
Green Releases Much Rarer in NBA 2K16, No Longer 100% - More Details From Mike Wang

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Old 08-12-2015, 06:51 PM   #209
hesko's Arena
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Re: Green Releases Much Rarer in NBA 2K16, No Longer 100%

Originally Posted by 24ct
Ppl saying it's just so easy to play defense are not taking into account your player slides ALL over the place with max defender. Especially when guys side to side or dribble until they see they've 'crossed you' from some animation that has nothing to do with your actual movements.

Defense is a mess.
i hope they can figure out a way to fix this for future installments. making all the players seem like they are apart of a world that has weight and gravity. the way a player turns in certain situations, etc
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Old 08-12-2015, 08:13 PM   #210
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i hear alot of people complaining about the shot meter. Personally I dont find anything wrong with green releases going in all the time, its the closest thing that ive seen that actually makes it feel like shots are player controlled which is a great tool. no im not 1 of those guys dropping 70-90 points in the rec and i will never play with a demi. Only thing thats wrong with the shot meter is it shouldnt just reflect shot timing it should also depend on how well you are defended and floor spacing, also the type of shot you are taking.

Another complaint im always hearing is that dribble moves are to overpowered giving the shooter too much of an advantage. IMO that too is false, i know alot feel the defense is broken well im not one of them. Dont get me wrong i believe the D should be fine tuned but it works. I actually take pride in my ability to play incredible lock down Defense. ive only witnessed a small percentage that can play great D on 2K but i know they took the time to master the controls and not complain. Of course shots will be made you cant stop everything. In the NBA great Offense will always trump great defense bc the offense is on the attack

i suggest Everyone complaining all the time to just learn the controls and practice practice practice...

in the the league its the players who take time over the summer to train with certain ability coaches like post , shooting , dribbling, and strength trainers that elevate their game every year. So if someone takes the time to learn certain dribble moves, and timing of shots, and where certain shots fall easier because you are a right handed or left handed shooter they should not be penalized. To me its not cheese its called being a gym rat and learning how to manipulate animation to work for you,
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Old 08-12-2015, 10:11 PM   #211
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Re: Green Releases Much Rarer in NBA 2K16, No Longer 100%

Let me clear up a few things as there's a lot of speculation going on right now. This is why I hate Twitter. But anyway...

I have not removed "user skill." There's still a great deal of weight applied to shot timing. So knowing your players' releases is still a key success factor. It's just that shot quality is much more important this year so you have to take good shots.

For those wondering how we made green releases more rare. It's done based on shot %. So if you take a low quality shot, you basically won't be able to achieve an excellent release. As your shot quality improves, the window for an excellent release grows. So again... take good shots.

Last year, green releases were meant to be 100%. If you saw one miss, that was a bug. A good bug... but a bug nonetheless. This year, the shot bonus for greens is still pretty high and it's based on the shot %. So the higher the %, the greater the excellent timing boost. This is basically how our shot system has always worked, I just tuned it. It's kind of a mix between what we had in 14 and 15. And yes, it does kind of suck to miss a green release, but over time, it feels right. Still, I might tweak the system after getting more feedback from everyone... but nobody is really complaining about it internally.

And why don't we just remove the shot meter? Too many people like it and it's still a valuable tool. Not everyone has the time (or desire) to memorize the shot timing for hundreds of players in the league. And if you like to play with lots of teams, or just want to experiment with a new team, the shot meter is very helpful. You can always turn it off if you want.

Last thing, we CAN tune offline differently from online. So I'll be monitoring feedback closely once you guys have the game to make sure everybody's happy.
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Old 08-12-2015, 10:20 PM   #212
nova91's Arena
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Re: Green Releases Much Rarer in NBA 2K16, No Longer 100%

Originally Posted by Beluba
Let me clear up a few things as there's a lot of speculation going on right now. This is why I hate Twitter. But anyway...

I have not removed "user skill." There's still a great deal of weight applied to shot timing. So knowing your players' releases is still a key success factor. It's just that shot quality is much more important this year so you have to take good shots.

For those wondering how we made green releases more rare. It's done based on shot %. So if you take a low quality shot, you basically won't be able to achieve an excellent release. As your shot quality improves, the window for an excellent release grows. So again... take good shots.

Last year, green releases were meant to be 100%. If you saw one miss, that was a bug. A good bug... but a bug nonetheless. This year, the shot bonus for greens is still pretty high and it's based on the shot %. So the higher the %, the greater the excellent timing boost. This is basically how our shot system has always worked, I just tuned it. It's kind of a mix between what we had in 14 and 15. And yes, it does kind of suck to miss a green release, but over time, it feels right. Still, I might tweak the system after getting more feedback from everyone... but nobody is really complaining about it internally.

