
Madden NFL 10 Q&A Blog with the Dev Team

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Old 09-02-2009, 01:19 PM   #41
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Re: Q&A blog with the dev team

When did / does working on M10 patchable items stop, so that focus can start on M11?

What plans are in place to fix outstanding issues with M10 that carried over from M09, to ensure they dont get into M11?

Finally, I would just like your thoughts.

To some M10 did not live up to what you build it up to be with your posts, blogs and tweets. Much of that is derived from core gameplay issues from prior Maddens appear re-appear frequently in M10. What would you say to those people who have a hard time dealing with that?*

*Please dont tell me you dont see or think the issues exist. Humor me in the fact some people do and those issues impact the progress your team tried to make.

Last edited by RyanMoody21; 09-02-2009 at 01:20 PM. Reason: Clarity
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Old 09-02-2009, 01:19 PM   #42
senfgastn's Arena
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Re: Q&A blog with the dev team

Originally Posted by Ian_Cummings_EA
Hey guys -

We're back in full force now after our wind-down, and we've been working on a "FAQ" blog to put out. Posting on forums and answering questions directly on Twitter just hasn't been widespread enough (since we keep getting the same questions asked), so this seemed like the best logical idea.

I've definitely been trying to read everything from the community, but I figured I'd open it up to make sure we gather all the most important questions in one place. We'll close this up by the weekend and try to have the blog out next week.


To get the big one out of the way:

"When is the first title update coming out, and what is in it?"

The first patch is done on our end and in the hands of 3rd party for approvals, so I *think* we'll be able to release all the details about what's in the 1st title update in the official FAQ blog.

So...fire away!
So, are you answering questions in this thread or in the soon-to-be blog? Because it seems like the same tired-*** questions are already being asked in this thread...
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Old 09-02-2009, 01:21 PM   #43
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Re: Q&A blog with the dev team

Hey Ian I hope you enjoyed your vacation..just a few quick things

I think some things to fix would be-

1. Stadium specific sounds-such as the Jets chant we were told they would be in the game and they arent. This would add lot to the game.

2. Ability to edit a lot more player options, such as players hair styles. Alot of players who have dreadlocks don't have them in the game such as the Jets David Clowney. It's these little things that mean a lot. Also adding things like eye black.

3. More logos in create-a-team. At least add letters as logos.

I just think there are a lot of little things that need to be added such as these that would make this game great along with gameplay issues.

Thanks alot
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Old 09-02-2009, 01:25 PM   #44
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Re: Q&A blog with the dev team

1st, i wanna thank Ian and EA for listening to some of our wishes. I'm very glad to see refs back on the field and chain gang. Also u guys have stepped the presentation up a bit. But there is still work to be done for the next madden. Heres some questions I have regarding Madden 10.

1.Will the commentary be redone? because its so robotic and has no emotion. Also are u guys gonna try to put commentary on the highlights? ESPN 2k5 did a good job on that.

2. Everything u see on Sunday. Will we see cheerleaders agn in Madden 11?. Also will the fields get messed up over time during gameplay and jerseys get dirty like the last gen maddens?

3. Also on NCAA 2004. I noticed when the home team was getting dominated. The crowd would leave and u would see a lot of empty chairs. Will this be implemented in 11?

4. Will the tackling physics be revamped? I've noticed that i cant get a double tackle with the hit stick or at all to be exact? Also i cant even hit stick any reciever that jumps to catch the ball.

5. Running animation are bad. The strides are to low and when u break away. Ur head and back straightens. Tell me u guys will correct this problem. If all else fails just port the running animation over from Madden 2004 or 2005. Because that was done correctly.

6. On the last gen consoles. When u played at 4:30pm. After each quarter u would see the sun setting till it got dark out. Also with weather. When it would rain or snow. It would stop periodically, then start agn. Will That be back in the nxt game. Cuz i was hoping it would hav been in 10

Lastly. Would u add more catching physics? Like bobbling the ball, but make sure it looks real. So if sum1 hits u in the animation, u should drop the ball.

Also this is how halftime/post game and weekly wrap up shows should be done. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9O6jKorLRo

Now i know u guys just finished Madden 10, and i know u probably cant fit them all in by nxt year. But these are just good ideas. Thx agn Ian!
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Old 09-02-2009, 01:26 PM   #45
Sorry, I Got Nothing...
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Re: Q&A blog with the dev team

Here is my list of questions:

-Will some of the animations that look weird and play out in the wrong situations be fixed? (e.g. the over the shoulder catch happening WAY too frequently).

-Will DBs cutting on routes at the EXACT same time as the receivers (sometimes they even cut before the receivers do) be fixed?

