
Have you ever seen a BLOCKED FIELD GOAL in this game???

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Old 10-27-2014, 03:26 PM   #1
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Have you ever seen a BLOCKED FIELD GOAL in this game???

I'm starting to wonder if this is possible. Through several seasons of offline dynasty and online matches I've never experienced a blocked field goal. Have you ever seen one or have a tip on how to block a fg (or even come close)???
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Old 10-27-2014, 04:01 PM   #2
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jello1717's Arena
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Re: Have you ever seen a BLOCKED FIELD GOAL in this game???

Originally Posted by Rob Bec
I'm starting to wonder if this is possible. Through several seasons of offline dynasty and online matches I've never experienced a blocked field goal. Have you ever seen one or have a tip on how to block a fg (or even come close)???
I've blocked them before one of the patches but I'm 99% sure that it's physically impossible to block one after all of the patches.

This is really obvious on XPs as there's a glitch where the RG will frequently go flying backwards as if he were shot from a cannon and he and the defender will get in the way of the kick. Most of those should be blocked, but thankfully they aren't (because this probably happens roughly 25% of the time, if not more).

I'm almost positive that EA made it impossible to hit the holder (and probably kicker) to combat some online cheese. Prepatches, there was a cheesy online tactic where the cheeser (who was defending the FG/XP) would do this:
  • Walk a defender presnap into the backfield so that he's touching the holder
  • The other guy would snap the ball and kick the FG/XP
  • After the snap, the defender, who was walked into the holder presnap, would touch the holder. Because his knee is on the ground, he's marked as "tackled" even though there's no tackle animation.
  • Despite the penalty and the "tackle" the kick animation completes and the ball most likely goes through the uprights.
  • The offensive guy gets a pop-up window saying that the defense was offsides.
  • If the O guy doesn't bother to read carefully (and it's my understanding that most people didn't) then they'd assume that the choices were: 1) Accept and kick again. 2) Decline and accept the FG/XP (which they just saw fly through the uprights)
  • BUT, those weren't the choices because the holder was "tackled" so the real choices were 1) Accept penalty and rekick, 2)Decline, accept the TFL and give the other team the ball

To prevent cheesers from doing this, EA made it so that the holder can never be "tackled" even if he's touched and I'm 95% sure that a side effect of this is that FGs/XPs can no longer be physically blocked by hitting the holder/kicker. It's possible that the ball can still be blocked without touching the K/holder but I've never seen it post-patches.
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Last edited by jello1717; 10-27-2014 at 04:04 PM.
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Old 10-27-2014, 04:08 PM   #3
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Re: Have you ever seen a BLOCKED FIELD GOAL in this game???

What values can I change in the editor to see punt/FG blocks, if any?
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Old 10-27-2014, 04:15 PM   #4
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Re: Have you ever seen a BLOCKED FIELD GOAL in this game???

I have blocked a punt before. The trick is the punting team has to be backed up in the end zone so there's not the usual amount of distance between the defender and the LOS. This gives the defense just enough time to get to the punter before he kicks it.

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Old 10-27-2014, 04:54 PM   #5
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Re: Have you ever seen a BLOCKED FIELD GOAL in this game???

I don't think I've ever had a blocked field goal either for or against me, ever, going back to NCAA 2004 on the PS2. They just don't seem to consider the kicking game very carefully in this series. No bad snaps, no blocks.
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Old 10-27-2014, 06:08 PM   #6
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Re: Have you ever seen a BLOCKED FIELD GOAL in this game???


I managed to block 2 or 3 FGs with that tutorial ,but I guess I am suck at blocking FGs.

As for punt block, you will need to be on far right side that's where you will able to block the punt. However, you can't do in RTG or coach mode, though.
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Old 10-27-2014, 07:36 PM   #7
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Re: Have you ever seen a BLOCKED FIELD GOAL in this game???

Originally Posted by Cards_King70

I managed to block 2 or 3 FGs with that tutorial ,but I guess I am suck at blocking FGs.

As for punt block, you will need to be on far right side that's where you will able to block the punt. However, you can't do in RTG or coach mode, though.

That video completely changes the game for me. And now I don't care how often I succeed at blocking or not. I just enjoy knowing its possible!!!! And thanks for the punt block tip also. You're the fuggin' MAN!!!!!

Now I feel bad for Jello1717 writing that extremely long and detailed response. Thank s for trying to help tho bro. Take no offense when I say I so very glad you were wrong about this.
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Old 10-27-2014, 07:38 PM   #8
SalvArmyMatt's Arena
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Re: Have you ever seen a BLOCKED FIELD GOAL in this game???

I used to block them in NCAA 12 & 13 with a cheesy tactic. Hitting Y or Triangle repetitively pre snap as you run towards the line. I agree it's impossible in 14.
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