
Five Reasons to Hold off on Buying NCAA Football 13

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Old 07-20-2012, 09:53 PM   #57
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They also need to mimic the college game day and the atmosphere in the staduim down to every detail. I'm looking at the 2011 michigan vs notre dame game under the lights at the big house. It's insane and the game Isn't even a bit close. The money and technogly is there why isn't this in development? Just looking at games like watch dogs and the last of us u really see the lack of attention to detail with EA. I know these games have been in development 3yrs but I mean dang EA not even close when it comes to mimicking sports. PS. Supports my ideas on the game hangers website under "avross"
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Old 07-20-2012, 10:02 PM   #58
PowerofRed25's Arena
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Re: Five Reasons to Hold off on Buying NCAA Football 13

Originally Posted by joeyi05
Is it just me or has Operation Sports been like a completely different website the past 3 months or so? Every writeup is extremely critical and almost always negative and disheartening. I'm just curious as to what's going on because there is also these pointless articles all the time too that literally no one cares about.
What exactly are you expecting? The last few years of this series have been plagued with glowing reviews that directly contradicted what most of us experienced on the field. It is nice to see the frustration with EA's complacency getting air time.

I mean even before this game was released, the article about the top reason to buy NCAA was because the game fixed glitches!!!! The best thing people could offer for this game is that online dynasties actually operate. And guess what, now they just freeze instead of transfer fail.

Many, many people LITERALLY do care about this because many of us are approaching the point where this game is unplayable. In my case, not only do I get consistent freezes, the game has LITERALLY corrupted my hard drive to the point I'll have to replace my system some time soon.

The negativity was going to catch up with a series that has made no strides to improve in a while.
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Old 07-20-2012, 10:07 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by aspengc8
I also exclusively play with Army. Are you playing on AA or Heisman, and vs CPU or HU? Also, your telling me you haven't noticed the fact that..

1. wingback toss is broken, the playside A back doesn't block correctly
2. Midline option are blocked incorrectly
3. WB dive is blocked incorrectly (FB shoots outside)
4. noone seals on speed sweep
5. playside DE is being blocked vs certain fronts on triple option

Not to mention the all around horrid blocking period.

Your probably just 'playing the game', not really caring too much about the nuances of such a complex offense.
Heisman, Hum vs CPU.

Also you're right, I'm just 'playing the game'. I don't fret over what you mentioned because I know I can't control them.

Must be why I have no issue running the option...

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Old 07-20-2012, 10:16 PM   #60
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Ok. It's official! OS is full of gamers that love to just scrutinize games!

Many of these so called issues, I have not had any issues with. There are some issues, but nothing to say the game isn't worth playing. Football has never been a perfect game! So I don't expect every play to be perfect when playing this game. Option plays get busted up! QB to HB hand offs get muffed! These issues happen in real life, so what's the issue?

A keyboard when paired with the internet obviously makes people feel they can critique any and everything and that their points are valid. SMH I don't see it.
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Old 07-20-2012, 10:18 PM   #61
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Bravo - couldn't agree anymore! Inredibly well written!

You can still enjoy the game if you "overlook" all of these things, but after a while, it gets old.
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Old 07-20-2012, 10:25 PM   #62
PowerofRed25's Arena
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Re: Five Reasons to Hold off on Buying NCAA Football 13

Originally Posted by AGG_JD
Ok. It's official! OS is full of gamers that love to just scrutinize games!

Many of these so called issues, I have not had any issues with. There are some issues, but nothing to say the game isn't worth playing. Football has never been a perfect game! So I don't expect every play to be perfect when playing this game. Option plays get busted up! QB to HB hand offs get muffed! These issues happen in real life, so what's the issue?

A keyboard when paired with the internet obviously makes people feel they can critique any and everything and that their points are valid. SMH I don't see it.
Wait, does your keyboard paired with your internet make your points any more valid than mine?

I LOVE playing the game..... when it actually operates. I've had 13 freezes that required a hard reset so far, across any number of game modes. The corresponding corrupted hard drive has caused me to not even be able to load the disc without restarting my system. I love the game when it starts and doesn't freeze, but the freezes are a pretty big problem don't ya think?
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Old 07-20-2012, 10:53 PM   #63
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Re: Five Reasons to Hold off on Buying NCAA Football 13

Originally Posted by AGG_JD
Ok. It's official! OS is full of gamers that love to just scrutinize games!

Many of these so called issues, I have not had any issues with. There are some issues, but nothing to say the game isn't worth playing. Football has never been a perfect game! So I don't expect every play to be perfect when playing this game. Option plays get busted up! QB to HB hand offs get muffed! These issues happen in real life, so what's the issue?

A keyboard when paired with the internet obviously makes people feel they can critique any and everything and that their points are valid. SMH I don't see it.
You aren't seeing it because you're most likely not looking. Like you said, you don't expect it to be perfect. It's never going to be perfect. But there a lot of people that think the game is not even "good" or that it's just average. The glaring problems don't stand out to you, but to us who actually want a better game, they do stand out and it makes us mad that the same old problems aren't being addressed while new ones are being found at the same time.

Sure there might be a lot of criticism on here but that should give you a hint. Just because you don't see any problems doesn't mean they aren't there.
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Old 07-20-2012, 11:23 PM   #64
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It's just the same game as always. I know this is about NCAA but Madden is the same. NFL 2k had maximum passing like 12 years ago. You could always determine if you lob or zip the ball. Pass trajectory is old. That is an old feature. EA is just now catching on.
The line play has always sucked. I can take Suh in Madden and never get to the QB and then a generic nobody will lead the team in sacks.
Cam Newton can't outrun linemen. Every time you try to get outside with a QB the defensive end or any lineman magically speeds up to tackle you.
Play action is worthless.
DBs and linebackers are still psychic. They still jump like superman.
The game is no longer fun. It feels like a chore to play. EA needs to put fun back in it's games. Players should play realistic.
Madden better be better.
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