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To start off today, Jess Stewart skips ahead to next-summer to give us a glimpse at what he hopes are the new features EA will be touting for NCAA Football 2010. Check out his article, A Look Ahead to NCAA Football 2010.
"Now that we know what features are coming with NCAA Football 09, what should we start looking for in 2010?

The hype in the forums for NCAA Football 09 is building exponentially with the game still over a month away. With new features such as online dynasties, wide-open gameplay, and deeper playbooks, some folks are already planning vacations to meet the July 15th release date. A main contributor to the hype has been the presence of NCAA developers answering questions in the forums. This involvement by the developers has been a pleasant surprise and the response by community members has been amazing. Since development of NCAA Football 09 is nearly wrapped up, let's take a look at what we want to see in NCAA Football 2010."

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Member Comments
# 21 countryboy @ 06/09/08 07:02 PM
Great article.

Never to early to start thinking about the next installment, especially when the one forth-coming is already done.
# 22 ODogg @ 06/09/08 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by OMT
What, no mullets?!
I must have missed a thread, sorry.

Adam - Please add mullets and dreadlocks! PUH-LEASE!!
# 23 FSU4LIFE @ 06/09/08 08:18 PM
I agree with everything said in this thread. I mean this is supposed to be the 'Next-Gen' era and aside from graphics being upgrading I feel I have not been experiencing 'next-gen'. At least in sports video games.
# 24 Cotton500 @ 06/09/08 09:36 PM
Players De-commiting from schools in recruiting. Players don't sign with a school as soon as they commit.
# 25 hustle55 @ 06/10/08 12:13 AM
-Coaching changes or some refer to it as the Coaching carousel
-You should be able to start your own traditions
-Ability to forge and break rivalries
- Add Assistant Coaches
# 26 bad_philanthropy @ 06/10/08 12:55 AM
I know a lot of us have a hardon for the Euphoria physics engine and its possible implementation in a football game, so I'm just going to throw it out there that EA property NHL 09 is apparently using it.
# 27 sportzbro @ 06/10/08 01:12 AM
PLEASE SEND THIS LIST TO EA---copy it, save it, and mail it to the development team....its perfect, especially #4--this is a must.

1. Continual improvement of the gameplay, fluidity, transition, and realism of user controlled plays. This is by far to me the most important aspect of the game.
2. Post season All-Star games. If Playstation ONE could do it, current gen can.
3. All FCS teams.
4. All alternate uniforms with sliders for helmets, jerseys, pants, socks, and shoes to make any uniform combo available to all teams who have them.
5. All real life stadiums with upgrades. Google Earth and GPS are widely used and available to practically everybody these days.
6. Real life endzone artwork for bowl games. Playstation ONE!!!! had it!
7. Real life stadiums and uniform bowl patches for the bowl games. And for the first time, make the bowl game atmosphere in the stadium closely mimic that of a real life bowl game. Every year in the game the stadium only comes to life for whatever team is wearing the home jerseys, the other team is practically playing a road game with no love. Bowl games in real life have a better split (not always 50-50 with some teams close to home and others who travel well anywhere, but definitely not the home jersey wearing team getting all the crowd noise, pump up the crowd feature, band playing, team chants, and electricity with the road jersey wearing team having one little corner of fans with no band, no way to pump up their crowd, and crickets and golf clapping when the make a big play.
8. Ability to have multiple sets of duplicate numbers for every team, provided there is an automatic prompt on the substitution menu that disallows the same number twice on the field at the same time. Once in a blue moon EA will have one set of duplicates for some teams, but even then the number will be on the wrong player and some 4th string chump will get a ballas #.
9. Must have a dynamic, brand new, opening sequence to every game. New and dynamic pregame analysis by Corso & Herbstreit, realistic stadium pregame atmospheres (anyone who has ever been to a college football game knows how awesome this part is), realistic team entrances, players to watch with shots of them warming up with stats--last gen stuff.
10. New dynamic postgame presentation. Right now there isn't any at all. But in the future give us stuff like:
-home crowd rushing the field for a huge win or upset of high ranked team
-home team having big celebration on the field
-visiting team running over to the visiting section to celebrate with their fans (happens all the time)
-visitng team taunting the home crowd after a win and/or stomping on home teams midfield logo.
-The Gatorade bath (last gen stuff)
-(All NCAA football vets will agree in unison to this request) anything new other than the 5 year recycled last gen yippie-hooray jump to midfield fists go up in victory, captains of both teams "good game" congratulatory handshake, and the "Agony of Defeat" losing quarterback down on one knee head in his hand moment of futility.
11. Package player subs for each formation.
12. All real life bowl trophies and individual awards, if possible.
13. More variety to player customization. Dreads of different sizes, more sweatband combos, more shoe selection, ect.
I could go to 100 if I felt like it, but these are the one that stand out for 2010

