
Madden NFL 13 Player Ratings - Top 10 Running Backs

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Old 08-06-2012, 10:44 PM   #121
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Player Ratings - Top 10 Running Backs

Originally Posted by PRAY IV M3RCY
I think Chris johnson is partly to blame for 1000 yard seasons not being what they use to be. Plus i think everybody would have predicted his stats to go downhill from a record breaking season. Also it has only been two years since his 2000 yard season so i wouldnt say he is in decline, as i stated all the issue that went on last season. I dont mind CJ being eleven on the list rated as a 90 as it stands he still has to prove that last season was a fluke. However wouldnt you say the same thing for AP and Jamal Charles?
Not Chris Johnson but just NFL offenses in general. Averaging 62.5 yards rushing per game just isn't as impressive as it used to be with the way offenses are these days. I don't really think Johnson is in decline, I'm just justifying why, at this point, he wouldn't be in the top ten.

AP and Charles didn't have bad years, they just got injured. Peterson was on pace for a very strong year before the injury. Charles I'd is more of a question mark because he doesn't have the track record of a guy like AP, but at this point there isn't anything yet that says he won't be virtually the same back as he was before.
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Old 08-06-2012, 11:38 PM   #122
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Player Ratings - Top 10 Running Backs

It's kinda funny how the ratings go. 99 is perfect and they are starting guys off with 97 and what not. Where is McFadden on the list???
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Old 08-06-2012, 11:54 PM   #123
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Player Ratings - Top 10 Running Backs

it is kind of funny how some people think forte is overated lol. if matt forte was playing for the raven, he would end up in the hof because the ravens have a good line. shady mccoy, foster, and ray raice all have good ol and decent supporting cast. cedric benson a solid running back and he fort with tooth and nails just to average yards 2.6 yards behind the bears ol. he went to the bengals and he look like a freaking all pro running back.
i remember the parkers game the bears won in overtime in 2009. orton could not complete a pass to say is life. forte won the game over time because the parkers have no answer for him. forte was is team best wr. how many of the running backs in the top ten list was there team best wr.
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Old 08-07-2012, 12:44 AM   #124
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Player Ratings - Top 10 Running Backs

Multiple Patriots fans wondering where Fred Jackson is draws me to two conclusions- 1. Fred Jackson deserves a spot in the top 10. or 2. The world is ending. I'm leaning towards choice 1... Also, I feel like CJ1K and/or McFadden deserve a spot somewhere. Looking back at the top 10, there are many talented backs on the list and it would be difficult finding places to put players. I would say there is about 7 to 8 players that are locks at the moment.

Last edited by brettmickey; 08-07-2012 at 12:49 AM.
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Old 08-07-2012, 01:20 AM   #125
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Player Ratings - Top 10 Running Backs

umm...where is mcfadden???? i know jamal charles didnt even play last year so how is he even in the list at least mcfadden was leading the leage the first couple games then got injured....i guess donnie and the crew just pick the top ten out of a hat blind folded and its just names that are popular i guess....somebody explain please!
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Old 08-07-2012, 01:23 AM   #126
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Player Ratings - Top 10 Running Backs

These ratings, as was the Qb ratings, are awful. Unlike the Qb ratings tho, ALL of these are awful. These ratings are way too inflated. Here's how I look at it. Let's say EA decided to put NFL Legends into the game... Oh wait.... they did. Well let's say they decided to put Barry Sanders in as a legend ....oh wait... they did. Well, Barry Sanders could be rated nothing less than a 99 OVR RB in the game so he has to be significantly better than the RB's on the game already, right? Nope. Looking at these ratings, EA, Donnie Moore to be specific, is telling me that MJD is just 2 points lower than the great Barry Sanders. I'm sorry guys, but I watch ALOT of football and I've seen MJD play ALOT and not once have I ever said to myself, " He is almost as good as Barry Sanders". Not once. Yes he's a real good RB, but he's no Barry Sanders.

That's the problem with the ratings. They don't take into account all players over time, just the players playing now. If they took into account all players that have ever played that position, the ratings would make a lot more sense. Now you're stuck with the scenario that I just mentioned. One of the greatest Players, not just RB, but PLAYERS of all time is a tad bit better than a good player today. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, there needs to be a team working on these ratings, not just one man. There has to be some kind of system with checks and balances because this is getting crazy. Not advocating Donnie Moore get fired. I'm just saying get someone else that can say "WTF? Drew Brees DAC has to be higher than 84!!!"
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Old 08-07-2012, 01:40 AM   #127
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Player Ratings - Top 10 Running Backs

Originally Posted by lalykind
umm...where is mcfadden???? i know jamal charles didnt even play last year so how is he even in the list at least mcfadden was leading the leage the first couple games then got injured....i guess donnie and the crew just pick the top ten out of a hat blind folded and its just names that are popular i guess....somebody explain please!
Because despite not playing the entire last season, Charles still has more yards than McFadden over the previous three years.
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Old 08-07-2012, 01:47 AM   #128
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Player Ratings - Top 10 Running Backs

Originally Posted by DeuceDouglas
Because despite not playing the entire last season, Charles still has more yards than McFadden over the previous three years.
Well then going by that methodology, Chris Johnson should be in the top 10.
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