
NBA Live 18 Videos Released

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Old 06-01-2017, 03:56 AM   #193
TreJayMMA's Arena
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Re: NBA Live 18 Videos Released

Originally Posted by noshun
Nemesis if this is directed to me, I'll take the bait. I've done more than you think. I went to school for game design at DigiPen. I've worked for Nintendo of America, Microsoft Game Studios, and EA as a QA Tester. I was specifically put on Live for a few years. I've also emailed the CEO of EA Canada at the the time David Gardner, as well as a few devs working on the game a week later when Live was being produced there. I've been there at the EA campus in Burnabya few times, because I lived in North Van at the time, taking Graphic Design at Capilano College, and knew people that worked there and they knew my background.
I've had EA devs/CM PM me directly on these forums because of that email, asking me about it and telling me how the CEO made the whole Live team read it. The only thing I didn't disclose was that I was testing the game or I would've been easily singled out. I can tell you of the time I submitted a notebook about 50 pages deep with issues, directly to the devs only to get a thank you note back stating "thank you for pointing out these issues, but these weren't what we were looking for at that time."
I can tell you about NBA live 07 still using Genesis code called AI94, 2 gaming generations later, did you know that? I saw the code myself with a programmer buddy who decompiled 07 and a Genesis cartridge, the main reason I wanted to learn code, on top of being an animator.

I've done more than you think. Have you done anything close to what I wrote in any capacity whatsoever? Guess what WTF (Will and a few others on this very forum can confirm everything Im telling you. But I don't know what I'm talking about? . I sent them things you haven't seen or heard. I know plenty of people in the industry at a few companies including 2k and keep in contact with them from time to time.

So when I see quotes like this, I can only shake my head:

I'm not going to name who wrote this, but it's from a few pages back. this is SLA mentality. Im not saying he's one, its just the mentally in this forum. READ that quote.

1. This person wants stiff movement all day, with an if?.
2. How can a person settle for stiff movement, but wants all the other issues fixed? Does that even make sense? This person wants everything else fixed, excluding the stiff movement. Why not just fix everything?
3. How can you have good gameplay with still having stiff movement? Movement affects the gameplay.

Its a never ending cycle of mediocrity, and settling. Please respond, and make it good. Not that I need validation, but whatever.. I still have more to talk about, just barely touched the surface..
I agree with everything you said.

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Old 06-01-2017, 10:54 AM   #194
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Re: NBA Live 18 Videos Released

EA Developers please introduce a speed slider like the competition has so we can have fast explosive gameplay. This may get rid of the stiff animations and movement.
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Old 06-01-2017, 11:12 AM   #195
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Re: NBA Live 18 Videos Released

I remember one year in when PS1 first came out I bought Live, NBA in the Zone, & NBA Shootout. I love 2k but I love having options! I hope this game is solid.

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Old 06-01-2017, 02:12 PM   #196
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Re: NBA Live 18 Videos Released

Originally Posted by jadert
You're wasting your time. Some guys just won't get it. Not after embarrassing sales, not after low reviews, not after obscurity, etc. Some people will continue to get excited over very barebones stuff and think that Live will be making a comeback. The common response is that its "your opinion". Yeah, and 5 million others that chose to buy ANOTHER game that also has many flaws. Thats a pretty strong opinion.
You or others aren't going to tell me what to buy or what to like. I like what I see with Live 18. I don't care about reviews, sales, etc. It's irrelevant. The point of a video game is to have fun, relieve stress, play with friends, etc. If I get what I want personally, why should I care about what you guys think? Some people have higher standards. Some people don't need bells and whistles to make them happy. Some have unrealistic expectations. I want a fun game and I feel this game will be. We will see on June 10 how this game is, so I think its best we hold back until we get more footage.
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Old 06-01-2017, 07:10 PM   #197
FerdBrown's Arena
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Re: NBA Live 18 Videos Released

Originally Posted by Hellquist
You or others aren't going to tell me what to buy or what to like. I like what I see with Live 18. I don't care about reviews, sales, etc. It's irrelevant. The point of a video game is to have fun, relieve stress, play with friends, etc. If I get what I want personally, why should I care about what you guys think? Some people have higher standards. Some people don't need bells and whistles to make them happy. Some have unrealistic expectations. I want a fun game and I feel this game will be. We will see on June 10 how this game is, so I think its best we hold back until we get more footage.

Very well said.
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Old 06-01-2017, 07:11 PM   #198
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Re: NBA Live 18 Videos Released

Originally Posted by bigeastbumrush
We're smarter than this.

A marketing department slaps lipstick on a pig meaning they take from what will draw the most attention and publish it for the masses. They would never intentionally release bad footage. Let's face it..this was the best stuff they could find.

I don't care how many carryover animations they scrap. It won't be enough because that sig animation of Harden is what they chose to feature...and it looks like crap.

New tech means absolutely nothing if it cannot animate fluidly. You cannot hide animations when there are only 10 players on a court.