09 is going to be great, but 2010 needs to be a complete overhaul of everything so it doesn't feel like the NCAA's I've been playing since 04 or 05.
# 28 cowboy_kmoney @ 06/10/08 01:35 AM
Well,As we all know it's been far to long now and E.A.has yet to give us the fans an eye popping game that leaves us all losing sleep.NCAA09 will be something to play and maybe out doing the 08NCAA Game,But putting the true fans of the game through yet other season of waiting and hope somebody at E.A. starts thinking of what we want done to this game,To make playable for us all.
# 29 TOcomeback @ 06/10/08 08:41 AM
Man FCS is number one on my list, so i can finally be in the game lol
# 30 Skyboxer @ 06/10/08 09:18 AM
I forgot to add (Don't know if anyone mentioned it yet) a cool addition would be spectator mode in the online dynasties.
# 31 mjussawalla @ 06/10/08 10:50 AM
Don't forget the refs and chain gang.
# 32 ODogg @ 06/10/08 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by stewaat
I wonder how difficult it would be to just give us the option to assign long hair/dreads to the appropriate people.

EA could not assign it to anyone and just let the roster folk get all obsessive and give it to the right people!

With this said the only way I'd even want it in the game is if it was editable.
Yeah they HAVE to be editable dreadlocks. And if EA doesn't want to spend the time to do it, at least give us the option to add them ourselves.
# 33 cowboy_kmoney @ 06/10/08 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by ODogg
Yeah they HAVE to be editable dreadlocks. And if EA doesn't want to spend the time to do it, at least give us the option to add them ourselves.

IS SUPPOSE TO BE...........

Have guys heard anything about if there adding the coaches being fired and replaced by O.C.or D.C. as well as created coaches?
# 34 jkits @ 06/13/08 04:15 PM
THE CAMPUS LEGEND MODE IS GREAT. Next year they sould really heighten the high school football experience and the road to national signing day before ripping up the college gridiron. It should be a little more challenging I think. I played college football and its really exciting to almost re-live that moment lol.

-To just add the Nike Scout Camps and be invited to the schools that are recruiting you. Then you can only choose two interested schools that invited you to workout and perform drills (Like in the Madden Combine) and boost attributes, interests and/or gain a better opportunity to have a starting position.
-In Season Workouts, the Spring game, able to Transfer, etc.
-This would make it more challenging and rewarding in signing with a major Division1 program, and more realistic to those who've played, and are actually playing college football.

BRING THE COACHES BACK TO THE GAME....Add some assistant coaches on the sidelines for more realism as well. Keep integrating the game atmosphere. I like the way they're going for 09 and they should always build it up. The game atmosphere for NCAA 2010 should be outta this world lol.
# 35 mgoblue13 @ 06/16/08 12:24 AM
what i would love to see is a create your own pregame speech. of course you would have to exclude all of the f-bombs and stuff but that would be awesome
# 36 mjussawalla @ 06/16/08 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by mgoblue13
what i would love to see is a create your own pregame speech. of course you would have to exclude all of the f-bombs and stuff but that would be awesome
And do half time speaches where you could:
-pep them up
-yell at them
-tell them to stay focused, etc

This should have an impact on how the team plays in the 2nd half.
# 37 vanderbiltfan87 @ 06/25/08 02:31 AM
so i don't know if anyone has thought of something like this but here goes....

dynasty mode always begins the same way. (i'm assuming it will do the same in 09) you pick a school and name the coach. what if dynasty mode started right after the national championship game and gave a year in review. of course this is where improved presentation would come in. after a rundown of how the year went, coaching vacancies could be listed and talked about. why the previous coach left or was fired etc. then you the user could apply for one or more of the jobs and give the schools reasons why they should hire you. kind of like recruiting. you could tell the ad that if he gives you 5 years, you'll win the national championship. then you talk contract with the school and ad. then you take a job.

well now you need to assemble a coaching staff. this could get way too detailed. but maybe if ea limited teams to a head coach, assistant coach, offense coord, def. coord. and sp teams coach, it wouldn't such an undertaking. ea could take a page from college hoops and let each coach have certain qualities. maybe one is a better recruiter. maybe one's a better teacher.

now it's time for the late signing period. you could almost use the 5 week recruiting idea from last gen ncaa's.

