
NBA 2K17 Gameplay Blog with Gameplay Director, Mike Wang

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Old 09-01-2016, 07:54 PM   #217
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Re: NBA 2K17 Gameplay Blog with Gameplay Director, Mike Wang

Mike, is it lit?

23 wants to know.
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Old 09-01-2016, 07:59 PM   #218
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Re: NBA 2K17 Gameplay Blog with Gameplay Director, Mike Wang

Hey when can we expect any news on his year's classic team additions? I'm in the minority but that's honestly one of the things that matters most to me. The tease of having C-Webb in the broadcast booth is killing me here.
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Old 09-01-2016, 07:59 PM   #219
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Re: NBA 2K17 Gameplay Blog with Gameplay Director, Mike Wang

Originally Posted by Beluba
Yeah, you can turn it off. We almost shipped with it off this year, but too many shot meter addicts in house now.
Ooh, so close.

Others have said it, stay strong B and resist the inevitable crying about tuning down the consequences for reckless turboing, paint crashing, and non-stop lead passes. Gotta wean folks off of that nonsense.
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Old 09-01-2016, 07:59 PM   #220
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The sliders sound great. Hope we have them in MyCareer!
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Old 09-01-2016, 08:00 PM   #221
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Re: NBA 2K17 Gameplay Blog with Gameplay Director, Mike Wang

Originally Posted by Beluba
Here, I'll deep dive into the dribble system a bit further, since I left most of the details out of the blog.

The sig combos are all triggered the same way. If you're in 2K cam facing the rim at the top of the arc with the ball in right hand, in clock terms:

9 -> 3 = Double cross
7 -> 2 = Tween to Cross
7 -> 5 = Tween to Tween
7 -> 6 = Tween to BHB
6 -> 6 = Double BHB
3 -> 3 = Hesi Combo

The Tween to _____ combos are a 3 anim package (25 to choose from)
Double Cross is a single anim (26 to choose from)
Double BHB is one (13 to choose from)
And Hesi Combo is one (17 to choose from)

You pick a base sizeup package. There are 12 of them: 2 Basics, 4 Normals and 6 Elites. The packages contain the standing Isos: cross, tweenlegs, escape cross, bhb, stepback, hesi, escape hesi, in and out/double tap, spin and cross spin. All performed by different athletes so there's a good mix of styles here, but since they're packaged by the same player, there's a consistent look to each package now.

You also can equip a rhythm dribble (39 in total). this is the only "canned" dribble sequence left in the system. you can break out of them at anytime though.

You can mix and match the above however you want to create the style of dribbler you want.

So to answer the original question, yes, they're all triggered the same way, but the timing will be different for each person depending on what anims/packages/etc. they choose to equip.
This post had me a bit like:

Thanks a lot, hopefully they won't be too hard to execute some basic stuff
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Old 09-01-2016, 08:01 PM   #222
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Re: NBA 2K17 Gameplay Blog with Gameplay Director, Mike Wang

It's a little thing, but that part about selecting and triggering your own celebrations/emotions after a big play is sweet. I put that in one of my wishlists years ago, never thought they would actually take time put it in. Really adds to the immersion.
Did this dude just did this?
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Old 09-01-2016, 08:03 PM   #223
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Re: NBA 2K17 Gameplay Blog with Gameplay Director, Mike Wang

Originally Posted by Beluba
I like to think of the aiming mechanic as driving manual or turning off driving assists in a racing game.
Might as well use an analogy from your own game: playing Defense with Defensive Assist dialed up or down.

Originally Posted by Beluba
We also added a new Speed with Ball rating to be able to differentiate players who could move fast without the ball but dribbled slow and vice versa.
That's great and very much welcome. As are many of the control changes that you describe. More granular control to reward greater skill is always a good thing, particularly when it's an option and casual play can still be fun.

I'm especially looking forward to what sounds like much more complex and nuanced post play. Til now, there weren't enough skill factors that determined success and failure and I hope that it'll now be more on par with perimeter play, for which stick skills are much more critical (on offense and defense).

Shot Meter Off, Feedback On...BUT Shot Meter On for Free Throws

The passage regarding Free Throw Follow Through branching reminded me of a suggestion for a new setting I keep hoping will appear: give us the option to have Shot Meter turned off for normal gameplay but to have it turned on for Free Throws. It takes a lot of time to get used to the really unconventional free-throw releases (i.e. Shaq and Ewing).

Many of us prefer to shoot in-game with Shot Meter Off and Feedback On. But...may be playing with a player whose free throw animation is "weird" and which we haven't gotten used to, yet. So, in order to not brick a crucial 4th quarter free-throw, I had found myself pausing the game and switching settings before and after each free throw...and, when playing Online PvP, just bricking free throws with certain guys because I didn't want to subject my opponent to constant pausing.

MyTeam Stuff

I imagine you're not the right guy, and that it's too late, but I really hope to see these two improvements to MyTeam play:

1. Be able to access Scrimmage and Practice Plays practice modes in MyTeam, not just Freestyle. A lot of MyTeam players are very serious players and want to be able to practice plays and freelances (and defense) with their MyTeam lineups...without having to spend tons of time making custom rosters to do the same thing through the Options menu practice options.

2. Be able to overwrite the "additional" Badges of one's MyTeam cards. Maybe 2K has a reason for not allowing it, but it would really be nice to not have to commit, forever, to a particular badging decision.
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Old 09-01-2016, 08:03 PM   #224
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Re: NBA 2K17 Gameplay Blog with Gameplay Director, Mike Wang

Originally Posted by LD2k
Mike, is it lit?

23 wants to know.
That's the LD we know.
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