
Madden NFL 10 Blog: Player Ratings - A New Philosophy, A New Era

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Old 02-09-2009, 11:48 PM   #129
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Re: Madden NFL 10 blog 2: Ratings philosophy by Donny Moore

Originally Posted by Details
Great change! It makes sense to "stretch the ratings."

My immediate concern would be that an average CB would never be able to cover a star WR. Also, if the new ratings philosophy somehow makes the Cowboys into an even bigger juggernaut, then that's not good.

However, I trust you guys to find a way to make it work. Here's one way: defensive assignments.

Thanks for the blog and tune with care!

Cowboys a juggernaut?? Doubtful in 10! Romo is down, TO is down, Marion Barber down....all of those guys had worse 2008's than they did 2007's, so we will be sure to reflect that in Madden 10...some of the Dallas OL like Gurode and Leonard Davis will still be elite...same thing with super stars like Jason Witten, Terrence Newman, and DeMarcus Ware.

Big Roy Williams in Dallas is an 82 after my first pass. Hard to like anything about Roy after last season.
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Old 02-09-2009, 11:51 PM   #130
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Re: Madden NFL 10 blog 2: Ratings philosophy by Donny Moore

Originally Posted by splff3000
Actually this is a valid question. If you slow everyone down, but keep the fast players fast, that's gonna make them extremely fast. Having said that, I do agree Chris Henry should be fast as heck, but I don't wanna see him trucking too many people. That has been the problem in the past. You have a fast player, but he is over rated because he's doing things that he's not known for, like trucking people in Chris Henry's case. As long as Chris Henry is fast as heck and that's about it, then it should be close to accurate.

EDIT: Chris Henry(above) should say Chris Johnson

Chris Johnson currently in Madden 10:

99 SPD

64 Trucking

He goes down after first contact about 90% of the time right now. He's still elusive, but don't run many HB Dives with Chris Johnson...bring in LenDale for that.

Last edited by Donny_Moore; 02-10-2009 at 12:10 AM.
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Old 02-09-2009, 11:52 PM   #131
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: Player Ratings - A New Philosophy, A New Era

[quote=Ian_Cummings_EA;To counter this on the defensive side, [/quote]

I take comfort in this part. Because to me it speaks of balance.

At first reading about breaking big runs with 80 speed backs...and "All I had to do was beat the Safety, and I was gone!"...had me a bit worried. In my experience[franchise mode] with the Madden game, a big play is a big play...because it doesn't happen repeatedly. My last franchise game was a 17-12 loss to the Cards...and I loved it.

Overall I'm happy with the news about the changes to the player ratings. I do think there were too many players just simply rated too high. As long as these changes don't upset the all important balance to the gameplay, I'm all for it. Donny did mention something along the lines of..."In order to achieve sim..." So I trust we'll be fine.

Last edited by Vikes1; 02-10-2009 at 12:10 AM.
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Old 02-09-2009, 11:55 PM   #132
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: Player Ratings - A New Philosophy, A New Era

Great idea, I was wondering what y'all were gonna do to separate star players this year. Please pass this awesomness to NCAA as well. =)
Roll Tide
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Old 02-09-2009, 11:59 PM   #133
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Re: Madden NFL 10 blog 2: Ratings philosophy by Donny Moore

Originally Posted by adub88
This is even better than the first anouncemnt. Ian can you talk a little bit about the Jump rating. I just don't feel that it really has had an effect in the game as it really should.

Are guys like Larry "Fitz" gonna be a problem in '10? Also I hope the jump button is made more responsive. There's nothing more frustrating than pushing the jump button and the reciever just throws his hands up.

Yes, Larry Fitgerald is staring 99 JMP right in the face for Madden 10 and is saying "Hello"!!!!! Sorry, what else can we do there, the guy is sick.

I will let others speak to any perceived gameplay issues concerning the JMP rating, I can only speak to rating related issues.

Let me also throw a defensive bone as well here...Mr. 3 Name...Dominique Rodgers Cromartie will join Mr. Fitz at 99 JMP in Madden 10.
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Old 02-10-2009, 12:00 AM   #134
cowboy_kmoney's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: Player Ratings - A New Philosophy, A New Era

This is big and I mean big news,Because now will know who to play and see what the backups we draft can do under pressure.EA we still have a long way to go but it sounds good enough to fill us up till our next meal.Stay tune madden fans...
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Old 02-10-2009, 12:00 AM   #135
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: Player Ratings - A New Philosophy, A New Era


Dont know if this has been asked? BUT in 09.....lets see how I can put this.........RATINGS DID NOT MATTER. You could drop a guys jump rating to 0 and he would still jump upto bat down passes. Same thing with trucking, I am sure you saw the Youtube video of the guy who created a 5-6 170 rb with 0 trucking and 0 break block and he still trucked guys like T. Suggs and Ed Reed. In theory all of this sounds great. BUT and its a big BUT (|) this is assuming ratings will matter now correct?
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Old 02-10-2009, 12:02 AM   #136
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: Player Ratings - A New Philosophy, A New Era

Originally Posted by Krioniq
THANK YOU! One of my biggest gripes with Madden recently has been ratings inflation; I think on the latest roster update in Madden 09 there are 17 LTs with a rating of 90 or better; effectively half the league has what I interpret to be a Pro Bowl caliber left tackle, which simply isn't true in real life.

I hope that this does have as significant of an impact on gameplay both on the field and in franchise mode as you describe, Ian.

Question though, if I may: if the average NFL player is now a 70, what is the average starter?
Just did a first pass of LT's today, you will be happy to know...there are now only seven 90+ LT's in Madden 10.
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