then spring football arrives. go through practices and choose what each player or positions need to work on. now honestly i hate these parts of sports games because it gets real tedious and boring. so maybe ea could come up with a simple and quick way to sim practices.

spring football game! this could actually be a lot of fun. work on gaining fan's attendance each year to this.

i guess here the 'old' dynasty could begin. choose your new targets to recruit. schedule teams. depth chart. etc. maybe have a nice preseason show talking about how spring practices and such went. blah blah blah.

really, i don't think all of this would too challenging to put together. this would really add a lot to dynasty mode. people have said dynasty mode has gotten old, but this would certainly freshen it up.

lastly........ for the love of God can we get potential ratings in recruiting. i'm pretty sure this wasn't in 08.
# 38 GJEM @ 06/25/08 03:43 AM
Originally Posted by vanderbiltfan87
so i don't know if anyone has thought of something like this but here goes....

dynasty mode always begins the same way. (i'm assuming it will do the same in 09) you pick a school and name the coach. what if dynasty mode started right after the national championship game and gave a year in review. of course this is where improved presentation would come in. after a rundown of how the year went, coaching vacancies could be listed and talked about. why the previous coach left or was fired etc. then you the user could apply for one or more of the jobs and give the schools reasons why they should hire you. kind of like recruiting. you could tell the ad that if he gives you 5 years, you'll win the national championship. then you talk contract with the school and ad. then you take a job.

well now you need to assemble a coaching staff. this could get way too detailed. but maybe if ea limited teams to a head coach, assistant coach, offense coord, def. coord. and sp teams coach, it wouldn't such an undertaking. ea could take a page from college hoops and let each coach have certain qualities. maybe one is a better recruiter. maybe one's a better teacher.

now it's time for the late signing period. you could almost use the 5 week recruiting idea from last gen ncaa's.

then spring football arrives. go through practices and choose what each player or positions need to work on. now honestly i hate these parts of sports games because it gets real tedious and boring. so maybe ea could come up with a simple and quick way to sim practices.

spring football game! this could actually be a lot of fun. work on gaining fan's attendance each year to this.

i guess here the 'old' dynasty could begin. choose your new targets to recruit. schedule teams. depth chart. etc. maybe have a nice preseason show talking about how spring practices and such went. blah blah blah.

really, i don't think all of this would too challenging to put together. this would really add a lot to dynasty mode. people have said dynasty mode has gotten old, but this would certainly freshen it up.

lastly........ for the love of God can we get potential ratings in recruiting. i'm pretty sure this wasn't in 08.
Never thought of that idea but that would be AWESOME!
# 39 jclonghorn @ 06/25/08 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by vanderbiltfan87
so i don't know if anyone has thought of something like this but here goes....

dynasty mode always begins the same way. (i'm assuming it will do the same in 09) you pick a school and name the coach. what if dynasty mode started right after the national championship game and gave a year in review. of course this is where improved presentation would come in. after a rundown of how the year went, coaching vacancies could be listed and talked about. why the previous coach left or was fired etc. then you the user could apply for one or more of the jobs and give the schools reasons why they should hire you. kind of like recruiting. you could tell the ad that if he gives you 5 years, you'll win the national championship. then you talk contract with the school and ad. then you take a job.

well now you need to assemble a coaching staff. this could get way too detailed. but maybe if ea limited teams to a head coach, assistant coach, offense coord, def. coord. and sp teams coach, it wouldn't such an undertaking. ea could take a page from college hoops and let each coach have certain qualities. maybe one is a better recruiter. maybe one's a better teacher.

now it's time for the late signing period. you could almost use the 5 week recruiting idea from last gen ncaa's.

then spring football arrives. go through practices and choose what each player or positions need to work on. now honestly i hate these parts of sports games because it gets real tedious and boring. so maybe ea could come up with a simple and quick way to sim practices.

spring football game! this could actually be a lot of fun. work on gaining fan's attendance each year to this.

i guess here the 'old' dynasty could begin. choose your new targets to recruit. schedule teams. depth chart. etc. maybe have a nice preseason show talking about how spring practices and such went. blah blah blah.

really, i don't think all of this would too challenging to put together. this would really add a lot to dynasty mode. people have said dynasty mode has gotten old, but this would certainly freshen it up.

lastly........ for the love of God can we get potential ratings in recruiting. i'm pretty sure this wasn't in 08.
Those are some great suggestions!
# 40 vanderbiltfan87 @ 06/25/08 07:21 PM
i also forgot to add that after every season you could go through the same off season. year in review, apply for a new job, etc. maybe some of your coaching staff moves on to become a head coach somewhere. am i missing any other crucial off season processes?

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