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For everyone that skips the forums and reads the frontpage, and for everyone who has an information overload from visiting our forums, I have gathered some quick impressions from select forum users so you can get a general feel on if MLB '08: The Show is living up to its hype. Click here to read more.

Game: MLB '08: The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSPVotes for game: 97 - View All
Member Comments
# 41 kiddlex @ 03/06/08 12:44 PM
A good way to throw more balls and make the game more realistic is too turn off every cursor and of course the strike zone. Play with vibration off as well. This way when you are nibbling the corners you wont know if you are throwing a ball, a strike, or a meat ball. This greatly increases the realism in my opinion.

As far as the game reaching my expectations i would say definitively yes!! I am playing RTTS as I wait for Knight and Nemesis to work their magic and cannot believe how fun it is. Franchise is going to rock!!
# 42 SportsTop @ 03/06/08 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by Sportsforever
You know, I told my wife I was going to trade in my 360 for a PS3 (she told me no way...don't trade the 360 in, just buy a PS3) and the Show if 2K8 was a dud...unfortunately I am really enjoying 2K8 and can't justify getting a PS3 just for The Show when I am enjoying 2K8(sort of a funny catch-22, eh?). I'll probably end up buying a PS3 at some point, but it's really hard to justify $500+ on one game when I have another baseball game I am loving. Having a Blu-Ray player goes a long way to justifying it...right?
I actually enjoyed MLB 2k7 last year and didn't mind some of its flaws. However, this year after hearing about The Show and HD-DVD dying I decided I was going to buy a PS3.

I can't believe I actually settled for 2k7 last year after playing The Show. It is incredible. I don't have any other words for it.

As Pared said, the purchase of a PS3 is completely worth it just for the Blu-Ray player and The Show. Period.
# 43 Rawdeal28 @ 03/06/08 03:41 PM
this is my first year playing the show. i figured about a little over a week ago, "let me try this demo."


so i went and bought it early and i have not been dissappointed. easily the best baseball game ever made and tied with NBA 2K8 for the best sports representation and best sports game periiod.
# 44 DTX3 @ 03/06/08 04:10 PM
Im in love with all-star difficulty, i started a 15 game rivalry series between the Giants and Dodgers(me). First game at L.A. Giants get a 4-0 lead on me going into the 8th, Messenger up to pitch for the Giants and he walks the first two batters(Furcal, Martin), Jones comes up to bat and hits one to deep right field and brings in Furcal and Martin to make it a 4-2 game going into the 9th. Bottom of the 9th Kent and Loney on base with Matt Kemp up to bat against Brian Wilson...2-2 count Wilson throws a fast ball to lower right corner and BAM! Nate Schierholtz has a chance to rob one but NO WALK OFF HOME RUN!!! it was sick! the cut scenes are perfect!

Game 2 not so good...in S.F. i simply dominate with Lowe going 7 innings with a no hitter until horrible defense broke it. Bottom of the 9th its 4-4 and Saito takes it to extra innings, the game goes all the way to the 16th inning where Proctor ends up walking the first two batters for the Giants...up comes Durham and hits one to center field to take the win for the Giants and the crowd went NUTS!.

This game is hectic, i cant wait to get home and get some revenge for this horrible loss.
# 45 jdirish09 @ 03/06/08 04:35 PM
My version keeps freezing after hitting start - haven't been able to play. Any suggestions?
# 46 drlw322 @ 03/06/08 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by Sportsforever
You know, I told my wife I was going to trade in my 360 for a PS3 (she told me no way...don't trade the 360 in, just buy a PS3) and the Show if 2K8 was a dud...unfortunately I am really enjoying 2K8 and can't justify getting a PS3 just for The Show when I am enjoying 2K8(sort of a funny catch-22, eh?). I'll probably end up buying a PS3 at some point, but it's really hard to justify $500+ on one game when I have another baseball game I am loving. Having a Blu-Ray player goes a long way to justifying it...right?
that's how i did it, talked my wife into it by throwing in the blu-ray factor, and now i'm enjoying the show and rock band on the ps3
# 47 DTX3 @ 03/06/08 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by Sportsforever
You know, I told my wife I was going to trade in my 360 for a PS3 (she told me no way...don't trade the 360 in, just buy a PS3) and the Show if 2K8 was a dud...unfortunately I am really enjoying 2K8 and can't justify getting a PS3 just for The Show when I am enjoying 2K8(sort of a funny catch-22, eh?). I'll probably end up buying a PS3 at some point, but it's really hard to justify $500+ on one game when I have another baseball game I am loving. Having a Blu-Ray player goes a long way to justifying it...right?
I bought a PS3 just for Show 08...totally worth $460+, and the Blu-Ray player is just WOW.
# 48 countryboy @ 03/06/08 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by bkrich83
Totally agree.