-Will DBs in perfect position to make plays yet just stand there and do nothing even when you mash on the swat button be fixed? For those that call this a minor annoyance, I will ask: Would it be OK if the same thing happened to your QB when trying to throw the ball?

-Will CPU LBs and DTs that drop back in coverage and stand there and watch balls literally sail right over their heads to receivers standing directly behind them be fixed?

-What happened to custom stadium sounds like the Lions siren that plays when they score a touchdown, or the lion roar that happens on first downs? It was in the game last year (and the year before that) if I remember correctly.

-I have had three games now where the first play of the game the CPU RB breaks out of a 4-6 man Pro-Tack "scrum" and runs for a 65+ yard touchdown. Can this be toned down?

-Will receivers having no sense of the sidelines at all be fixed?

-Will suction blocking be fixed?

-Speed often times seems to be more important than route running for WRs, will this be fixed/adjusted?

-WRs don't go and get or battle for the ball enough. They are just content to do the good ole' "right in the bread basket" catch, which is totally useless in most situations. Will this be fixed?

-Still can't get pressure on the QB, and even if you do get to the QB, the CPU refuses to take sacks and always "magically" finds an open receiver just before getting hit. Will this be fixed?

-Will the terrible pursuit angles taken by the CPU defenders be fixed?

-Will the excessive trucking by backs and wide receivers who shouldn't be trucking be fixed?

-Will physics on batted passes be fixed? The ball should be going straight to the ground in most instances, not bouncing off guys leg or bodies and then magically floating in the air for the safety or LB to intercept.

-Zone coverage is broken altogether, and safties in zone don't always break their coverage assignment and come to make a tackle when the offense calls a run play. Will this be fixed?

-Will pass rushers with a clear shot at the QB inexplicably changing directions and delaying sacking the QB be fixed?

-As mentioned numerous times, passing to the flats is way too easy, as is beating the CPU when they blitz. Almost every time the CPU blitzes there is a man wide open that can gain HUGE amounts of yards if not a touchdown. Will this be fixed?

-Will seeing more variety in penalty calls be fixed? (e.g. Defensive Holding, Pass interference, etc...)

-CPU quick snap is still alive and well and is flat out terrible on Field Goal attempts, will this be fixed?

-DB and WR jostling is barely present, will this be fixed?

-Adaptive AI isn't working properly, will this be fixed?

-Wide receivers in the run and return game (especially on breakaway runs) turn and block the wrong guy, allowing defenders to make plays on you that they shouldn't have been able to. Will this be fixed?

-Will Lower rated DTs coming off their blocks too easily and making plays on runs up the middle be fixed?

-On kick returns there are still blockers that sometimes run all the way downfield past the defenders and towards the end zone (all the while blocking not one soul), will this be fixed?

-Toss and sweep plays still get blown up way too much for lost yardage. Ditto for screen plays (there always seems to be a DT that is standing right next to my RB, even if that's the first time I called that play). Will this be fixed?

-CPU still punts the ball through the end zone instead of trying to pin me deep, will this be fixed?

-WRs on some plays (curl routes especially) just stand there frozen solid after running their route, most times even after the play breaks down. Will this be fixed?

-Weight, momentum and physics seem to mean absolutely NOTHING. There are certain animations where a guy is on his way to the ground, only to magically pop back up and truck someone for extra yards. Will this be fixed?

-There are still way too many missed blocks/people blocking the wrong guy in the run game. Will the run blocking AI/Logic be fixed?

-Will DBs and WRs warping forward a few yards to catch/intercept passes be fixed?

-Fields don't degrade enough, or at least some (like Heinz Field) should degrade a lot more than others. Will this be fixed? (It was patched before in the past).

Last edited by Illustrator76; 09-02-2009 at 03:43 PM.
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Old 09-02-2009, 01:26 PM   #46
Stacks's Arena
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Re: Q&A blog with the dev team

Will Draft History of players be patched back into the game since they were forgotten to be added this year?

Also, will the sacks issue be fixed in the first patch. Meaning, will we be able to get sacks with our OLB's from a 3-4 defense?

On a side note, you could have gotten less clutter if you would have posted what was fixed in the first title update since you said it is done already? Why wait until next week?
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Old 09-02-2009, 01:27 PM   #47
parrothead's Arena
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Re: Q&A blog with the dev team

Can or will Franchise stats be fixed OLB sacks, CB tackles, RB TD's, RB2 YPC, etc...?

CPU playcalling is at best questionable, they don't look at the formation as much as down and distance, can this be fixed?
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Old 09-02-2009, 01:28 PM   #48
OG_McNabb's Arena
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Re: Q&A blog with the dev team

Is the "depth of field" effect broken or did it not make it in on the
PS3 version?
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