
Phil Frazier is Leaving EA Sports Tiburon

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Old 06-18-2011, 01:51 PM   #393
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Re: Phil Frazier is Leaving EA Sports Tiburon

Originally Posted by K_GUN
for the guys that are (annually) disappointed with madden....why not update your 2k5 rosters and go about your business?...don't have an xbox?...go buy one...instead of spending $ on madden.

dropping in here every summer and pointing out what everyone who's ever played a football videogame already knows (7 times over ) seems pointless....doesn't it?
The game is seven years old ! That's why. Playing, and annually updating, a seven year old game is like taking home fat chick at the end of the night. It's just not what you set out to do; it wasn't what you were hoping for.
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Old 06-18-2011, 01:54 PM   #394
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Re: Phil Frazier is Leaving EA Sports Tiburon

Only, if you have no agenda then I would not give a rip if I was you. So what what people think. I would just ignore that instead of getting into a pissing match about. Sure your concerns and just ignore those that respond to your post. I will be honest I have seen a lot of people thrash on Madden because a certain game was their poster child and when that game got axe, Madden took the heat for it. but again I like what I am seeing from Madden 12. And again for people to say Ian and Phil had no say in this Madden 12 is pretty disrepectful in my opinion.
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Old 06-18-2011, 01:57 PM   #395
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Re: Phil Frazier is Leaving EA Sports Tiburon

Originally Posted by Illustrator76
I'd like to ask a serious question. What are the people's agenda when it comes to Madden and what do they gain from having one? 2K ain't coming back until there is an NFL license, so I don't get it. Also, what constitutes someone clearly having an "agenda" and how do you discern between that and strong constructive criticism?
They have nothing to gain. As you say 2k is not coming back unfortunately.

They are easy to spot. Posts are usually filled with vitriol and half truths. They show up in every thread and repeat themselves. They can take any thread topic and turn in to an opportunity to take a shot at Madden. They usually know who they are. They get offended when someone suggests it.
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Old 06-18-2011, 01:58 PM   #396
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Re: Phil Frazier is Leaving EA Sports Tiburon

Originally Posted by tazdevil20
This agenda nonsense needs to stop. No one has an AGENDA. That is ridiculous. We are not 12. Is someone trying to organize a protest outside of Tiburon or something? Give me a break. The posts are made because people want the game to be good. If anything, I see more "agenda" coming from the guys who blindly defend the game. Blindly defending or blindly criticizing is all the same in my book. How about being a realist and calling it like you see it? I'll admit, I'm a harsh critic of madden and the dev team. I am also someone who is the first to give them major kudos when they get something right. I want Madden to be the greatest football game ever made. If that's an agenda, then I guess I have one. This is a discussion board, it generates good discussion and gives people a broad perspective on things.

One thing I do agree on is personal attacks. Those are unacceptable. These guys have lives and are people doing their job. It's fine to say they do not do their job all that well if that's how you feel, but name calling and other slurs is something I think we can all do without.
Great post man...I have learned to filter out the posts of those that defend the game and the developers at nauseam (and we all now who they are), as well as the posts of those that complain constantly but without any constructive criticism or solutions to back it up(and we all know who they are as well).....Thing is everyone is entitled to their opinion and I never understood why people respond in a condescending matter because there opinion is different then yours ,if you dont like it simply ignore..lol....great post man

Last edited by edaddy; 06-18-2011 at 02:01 PM.
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Old 06-18-2011, 02:00 PM   #397
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Re: Phil Frazier is Leaving EA Sports Tiburon

Originally Posted by adembroski
Not a coincidence at all that the first Madden you're interested in after 6 years is the one when Ian and Phil had 3 years to put their mark on the game. Not a coincidence at all.

Ian took over as Lead Designer, and Phil as Senior Producer just prior to the release of Madden 09... Madden 09 was still firmly a David Ortiz production. For Madden 10, the team bit off a bit more than it could chew in one cycle, but you can start to see the creative direction. Madden 11 had Real Assignment AI and Locomotion, two very big technologies and bring it just a bit closer to being sim, and then you have Madden 12, where our focus has been eliminating suction and really focusing on presentation.