Not to mention, I am totally addicted to the RTTS mode as well. MOM is awesome, and with in game saves now, just makes it all the better.

I was a die hard High Heater, this game has all the goodness of High Heat, but with all the added unbelievable presentation and graphics stuff to go along with it.

This is the game I have been waiting for, for longer than I care to say.

And can you imagine how much better next year's game will be given the fact that they will actually have a full year to develop it? Remember, this year's game was produced in a short development cycle because '07 released so late.

Its a good feeling to know that you are playing the best baseball game ever and quite possibly the best sports game ever and know that its only going to get better.
# 49 outten04 @ 03/06/08 07:08 PM
Yes its worth it. blu ray alone is 400 bucks . you get 2 for 1.A great video game system and blu ray.Plus, it gives you more freedom on what games are available to you.The show is awesome by the way. Best sport title ever , in my opinion.
# 50 duffman @ 03/08/08 01:23 PM
Absolutely. After debating it for about a week, i went out and dropped 450 on the ps3 last sunday, got the demo and loved it, then took a half day off of work tuesday to go grab the show. Game is amazing, haven't had so much fun with a baseball game since mvp.
# 51 obie @ 03/08/08 02:19 PM
I am loving this game! Just purchased a PS3 with The show and was amazed on how good this game is. I really think when you factor in the blu-ray player it is worth buying a PS3 for The Show. The game is that good!
# 52 The Bimmer @ 03/09/08 12:53 AM
This game has lived up to more than the hype. Graphics, realism, gameplay,presentation,etc...for anyone on the fence just go read all the posts in the "The little things thread"!
# 53 Glenn33 @ 03/09/08 01:05 AM
I'm gonna say NO - this game did not live up to the hype. Visually it's a masterpiece but I am growing more and more dissapointed with the core gameplay. Quite frankly - I struggle to get any offense out of the CPU on HOF & Allstar (and trust me - I am really not good.) I swear I had more competative games in MLB07. Other than the HUGE graphic upgrade, i just don't see anything new this game brought to the table.

I don't think it's a great game...just a good one.
# 54 Brophog @ 03/10/08 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by Glenn33
Other than the HUGE graphic upgrade, i just don't see anything new this game brought to the table.

I don't think it's a great game...just a good one.
Fair enough. When you say this though, are you comparing it to itself, or to all sports gaming/baseball gaming of the past?
# 55 Tomba @ 03/10/08 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by Brophog
Fair enough. When you say this though, are you comparing it to itself, or to all sports gaming/baseball gaming of the past?
In my opinion(completely taking out that i went and got a PS3 AGAIN just for The Show)this game is polished aside for the collision detection. yes, theres no weather/cold/dynamic lighting/clouds/cloudy/overcast games and YES there is no rain BUT what IS there is great for this year.
The gameplay is tried and true. YES it's old fashioned YES it's button pressing YES it's timed YES it's basic and simple in principal BUT again it's polished. Nowehre else will you see a gamwe run like this that can just have you playing RIGHT AWAY.

i give it my highest regard because the devleoper took the time to get the game running smoothly AND have it running smoothly with such great graphical detail.

Player faces are great grass is great and the colors ARE the best I've ever seen in a sports game. IT looks photorealistic sometimes.

BUt "did it live up to the hype' well "the Hype" made me buya PS# gain, BUt playing the actual demo THEN game has made me relish in that hype and make that hype pure bliss
# 56 Glenn33 @ 03/10/08 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by Brophog
Fair enough. When you say this though, are you comparing it to itself, or to all sports gaming/baseball gaming of the past?
I am comparing it to itself. In my opinion - the gameplay took a slight step back from last year. So while it is 2 steps forward with the visuals - it's one step back with the gameplay.
# 57 dubuque @ 03/10/08 10:41 AM
where are the fans coming and going from there seats where are the vendors they said that would be in the game
# 58 tim_anju @ 06/01/08 07:32 AM
anyone loves baseball, will surely enjoy this one. Me and my Bro plays it everynight yet we are basketball players. Hehe Currently I beat my Bro's Yanks everytime haha..
# 59 Jgainsey @ 06/01/08 08:32 AM
Having not played MLB 07 or any other game in this series for that matter, MLB 08 is everything that I hoped it would be and more. Those of you that didn't struggle through MLB 2k7 may not realize how how awesome this game is.. at least when it's being compared to it's 2k counterpart. It definitely feels good to be on the other side this year.

Though I don't think it's good enough to justify buying a ps3. But that's just me, I'm sure there are plenty of other people here who would tell you differently. For me, I was on my 5th 360 and Blu Ray had just come out as the clear winner. So when that 5th xbox died the choice was a pretty easy one. And the show definitely made the choice alot easier.

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