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# 1
lmarshalljr04 @ Aug 20, 2009
EA Madden Lawsuit

EA Madden NFL

Hagens Berman filed a class-action lawsuit against Electronic Arts (NASDAQ: ERTS) claiming the company engaged in unlawful and anticompetitive agreements that nearly doubled the price of its popular game, Madden NFL.
The lawsuit alleges EA established agreements with the National Football League (NFL), The NFL Players Union, Arena Football League and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), that drove competition out of the market and prevented new competitors from entering.
The agreements resulted in the company's flagship product, Madden NFL, to increase 70 percent from $29.99 to $49.99, the suit states.
Anyone who purchased Madden NFL from August 2005 through present can participate in this suit. You can also contact attorneys at [email protected] or call (206) 623-7292.

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