What is the point of releasing yet another game that can't even get the barebones right?

And who are the yes men working there telling each other that this nonsense is acceptable in 2017?
To each their own, but the marketing for Live hadn't been there for years. I could capture things that equal or surpass these clips in Live 15 or 16 given time. And definitely Live 18.

I've Harped on animations, I've Harped on the basic fundamentals, I've harped on features, etc. I've been a consistent critic of the game every time my hands were on the game, but for each time I've shared my voice or cojcern, another voice praises the very things I critique. These clips are a prime example. I don't like some of what I see (and had voiced that with respect to some of the animations earlier), but I've gotten a ton of dm's since it released telling me how awesome they think it looks. I don't know, personally.

Different strokes for different folks I guess. And I can remember enough animations and situations that played out the last time I was down that would have far outweighed these clips in my mind. I can think of a handful of oh crap moments that I wish I could've shared that looked oh so good, But unfortunately I'm not capturing footage for marketing.

I get you though, trust me, I do.
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Old 06-01-2017, 08:43 PM   #199
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Re: NBA Live 18 Videos Released

Originally Posted by WTF
To each their own, but the marketing for Live hadn't been there for years. I could capture things that equal or surpass these clips in Live 15 or 16 given time. And definitely Live 18.

I've Harped on animations, I've Harped on the basic fundamentals, I've harped on features, etc. I've been a consistent critic of the game every time my hands were on the game, but for each time I've shared my voice or cojcern, another voice praises the very things I critique. These clips are a prime example. I don't like some of what I see (and had voiced that with respect to some of the animations earlier), but I've gotten a ton of dm's since it released telling me how awesome they think it looks. I don't know, personally.

Different strokes for different folks I guess. And I can remember enough animations and situations that played out the last time I was down that would have far outweighed these clips in my mind. I can think of a handful of oh crap moments that I wish I could've shared that looked oh so good, But unfortunately I'm not capturing footage for marketing.

I get you though, trust me, I do.
Will this is the very thing you and I talk about. The devs think it looks good because you got the SLA mentality running around in these forums that don't provide feedback. You can spot it easily. They provide no feedback on what they don't like or like. Its all "yes man" mindsets.

Just look at the examples. You got guys posting about, "no one is gonna tell me what to like or don't like." Or " you cant tell me what to buy or don't buy." Notice how no one on the forums brought that up except them. They didn't say 1 word on the issues, because they don't give feedback. Theyre drawing straws trying to come up with something to resemble a rebuttal, its so weak.. They can buy and like whatever they want. No dispute from me there. I'm all about addressing legacy issues, and from what I highlighted Will, I just don't get why the devs don't get that it looks bad at times. Real head scratcher there.

One guy wanted to call me a Live h a t e r, but due to the fact I've listed the things I've seen and done to try to get the issues fixed, he hasn't responded. Its was all B-Rabbit vs Papa Doc, and Im still waiting for Zak or Nemesis to respond. But I know they wont, don't have a leg to stand on. I have tickets to the June event, not sure if I can make it or not. If that was EA's best effort to release footage of spactic animations with mocap, this game is gonna be another Live bargin bin filler.

Its why the devs who work in a bubble, end up posting blogs not understanding the reactions to the game. Its sad man. Who is really gonna care about WNBA being in the game. That's just a ploy to try to get females gamer purchases. Not saying that it isn't a good idea to add new modes like that or Drew League, but if the game move like players trying to play basketball on skates and crutches, will any of those modes matter?
This is Lives last game, calling it now. I may be wrong, but my gut says this it the end..
NBA Live is the epitome of Cancel Culture..

Originally Posted by Dounte/MLBNFLNBALGS
I'd be the first to call myself a hypocrite.
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Last edited by noshun; 06-01-2017 at 09:15 PM.
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Old 06-01-2017, 10:16 PM   #200
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Re: NBA Live 18 Videos Released

noshun to answer question 3 in your previous post, "How can you have stiff movement and good gameplay?"

Well, with today's technology there are limitations to the animation system. You either commit to a static animation which may look good but will be slower to break out of or lock you in entirely. OR have something more dynamic which can react quicker to player input but will result in the animation looking jerky.

What ISN'T acceptable is to have stiff animations in a marketing video, where they can use and abuse camera angles all day to make something look good.

I have always liked this dude ThaLiveKing's Live videos on YouTube way more than what the EA marketing team puts out. And he is doing his with real game footage and not all the fancy marketing video tools the Live team owns.

Anyway, I believe Live is committed to having the game "feel" right, and get the player in the right position facing the right angles and responding the way they should to inputs, and THEN making the animations fit that mold. The problem is, they've taken this approach and always failed to deliver on a strong gameplay experience, which is no bueno.

This is their big push. You are right it may be the last Live if it doesn't sell. And even if it does sell, I think the deal 2K struck with the NBA for eSports really puts a modest size nail in Live's coffin. We'll see how that plays out though.
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