And why don't we just remove the shot meter? Too many people like it and it's still a valuable tool. Not everyone has the time (or desire) to memorize the shot timing for hundreds of players in the league. And if you like to play with lots of teams, or just want to experiment with a new team, the shot meter is very helpful. You can always turn it off if you want.

Last thing, we CAN tune offline differently from online. So I'll be monitoring feedback closely once you guys have the game to make sure everybody's happy.
This is all great news, especially the part about tuning online/offline separately. But, somehow, I feel that people will still be up in arms about something.
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Old 08-12-2015, 10:26 PM   #213
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Re: Green Releases Much Rarer in NBA 2K16, No Longer 100%

Originally Posted by Beluba
Let me clear up a few things as there's a lot of speculation going on right now. This is why I hate Twitter. But anyway...

I have not removed "user skill." There's still a great deal of weight applied to shot timing. So knowing your players' releases is still a key success factor. It's just that shot quality is much more important this year so you have to take good shots.

For those wondering how we made green releases more rare. It's done based on shot %. So if you take a low quality shot, you basically won't be able to achieve an excellent release. As your shot quality improves, the window for an excellent release grows. So again... take good shots.

Last year, green releases were meant to be 100%. If you saw one miss, that was a bug. A good bug... but a bug nonetheless. This year, the shot bonus for greens is still pretty high and it's based on the shot %. So the higher the %, the greater the excellent timing boost. This is basically how our shot system has always worked, I just tuned it. It's kind of a mix between what we had in 14 and 15. And yes, it does kind of suck to miss a green release, but over time, it feels right. Still, I might tweak the system after getting more feedback from everyone... but nobody is really complaining about it internally.

And why don't we just remove the shot meter? Too many people like it and it's still a valuable tool. Not everyone has the time (or desire) to memorize the shot timing for hundreds of players in the league. And if you like to play with lots of teams, or just want to experiment with a new team, the shot meter is very helpful. You can always turn it off if you want.

Last thing, we CAN tune offline differently from online. So I'll be monitoring feedback closely once you guys have the game to make sure everybody's happy.
Thanks for lowering everyone's blood pressure and tamping down the hysteria mike . The emphasis on shot quality and good shot selection is what I took from your post and was music to my ears. My only concern is what I didn't hear; namely that ratings still are taking a back seat to timing and shot selection. Can you please elaborate on how ratings factor into the perfect release equation if at all?
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Old 08-12-2015, 10:35 PM   #214
madmax52277's Arena
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Re: Green Releases Much Rarer in NBA 2K16, No Longer 100%

I could smell what the devs are cooking...simulation stew!!!
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Old 08-12-2015, 11:03 PM   #215
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The problem is the system feels arbitrary. This game is meant to appeal to the masses even though its heart is sim. The tweaks sound like the system that was in 2k15 pre patch and a lot of people were unsatisfied then and I predict they will be again. I think it would be easier to at least say the shooting percentages are based off of the players real shooting percentages first. This will make the missed green shots easier to swallow. If not it just feels like the game's shooting mechanic 's are unreliable. That's never good especially since its color coded and graded'. At the end of the day it's still a game and those unreliable signals will never sit well with the masses. Making green's rarer but lowering the success rate seems backwards.

Last edited by jbthegreat; 08-12-2015 at 11:07 PM.
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Old 08-12-2015, 11:10 PM   #216
thedream2k16's Arena
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Re: Green Releases Much Rarer in NBA 2K16, No Longer 100%

Originally Posted by Beluba
Let me clear up a few things as there's a lot of speculation going on right now. This is why I hate Twitter. But anyway...

I have not removed "user skill." There's still a great deal of weight applied to shot timing. So knowing your players' releases is still a key success factor. It's just that shot quality is much more important this year so you have to take good shots.

For those wondering how we made green releases more rare. It's done based on shot %. So if you take a low quality shot, you basically won't be able to achieve an excellent release. As your shot quality improves, the window for an excellent release grows. So again... take good shots.

Last year, green releases were meant to be 100%. If you saw one miss, that was a bug. A good bug... but a bug nonetheless. This year, the shot bonus for greens is still pretty high and it's based on the shot %. So the higher the %, the greater the excellent timing boost. This is basically how our shot system has always worked, I just tuned it. It's kind of a mix between what we had in 14 and 15. And yes, it does kind of suck to miss a green release, but over time, it feels right. Still, I might tweak the system after getting more feedback from everyone... but nobody is really complaining about it internally.

And why don't we just remove the shot meter? Too many people like it and it's still a valuable tool. Not everyone has the time (or desire) to memorize the shot timing for hundreds of players in the league. And if you like to play with lots of teams, or just want to experiment with a new team, the shot meter is very helpful. You can always turn it off if you want.

Last thing, we CAN tune offline differently from online. So I'll be monitoring feedback closely once you guys have the game to make sure everybody's happy.
sounds good but we need clarification on what you mean by shot %? is this related to individual ratings?
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