 thatruth22 @ 08/16/08 04:36 AM
Please just get in every teams stadium, and make sure the field is correct. I am tired of playing with my Tulsa golden hurricane in a generic stadium with purple endzones.
# 55 Slaughter4Heisman @ 08/16/08 05:36 PM
Position changes need work. When I move my 85 speed halfback who is too slow for my offense to fullback he shouldn't turn into a 65 speed fullback. Speed should never change no matter where you move players. Only awareness. I can't stand trying to move my 2nd string fast outside line backer to a pass rush specialist DE only to see his speed drop from 88 to like 70. Speed shouldn't change. I would think that would be an easy fix.

I also like the idea of adding assistant coaches to dynasty mode and being able to develop staff chemistry to where all of your players can see awareness boosts more quickly because they have been under the same staff for so long. Or you bring in a new coordinator because your west coast offense wasn't getting results so you bring in a spread guru and all of your players take awareness hits because they are learning a new offense. Also maybe your offensive, defensive, and special teams coordinators could designate 10 prospects they want for their offense or defense in recruiting. Maybe in the prospect database these recruits names can be in red because they are the coordinators recommended or something. And spread guys would want speed at receiver, running backs who can catch the ball and quarterbacks who are mobile and your west coast guys want tall receivers and a dependable all around back as well as a pro style passer. And I would want the defensive thing to work the same way. A 3-4 guy would want more linebackers or coordinator who likes aggressive man defense would want corners with high man and press ratings while your zone guys want corners with more awareness and better zone coverage. Maybe bringing in your coordinators guys would make him happy and more willing to stay with the program rather than leave for a head coaching job. Also I think if you constantly have coordinators leave for head coaching jobs then you would be a more appealing school for coordinators to come too because they know thats there best chance to kick start their career. I understand all that would be difficult to do but seems like maybe it could be added in the future.

But most importantly and more realistically I just want to see FCS and create a school back and the battle in the trenches needs to be much more realistic as well as WR and DB interaction. Those are the most important things. Gameplay will always come first in my book. The next most important thing to me would be presentation. After a hard fought season in the SEC I want to feel like the SEC championship game is special. Not just some other game. I don't want my games against Ole Miss and Miss State to feel like my games against LSU, Georgia, and Alabama if I'm Auburn.

Also in recruiting I think if you sign a player from a town then other players from that town should get some interest in you. Since EA can't put in high school towns should work like high schools. If I sign a lot of players out of a certain town on a regular basis then I think players from those towns should have me at a high interest on a regular basis. Now of course there would always be exceptions because not every athlete wants to sign at the same school as his teammate or the same school that the best player at his school from last year went to. I'm just saying if I sign a 4 star QB out of Tallahassee to Auburn then maybe the 3 star receiver or the 4 star tackle from that same town gets more interest in my school.

I also like the idea of being able to generate a stronger budget to upgrade your stadium and add on to it or to build better practice facilities like you could in college baseball a few years ago.

Another thing I would like to see is that when you play a true freshman quarterback that you can't use your whole playbook right away. Maybe you could unlock more plays each week and by week 8 you would have the whole playbook at your hands. I would like to see a reason for you to play your 84 redshirt senior QB over your 82 true frosh. This way you could maybe give your true frosh some snaps every now and then so he can unlock more plays. I would just like to have a reason to bring my back ups in during a 4th quarter blowout instead of just running up stats.

I think team specific entrances would be amazing. I would love to see Auburns Eagle fly. Bringing back the spring game would be cool.

Anyways all these are just ideas. Position changes fixed, FCS and create a school added, battle of the trenches improvements, AI improvements, sliders that actually work, more sliders, better WR and DB interactions, and much improved pursuit angles. All of that has to happen IMO.

Also I think mascot games should be done away with. I hate all the new celebrations. At Auburn games Aubie goes around the stadium interacting with fans. He doesn't sit in the endzone waiting to celebrate with players. In real football there would be flags everywhere. I wish EA would not spend time on dumb things like mascots dancing or celebrating with players which never happens and worry more about gameplay or additions in dynasty mode instead of leaving it the same every year. I could care less about the cheerleaders or the mascots or the mascot games.
# 56 Chardon @ 08/16/08 06:50 PM
^^^ I like all those ideas.

It would be kinda realistic if your freshman WR was set up on the wrong side of the field causing you to have to call a timeout, or a young receiver runs a wrong route in a big game.
# 57 huskerfan101 @ 08/16/08 09:14 PM
And another thing fistofrage offense isn't the main issue defense is sure theres some kinks in the offense but the defense neads to get some serious upgrades,and if you read my other quote offense is way to easy to score and get silly stats with.
# 58 huskerfan101 @ 08/16/08 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by doctorhay53
gameplay-wise, I don't think I can think of a single thing that I would say is good enough to not get a long look for next year.

EA, upgrade your gameplay team.
what do you mean gameplay- wise,I dont think I can think of a single thing that I would say thats good enough to not get a long look at for next year
# 59 GoToledo @ 08/18/08 10:29 AM
I am glad that they finally got dynamic attendance in for 2009, but am I the only one who thinks it doesn't work the way it should (I haven't seen many complaints about this)? I think the formula for attendance itself is fine, but I thought the fans were supposed to leave if you are blowing out the home team. It seems for this to work you have to be up by 40 or something. If I am winning by 24 in the 4th quarter, the stands shouldn't be full with 3:00 left to go as I am running out the clock. It would be nice to see fans leave not only in a blowout, but when the game is prettymuch over.
# 60 Treadstone @ 08/18/08 11:56 AM
-They need to update the announcers speech.
-They need to a) make more in game sounds and music (for at least the top 25 schools). or b) make custom stadium sounds easier! This playlist order is just way too difficult to average users. Maybe make it downloadable content?
- Need to modify dynasty mode. update and tweak it. What's up with all these schools going undefeated? Literally I have to go in and play one of the computers games, to ensure i make it to the BCS game every season.

- play book needs updated. Every school in the CF world does not play WVU's spread offense. Come on now.

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