
Madden NFL 25 Videos (Taken by Attendees From Recent Community Event)

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Old 08-04-2013, 06:32 PM   #201
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Videos (Taken by Attendees From Recent Community Event)

Originally Posted by Smoke6
2005 was pretty darn close!

Not asking for perfection, but MLB the Show like quality is what im truly seeking. That passion and connection those devs have with their craft of that sport is very telling. Thats what I think we are striving for, I dunno how people think being a SIM type of game would be a bad thing when the same people always complained about how easy it is to score and that stats werent "realistic" enough!

Ironic aint it
I feel your pain man, I really, really do. But it is illogical to look at Need for Speed and start campaigning for the game to become more like Gran Turismo. Ha, ain't gonna happen! You either just have to play GT5 or Forza4 or some PC simulator. Period. Now, our pain is magnified here because there are no other current NFL games to play to give us a different type of experience, but that's 99.9% out of our control.

With this perspective, my problem with EA is that they are not putting out a high quality simcade game. SCEA puts out a high quality SIM with the Show, EVO put out a high quality arcade game with the Motorstorm Series, and SCEA put out a high quality simcade with Hot Shots Golf, so I'm just asking EA to do what they do, but do it right. There are plenty of great simcade and arcade games out there where the developer showed that passion for the quality of their product. EA needs to join that list for Madden 25.
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Old 08-04-2013, 10:00 PM   #202
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Videos (Taken by Attendees From Recent Community Event)

Originally Posted by inkcil
I feel your pain man, I really, really do. But it is illogical to look at Need for Speed and start campaigning for the game to become more like Gran Turismo. Ha, ain't gonna happen! You either just have to play GT5 or Forza4 or some PC simulator. Period. Now, our pain is magnified here because there are no other current NFL games to play to give us a different type of experience, but that's 99.9% out of our control.

With this perspective, my problem with EA is that they are not putting out a high quality simcade game. SCEA puts out a high quality SIM with the Show, EVO put out a high quality arcade game with the Motorstorm Series, and SCEA put out a high quality simcade with Hot Shots Golf, so I'm just asking EA to do what they do, but do it right. There are plenty of great simcade and arcade games out there where the developer showed that passion for the quality of their product. EA needs to join that list for Madden 25.
But answer me this...

Since NFL or pro football as a whole been around, when have we ever had a "Simcade" football league for EA to take cues from?

Im not asking for need for speed to be realistic, I as a consumer already know what the game is about and who its catered to.

I cant say the same for madden each year with there marketing blitzes throwing mixed signals into the mix. There is no real life need for speed going on, but there is a real life GT academy, but you dont see them pulling stunts with there cars when they are racing and know one is asking for that game to be arcade either.

I get what you are saying, but dont put out games like NFL blitz, Madden Arcade and then have Madden NFL and tell me to basically make the best of it if I wanna be SIM or play Sim. You logic doesnt make sense for this situation, but nice try!
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Old 08-05-2013, 12:29 AM   #203
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Videos (Taken by Attendees From Recent Community Event)

Originally Posted by Indyboy180
Alright the Franchise Nerd in me has awaken... QJB might have convinced me to give this game a look
Why is Steve Smith playing CB in that video? That's all kinds of messed up.

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Old 08-05-2013, 01:28 AM   #204
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Videos (Taken by Attendees From Recent Community Event)

I have not bought Madden since 2010 and quite frankly haven't missed it at all. I've bought NCAA a couple times and that got pretty boring quick. I was thinking about getting 25 but I still see the same type of issues with the game since I quit. I know in the videos the game doesn't have any sliders adjusted but by god do QB's ever overthrow, under throw, or force the receiver to make a very difficult catch due to a poor throw? Every single video I watch the QB's are so dang accurate. I'm still trying to figure out when these football series are going to figure out that QB's are not 100% accurate all the time. Most of the incompletions I see are from receivers dropping the ball after being hit. Every pass is basically on the money every single time. So for people that have played this game the past few years, does adjusting the sliders help with making the QB's less perfect?

The other thing that I continue to see from playing NCAA and from Madden videos year after year is that the same plays work so often. It seems like the RB screen and any short slant or flat route work every single time for at least 5 yards. To me it ruins a game when you can't select a play due to the defense never being able to stop it. I've just always felt that offense is too easy and I never have to earn my way to the end zone. The challenge just isn't there. The game just isn't dynamic where anything can happen. I'd like to see defenses adjust to what I do offensively if I'm predictable. I'd like to see the opposing defense adjust to how I've lined up offensively. The AI in this game just seems so dead and boring that the game becomes predictable. It's the exact same feeling I get from playing NHL.
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Last edited by bwiggy33; 08-05-2013 at 01:32 AM.
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Old 08-05-2013, 01:29 AM   #205
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Videos (Taken by Attendees From Recent Community Event)

Originally Posted by Maelstrom-XIII
Why is Steve Smith playing CB in that video? That's all kinds of messed up.
Dude, I didn't even notice that

I'm more excited about all the off the field stuff. It's funny... I actually think I'd enjoy Madden 25 OFF THE FIELD more than ON THE FIELD.
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Old 08-05-2013, 03:50 AM   #206
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Videos (Taken by Attendees From Recent Community Event)

Man I hope madden on next gen can get true to life gang tackling and tackling in general down. I seems like we have 8-10 tackle animations that we have seen for the past 4 years.