Now, to sit here and say it was all Ian and Phil would be wrong. It leaves out the efforts of dozens of engineers, artists, designers, and testers, all of whom have contributed to where Madden has come and where its going. I've said before, one of Ian's greatest legacies is going to be his committment to creating tools that will allow us to do more year over year going forward. One of Phil's greatest legacies is going to be one of leadership and direction that put this team on the right path.

Madden 13 and going forward are going to be awesome games, and it's unfortunate that Ian and Phil are going to be seen as the people who were holding us back simply because of the timing of their departure. The truth, however, is that where we go from here owes a lot to the path they put is on.

It bares pointing out that Madden 12 is really "Year 2" in Ian's 3 year plan, as Madden 11 ran into unforeseen difficulties in production that kept it from being the YoY leap from M10 that it was supposed to be. Still, some of the technological improvements on M11 are going to be central to the overall push we make for the next few years. Again, Loco and RAI are both huge advances in Madden in general, and both need continual improvement, but they're a foundation to work from and, more importantly, an example of a new thinking at EA that hasn't changed with Ian and Phil's departure.
Why are Ian & Phil leaving? I have Madden 10, and still play it. I really like the game. It has flaws, no doubt, but I'd say it's a good game and definitely pointed the game in a new direction that seems to be slowly continuing in. So I do agree that Ian was an overall positive influence on the Madden series. But if it was so positive, why is he out? And that's a serious question, and I'm sure there are a number of factors.

As for M11 running into technical difficulties... that's a poor excuse. For as humongous as the Madden series is, it has to be at the top of its game. I understand "it's the cool thing" to hate on the top dog, but when you're supposed to be the best, you can't screw up. My bank just screwed up, I've never really had a problem with them before, but it was a big inconvenience for me and I'm voicing my opinion by dropping them for my banking needs and going to a competitor. Unfortunately, we don't have that in the football video games world.

Still, like you said, I'm excited for the continued improvement upon what M10 laid out, M11 improved on, and what M12 has to offer on the subject.
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Originally Posted by Money99
And how does one levy a check that will result in only a slight concussion? Do they set their shoulder-pads to 'stun'?
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Old 06-18-2011, 02:01 PM   #398
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Re: Phil Frazier is Leaving EA Sports Tiburon

Originally Posted by Only1LT
I don't know if you are being passive aggressive in your statements such as the one I have bolded. You come off to me as someone who has a personal disdain for other posters and an air of superiority. Hard to tell, because it is written and subject to interpretation, but if you have a problem with me, I'd rather you just say it and I will just not respond to you further.
I do have a personal disdain for certain posters because they make getting any pertinent info off these forums near impossible. They wreck damn near every thread. Arrogant? Probably. I've been called worse by better.

Not being passive aggressive. A problem with you? Yes. In the grand scheme does that matter? Not at all.
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Old 06-18-2011, 02:05 PM   #399
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Re: Phil Frazier is Leaving EA Sports Tiburon

Originally Posted by bkrich83
I do have a personal disdain for certain posters because they make getting any pertinent info off these forums near impossible. They wreck damn near every thread. Arrogant? Probably. I've been called worse by better.

Not being passive aggressive. A problem with you? Yes. In the grand scheme does that matter? Not at all.

Cool. You, do you.
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Old 06-18-2011, 02:05 PM   #400
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Re: Phil Frazier is Leaving EA Sports Tiburon

Originally Posted by tazdevil20
This agenda nonsense needs to stop. No one has an AGENDA. That is ridiculous. We are not 12. Is someone trying to organize a protest outside of Tiburon or something? Give me a break. The posts are made because people want the game to be good. If anything, I see more "agenda" coming from the guys who blindly defend the game. Blindly defending or blindly criticizing is all the same in my book.
Blindly defending a game is actually worse; it's an optimistic form of trolling, and it sets people off. People have a reason to criticize Madden. People who defend the game time and time again (with no reason to do so) don't, and cause as many threads to go down hill as the people who are trolling. The problem is, the blind defenders of Madden can blindly defend and annoy people who have been dissatisfied with Madden with no recourse.

Blindly defending and blindly criticizing is the same, but considering the fact that Madden has a lot of things worthy of complaints, Madden's critics aren't blindly doing so. Some people say that there are trolls that will never be happy. Well, you can't tell for sure until EA puts out a football game that is on par with the rest of the sports genre.
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