
Madden NFL 10 Gameplay Video: Eagles @ Cowboys (IGN)

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Old 05-30-2009, 10:36 PM   #897
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Gameplay Video: Eagles @ Cowboys (IGN)

Originally Posted by icomb1ne
I really think if Madden to be as realistic as we want it to be, the thing it needs is a complete makeover in the locomotion department.
Yeah I agree. Locomotion needs to be worked on. Players still turn on a dime...

And yes I know its an early build, but seriously, how much are you expecting it to change come August. What we are seeing right now is probably very close to what we are getting.
But the thing is though that that vid had a lot of stuff cut from it so we didn't see everything. Also, the game's difficulty setting is on pro, and as stated by Ian, the difficulty settings (rookie/pro vs. all-pro/all-madden) will be VERY different in play. Also, this is the new head dev team's first year this gen with madden. We can't base how much can be done from here until the game goes gold on how in it was at the same time period for previous years since there's different people in the head making the decisions.

I can't wait for more recent vids to come. I'm hoping we could somehow get an all-pro/all-madden vid of the game...
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Last edited by Bgamer90; 05-30-2009 at 10:39 PM.
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Old 05-30-2009, 10:40 PM   #898
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Gameplay Video: Eagles @ Cowboys (IGN)

Originally Posted by whoady4shoady
What good is presentation when the gameplay still looks like this

I'll give you a better answer after Aug. 14th when I actually play it for hours instead of giving a preliminary critical eye to the game 2.5 months before it comes out.

All I care abut is if game play is improved, and presentation has vastly improved since 09.
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Old 05-30-2009, 10:48 PM   #899
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Gameplay Video: Eagles @ Cowboys (IGN)

Pretty crazy thread, here's my take.

It's a shame there is only one Pro Football game. 2004 was a great year that brought good competition between 2k & Madden.
Ea secured the license and 2K was no more. Madden in my eyes has not replaced that empty void the 2k gamers feel.

All-Pro Football 2k8 was good but lacked features and was ultimately missing a lot of things.

Madden 2010 from what I've seen has not really impressed me. The #1 thing that bothers me are the animations. The way players move ( everyone) just doesn't seem rite to me.

It's cool that the Devs interact with the forums, 2k devs are no where to be found...... So that's a + to EA.

Madden has had about 4 years now to perfect their engine & they still have not achieved it.

My last post in this thread, here's hoping that 2k can get the license back to make football games and Ea gets the license back to make baseball games so us as the consumer can have options in games that we prefer.

Ian your never going to convince 2k gamers...........

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Old 05-30-2009, 10:54 PM   #900
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Gameplay Video: Eagles @ Cowboys (IGN)

After watching the video about 30 times, here's my conclusion.
1. The graphics are great
2. The snickers advertisement has to go.
3. Hammond sucks but would be much better if he would be quiet during the entire pregame and replace that with stadium noise, music ect and just let him do play by play. Would also be alot better if he would call players by name... i know it can be done.
4. Fans aren't always jumping around and dancing in the stands... save that for when a touchdown or turnover happens.
5. Pressure needs to get there quicker, small graphics issues, turning on a dime, procedural awareness and synchronization problems which all of these I expect to be fixed before the game ships so no problem there really.
6. Fans look too much alike... just lazy there.

more when I think of them

Last edited by olemish; 05-30-2009 at 10:59 PM.
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Old 05-30-2009, 10:56 PM   #901
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Gameplay Video: Eagles @ Cowboys (IGN)

Originally Posted by J_FRANK
Pretty crazy thread, here's my take.

It's a shame there is only one Pro Football game. 2004 was a great year that brought good competition between 2k & Madden.
Ea secured the license and 2K was no more. Madden in my eyes has not replaced that empty void the 2k gamers feel.

All-Pro Football 2k8 was good but lacked features and was ultimately missing a lot of things.

Madden 2010 from what I've seen has not really impressed me. The #1 thing that bothers me are the animations. The way players move ( everyone) just doesn't seem rite to me.

It's cool that the Devs interact with the forums, 2k devs are no where to be found...... So that's a + to EA.

Madden has had about 4 years now to perfect their engine & they still have not achieved it.

My last post in this thread, here's hoping that 2k can get the license back to make football games and Ea gets the license back to make baseball games so us as the consumer can have options in games that we prefer.

Ian your never going to convince 2k gamers...........

You are right, this is a pretty crazy thread with a ton of optimism for the future.
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Old 05-30-2009, 11:26 PM   #902
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Gameplay Video: Eagles @ Cowboys (IGN)

Its funny how people say players still turn on a dime when Ian did a blog on this very subject.....He said that THEY MADE THE TURN WIDER IF THE PLAYER IS HOLDING THE SPRNT BUTTON..... We dont know that the player was holding sprint or not so to say that momentem hasnt changed is just stupid
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Old 05-30-2009, 11:54 PM   #903
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Gameplay Video: Eagles @ Cowboys (IGN)

Originally Posted by celg35
here we go again!!!!. you would think by adding these things they are stepping it up...............c'mon people lay off EA . lets wait till after E3 to make a final decision about madden
I totally agree...atleast they are addressing the badly needed presentation...i was hyped by the cut scenes..it'll bring the game to life much more along with the other presentation stuff they are doing
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Old 05-31-2009, 12:14 AM   #904
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Gameplay Video: Eagles @ Cowboys (IGN)

Originally Posted by J_FRANK
It's cool that the Devs interact with the forums, 2k devs are no where to be found...... So that's a + to EA.
Agreed. I was really looking forward to reading Ian's explanation of what made it, what didn't, and why. He really got a lot of respect in my eyes when he said he was going to write it up, but then immediately after when the first real game play comes out, he decides to take a break. I know E3 is this week, I think EA would have been better served if he had said he needed to focus on E3 this week (which was understandable, it's crazy there right?) instead of saying he was taking a break from the forums due to the negative feedback. The mods here at OS are pretty good at shutting down the guys that just harrass / take things off topic. When there's uncertaninty, or questions regarding the game, that's when you need your representative. Hyping the game by revealing features early is great, but being there to explain why it doesn't meet fan's expectations is even more important.
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