MLB 2K8 News Post

2K Sports sent us the following update.

"Just wanted to keep you up to speed on a downloadable update 2K Sports is working on to address some of the issues reported with MLB 2K8.

We have been made aware of certain gameplay experience issues within Major League Baseball 2K8 that may effect the enjoyment for some players, and we are in the process of testing downloadable updates for both the Xbox 360 and PLAYSTATION 3 versions. Specifically, the Xbox 360 update will increase the frames per second to help improve the overall gameplay experience, while another update for both the Xbox 360 and PLAYSTATION 3 will correct an issue in Franchise mode when playing as the San Diego Padres and attempting to move players to and from their minor league roster. These updates are currently undergoing technical review, and will be available for download shortly, free of charge.

We are also aware of certain gameplay issues with the Wii and PlayStation2 versions of Major League Baseball 2K8. While there is currently not an update available for these platforms, as they do not yet have the network capability to issue updates, our team is working tirelessly to find other alternative solutions to provide an improved gameplay experience. We appreciate the feedback from all of our dedicated fans, and will continue to provide other updates and information when available."

If you have any comments or concerns, state them here. 2K Sports will try to get us some feedback. Please leave the sarcasm out of this thread, if you have a serious question or concern, we'll try to get the answers as soon as we can.

Game: Major League Baseball 2K8Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
Member Comments
# 61 rscotm2 @ 03/28/08 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by King Gro23
Okay my boi has 2k8 and I was chillin at his house n he put the game in like 1 hour ago and an update was avaliable and he got it, yes he has the the very first update too he bought the game on release date, So i walk back to muh house and try and I dont get no update so i delete some thing from my hard drive to save memo, and other thing shut my 360 offf n try again n no freakin update still , what the scoop be?
Can someone please comprehend what this paragraph is saying.
# 62 Mr.Wednesday @ 03/28/08 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by rscotm2
Can someone please comprehend what this paragraph is saying.
Let me try rscotm2....

"I played 2K8 at by buddies house. He appeared to get a new update (he already had the first one). I went home to check if I would get the same update on my 360. For some reason, I didn't get an update. What am I doing wrong?"

Paraphrased of course.
# 63 Bahnzo @ 03/28/08 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by Mr.Wednesday
Let me try rscotm2....

"I played 2K8 at by buddies house. He appeared to get a new update (he already had the first one). I went home to check if I would get the same update on my 360. For some reason, I didn't get an update. What am I doing wrong?"

Paraphrased of course.
I've read on the 2K boards people describing the same thing...getting another update after already having the initial update. Not sure why, but it's my guess something happened to corrupt or erase the first update and they just got it again.
# 64 therizing02 @ 03/28/08 07:39 PM
No update for me. I just tried it.

Yeah, yeah, I know, it's in MS's hands.

Just release the damn thing!
# 65 areobee401 @ 03/28/08 09:00 PM
First off let me start by saying this is not a post to bash 2k by any means.

One would think with the 2k weekend coming up the update would have been released. Same story with the demo where we get a date from 2k's mouth and they don't deliver. I'm really loving the game with SFG's sliders useing the frame rate quick so the update isnt something I need right this second.

But the problem lies in online play for me. The DRSSL League(the online league im a co commish in) is my #1 priority. The current lag issues online(which is said to be fixed with the update) is my biggest issue with 2k at this point. Also the slider issue online but thats a WHOLE other problem I have.

I just hope 2k can get all this fixed and turn this mistake filled game launch around.

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