
NBA 2K12 Developer Insight #4 - Playcall System

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Old 09-04-2011, 08:12 AM   #257
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Re: NBA 2K12 Developer Insight #4 - Playcall System

Don't know if this been mentioned in the thread, but court spacing looks really good this year IMO.
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Old 09-04-2011, 10:33 AM   #258
stillfeelme's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K12 Developer Insight #4 - Playcall System

Originally Posted by Da_Czar
This year you have play types which are ranked in order 1-4. They looked at the AI for calling plays and made sure the AI would have access to and utilize all plays in the playbook.

Think about it. Last year you played 48 minute games ( some of you) with 4 plays and now you can have 1 play type with as many of those types of plays in your playbook. So if you have 20 iso plays and you have a player who is an Iso he has access to all of those AND all of up to 3 more types of plays.

So the play pool has greatly expanded. This means the cpu can have multiple post and iso and pick and roll plays that are only limited by the playbooks.
Czar in here dropping knowledge. This is the first thing that stood out to me. All of those plays assigned by play types for your stars opens up things by so much compared to last year without you having to change anything at all. I know some in here want to switch up the playbook to have various plays from different playbooks say motion plays from say Utah, or they want specific screens that are ran for the baseline like Boston with Ray Allen or etc. A custom playbook is nice but if you like to play with different teams that means you probably need a custom playbook for every team you like to play with or it wouldn't work out IMO. If sounds like 2K would need implement a way to save mutilple custom playbooks for it to work out for everybody.
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Old 09-04-2011, 12:59 PM   #259
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Re: NBA 2K12 Developer Insight #4 - Playcall System

Originally Posted by tcnumba10
Another main concern was the lack of pull-up Js. It was extremely hard for the user to drive and stop and pull-up esp using Kobe trying to emulate what he does in real-life since he's not as athletic as he once was.
Not this user. I've had plenty of players light me up with Kobe's pull up J.
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Old 09-04-2011, 01:46 PM   #260
kolanji's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K12 Developer Insight #4 - Playcall System

now that is more like it when it comes to an insight the one before it was like
well that painted a very well rounded offensive approach in nba 2k12, but cant say that much defensive info can be extracted.hope when they do release an in depth info on how the defensive side of things works to kinda balance off the offensive upgrades.
Humans fear what they dont understand, hate what they cant concur i guess its just the theory of man
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Old 09-04-2011, 05:48 PM   #261
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Re: NBA 2K12 Developer Insight #4 - Playcall System

Originally Posted by Spartan901
I just gotta say Czar, you are the man and absolutely LOVE the fact that 2k involved you in the process of developing this game. With them reaching out to you in this way and Mo on the trailers, to me it shows an incredible appreciation and respect for their fan base and I am hard pressed to think of another company that includes the people that keep the boat afloat in such a marvelous way. Kudos man and much respect for 2k
Much appreciated Spartan and everyone else who dropped in. I feel like a noob if I quote every single post to say thank you but I would. LOL Thanks again I see ya'll family !!!

Originally Posted by tcnumba10
Thanks again for your insight and answering my questions Da Czar! It's great to have someone like you who represents the NBA 2K Nation Community!

I have a few more questions if you don't mind bud, regarding the penetration and defense.

How's the defense by the cpu when the user tries to force and drive their way in for a dunk? How does the cpu defenders prevent the user abusing this strategy? Faster rotations? More physical one on one D? Less dunks in the paint? Abusing turbo by the user is a non factor this year?
I don't know if it's just the way I play but on AllStar I wasn't seeing a whole lot of dunks from my team. The new contact around the rim along with better on ball defense and the deepest rotations on defense I have seen in a game= a pretty staunch defensive CPU.

A few people who have played have mentioned the rotations. Significant changes were made in that area. Can't elaborate as again I don't know if there is a defensive insight but it all comes together to make the CPU play smarter D.

Originally Posted by tcnumba10
main concern was the lack of pull-up Js. It was extremely hard for the user to drive and stop and pull-up esp using Kobe trying to emulate what he does in real-life since he's not as athletic as he once was. Are pull-up Js easier to execute and does the cpu utilize it as well more often?
I remember when I used to be concerned that the cpu wasn't tuff enough or wasn't able to score against too much pressure. But honestly after the heat had me down 26 in the first half the first time I put it on allstar I was like F the cpu... LOL The game was tougher and you can't just say oh it's tougher for this reason or that. It is a combination of things.

Now again after I get the game and play it for awhile then maybe things will be different but as it stood the cpu was no punk and not is a cheese to keep it close way that I could see.

Every year they add more basketball elements that make the game a tad more difficult. This year I believe they added more of those elements than any single year in their past. Just my opinion thought and keep in mind working on a game and sitting there playing it all day are two different things. I spent most of my time evaluating and suggesting so It could be different when I only have to play. That is key to understand when interpreting my answers.

That said I don't feel I should ever be down to the cpu by 26 points on all star.

[quote=tcnumba10;2042806336] it was confirmed by Mike Wang that there will be a walk-up the court animation this year, I didn't see it in the demo. Can you confirm to us again if it is in 2K12 and it's utilized by the cpu too?

Originally Posted by tcnumba10
are accessory colors this year? Can you choose different headband colors for home and away games? I know that in 2K11 that the armband, sleeves would change color if you used the 2ndary accessory color option but those colors were already preset...

Lastly, are there any new user/cpu gameplay sliders and/or player tendency/attributes that are in 2K12?

Thanks alot man, really appreciate your time and feedback!
Didn't have any time or inclination to look into those things tc. Apologies. The game is HUGE. and I tried to focus on the area's I could have the most impact on a short amount of time. So instead of barely looking at everything I looked deep into a few things. Or tried to anyway.
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Old 09-04-2011, 05:59 PM   #262
New Ork Giants
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Re: NBA 2K12 Developer Insight #4 - Playcall System

How's play art handled this year czar? Playing against someone next to you and trying to run a play is no fun since he can see the arrows which tells me to run this way or that way and he would just cut me off which destroys the play I'm trying to run.
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Old 09-04-2011, 06:20 PM   #263
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Re: NBA 2K12 Developer Insight #4 - Playcall System

Originally Posted by Goffs
How's play art handled this year czar? Playing against someone next to you and trying to run a play is no fun since he can see the arrows which tells me to run this way or that way and he would just cut me off which destroys the play I'm trying to run.
You could turn off play art in 2k11 already.
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Old 09-04-2011, 06:24 PM   #264
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Re: NBA 2K12 Developer Insight #4 - Playcall System

yes I know that but I don't know where it begins..I'm not one of those that memorize a few plays as I like to get everyone involved....again you move wrong and the play breaks...
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