MLB 2K8 News Post

2K Sports sent us the following update.

"Just wanted to keep you up to speed on a downloadable update 2K Sports is working on to address some of the issues reported with MLB 2K8.

We have been made aware of certain gameplay experience issues within Major League Baseball 2K8 that may effect the enjoyment for some players, and we are in the process of testing downloadable updates for both the Xbox 360 and PLAYSTATION 3 versions. Specifically, the Xbox 360 update will increase the frames per second to help improve the overall gameplay experience, while another update for both the Xbox 360 and PLAYSTATION 3 will correct an issue in Franchise mode when playing as the San Diego Padres and attempting to move players to and from their minor league roster. These updates are currently undergoing technical review, and will be available for download shortly, free of charge.

We are also aware of certain gameplay issues with the Wii and PlayStation2 versions of Major League Baseball 2K8. While there is currently not an update available for these platforms, as they do not yet have the network capability to issue updates, our team is working tirelessly to find other alternative solutions to provide an improved gameplay experience. We appreciate the feedback from all of our dedicated fans, and will continue to provide other updates and information when available."

If you have any comments or concerns, state them here. 2K Sports will try to get us some feedback. Please leave the sarcasm out of this thread, if you have a serious question or concern, we'll try to get the answers as soon as we can.

Game: Major League Baseball 2K8Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 specialman @ 03/24/08 08:49 PM
Nothing having to do with the lack of steals?
# 2 USF11 @ 03/24/08 08:53 PM
Why is it ever 2K baseball game has been release with a major bug the past 3 years.
# 3 Altimus @ 03/24/08 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by USF11
Why is it ever 2K baseball game has been release with a major bug the past 3 years.
A better question I think is why is almost every game now a days requiring an immediate patch?
# 4 Husker_OS @ 03/24/08 09:11 PM
Well...atleast they're addressing the problem quickly. Hopefully the patch is out within a couple weeks.
# 5 Kramer5150 @ 03/24/08 09:37 PM
Thanks for the update. But like others have mentioned,I was hoping the cpu not stealing would be addressed as well.
# 6 Bahnzo @ 03/24/08 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by Steve_OS
2K Sports sent us the following update.
An "update" that has been posted on their own message boards for over a week now. Nothing new to see here, move along.
# 7 areobee401 @ 03/24/08 10:00 PM
Glad they are atleast addressing the lag issue but what I want to know is are their any plans to release a patch to allow online league sliders?

That is the 2nd biggest issue to me besides the lag frame rate issue.
# 8 bucksfan07 @ 03/24/08 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by Altimus GTR
A better question I think is why is almost every game now a days requiring an immediate patch?
exactly, I think producers are setting a precedent to release a half-finished game early to get more sales and then try to fix it later. I'm wandering if I should just wait a couple months after new games are released....
# 9 goheat @ 03/24/08 10:08 PM
I'm waiting to see how (if) they properly address the Wii franchise issue...
# 10 SFGiantsPBA @ 03/24/08 11:02 PM
Online League Sliders are Broken!

As an Admin I created my league that has been running for 6 year but only going on my second with 2K and when I chose Custom Difficulty in the Adimn Options / Manage Setting and no sliders opened up to change for a Custom Setting!

This is a huge issue with allot of people and I tired to get this across to the Mod on the 2K MLB forum but it took him a whole week no lie to understand what we are all asking for!

I asked him last week on it he took it as I wanted to cheat in the lobbies and put a poll up to see what other thought about my question and as it stands there are like 75 votes wanting Online League Sliders and 9 that voted no.

I had to go back and forth with him today just to get him to understand exactly what we want (Online League Sliders) and it took him a whole week to even understand this after 85 replies.

Having no Sliders for Online Leagues with this Great Gameplay is going to really piss allot of people off and push allot away to a game that allows Online League Sliders!
# 11 BigL @ 03/24/08 11:42 PM
They are going to fix the framerate issue for the 360 but not for the PS3?
# 12 dansaint @ 03/25/08 12:00 AM
what about us without XBox live capabilities (us still stuck with Dialup?) Anyway to help us out? THe only thing I am concerned about his the Padres fix. The framerate thing I am not too concerned about.
# 13 sportsdude @ 03/25/08 12:17 AM
So basically they're going to ignore the online lag issue indefinitely? If so, I hope that's the next issue they patch.
# 14 idesign2 @ 03/25/08 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by Peter_OS
Yes I would like an answer to this. I have seen one steal in 20+ games so far attempted from the CPU. This is also with the sliders adjusted.
I have seen the CPU attempt as many suicide squeeze plays (two) on me as they have regular stolen base attempts (also two). For the record, both stolen base attempts were unsuccessful, but both suicide squeezes were successful.
# 15 Kramer5150 @ 03/25/08 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by dansaint
what about us without XBox live capabilities (us still stuck with Dialup?) Anyway to help us out? THe only thing I am concerned about his the Padres fix. The framerate thing I am not too concerned about.
If you don't know anybody with live (you could just take your machine to) there IS a way to get on live with dial-up.
It won't be fast enough to play games obviously,but you would still get the benefits of d-loading patches.


# 16 DubTrey1 @ 03/25/08 12:55 AM
It's sad that almost all of 2K's games require this type of activity post release. It's almost becoming par for the course. I will say however, EA has been in the same boat and if there is any silver lining here, 2K seems to get the aptches out sooner than later....
# 17 Bahnzo @ 03/25/08 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by sportsdude
So basically they're going to ignore the online lag issue indefinitely? If so, I hope that's the next issue they patch.
Well...in another mod post on the 2k forum, they state the online lag issue is related to the framerate...basically saying when they fix the framerate, the lag online will get better...

I'm not sure I believe that however....the pitcher/batter interface doesn't lag, it's the fielding. I'm going to be REALLY disappointed if the online doesn't clear up.
# 18 Tomba @ 03/25/08 01:29 AM
In all due respect WHY?! are they NOT improving the framerate of the PS3 version? WHY?! they need to be scolded for NOT even considering the PS3 user. Its a utter travesty. Pay 63 for a inferior game? And then not have the possibilty of it being updated in the future like it's other multi platform offerings?
# 19 funky_chicken @ 03/25/08 02:01 AM
I think the big question is will 2K Sports be fixing the framerate issues for the PS3 also? Is it just me or have they really not said one way or the other? They have not out and flat out said they will not be fixing the PS3 framerate issues but they also never said they are going to either. If you could get a definitive answer on this it would be greatly appreciated.
# 20 BadKermit @ 03/25/08 02:51 AM
Originally Posted by Lisa_Bonami
-Franchise games seem to freeze every 4-5 games near the late innings
So this isn't just my copy? I was thinking about exchanging it because I've had a couple of INFURIATING late-game freezes. I wish they'd have addressed that instead of the framerate.

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