I also wonder when they will go to real time presentation like MLB the show. The cut scenes are just bad and are always off, either featuring a wrong player or being at a different spot on the field than the action
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Old 08-05-2013, 04:58 AM   #207
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Videos (Taken by Attendees From Recent Community Event)

Originally Posted by Smoke6
But answer me this...

Since NFL or pro football as a whole been around, when have we ever had a "Simcade" football league for EA to take cues from?

Im not asking for need for speed to be realistic, I as a consumer already know what the game is about and who its catered to.

I cant say the same for madden each year with there marketing blitzes throwing mixed signals into the mix. There is no real life need for speed going on, but there is a real life GT academy, but you dont see them pulling stunts with there cars when they are racing and know one is asking for that game to be arcade either.

I get what you are saying, but dont put out games like NFL blitz, Madden Arcade and then have Madden NFL and tell me to basically make the best of it if I wanna be SIM or play Sim. You logic doesnt make sense for this situation, but nice try!
Ha! I feel you Smoke6, I really do. And you are correct, but only within a "parallel-universe" paradigm in which we do not currently find ourselves (nor ever have with Madden). I mean, what league is Mutant Football League based off? What real fighting tournament is Street Fighter based off? Just like the games I mentioned didn't need to take cues from a real life league or tournament in order to be made into videogames, neither did Madden. And if you took away the licensing from Madden, would anyone play a game and say "wow this is supposed to Simulate the NFL." Sure, there's passing and running and throwing, but there's also passing, throwing and running in the other games you mentioned like Blitz. Who picks up Blitz and expects sim? So why pick up Madden and expect sim?

Don't be fooled into thinking that Madden by default is "supposed" to be the sim representation of the NFL just because it's players don't visually catch on fire when they get hot like in Blitz. After all, in Madden they can consistently drop back 20 yards and throw it across their body to the other side of the field for completions.

If there was no GT5 and NFS was the only racing game we had where we could drive licensed vehicles then we wouldn't put sim expectations it just because all the other games (like Burnout and Motorstorm and Micro Machines racing) were even MORE arcade. No, we would still pick up the sticks on NFS and say this is obviously not intended to be a sim, regardless of its exclusive licensing agreement with real world manufacturers. So why do it with Madden? The existence of Blitz and Madden Arcade don't make Madden sim anymore than the existence of Burnout and Twisted Metal make NFS sim. Sorry to bust the bubble.
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Old 08-05-2013, 07:05 AM   #208
infemous's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Videos (Taken by Attendees From Recent Community Event)

Originally Posted by inkcil
Ha! I feel you Smoke6, I really do. And you are correct, but only within a "parallel-universe" paradigm in which we do not currently find ourselves (nor ever have with Madden). I mean, what league is Mutant Football League based off? What real fighting tournament is Street Fighter based off? Just like the games I mentioned didn't need to take cues from a real life league or tournament in order to be made into videogames, neither did Madden. And if you took away the licensing from Madden, would anyone play a game and say "wow this is supposed to Simulate the NFL." Sure, there's passing and running and throwing, but there's also passing, throwing and running in the other games you mentioned like Blitz. Who picks up Blitz and expects sim? So why pick up Madden and expect sim?

Don't be fooled into thinking that Madden by default is "supposed" to be the sim representation of the NFL just because it's players don't visually catch on fire when they get hot like in Blitz. After all, in Madden they can consistently drop back 20 yards and throw it across their body to the other side of the field for completions.

If there was no GT5 and NFS was the only racing game we had where we could drive licensed vehicles then we wouldn't put sim expectations it just because all the other games (like Burnout and Motorstorm and Micro Machines racing) were even MORE arcade. No, we would still pick up the sticks on NFS and say this is obviously not intended to be a sim, regardless of its exclusive licensing agreement with real world manufacturers. So why do it with Madden? The existence of Blitz and Madden Arcade don't make Madden sim anymore than the existence of Burnout and Twisted Metal make NFS sim. Sorry to bust the bubble.
Its because we get promised SIM things only for them not to input them, or take them out after a year.

It is the developers and the marketing team that constantly 'sell' us a 'SIM' game and don't deliver on it.
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