
NBA 2K12 Review (360, PS3)

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Old 10-10-2011, 05:51 PM   #41
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Re: NBA 2K12 Review (360, PS3)

The thing I don't like about the review is that it doesn't seem to take any intangibles into account. I think the degree of programming difficulty present in NBA2K from the standpoint of implementing signature style for pretty much every player and giving gamers the ability to customize these styles is pretty unprecedented to my knowledge; don't think another game comes close to that level of programming difficulty. Not going to list the gameplay enhancements that go along with that but I do think gameplay the game is likely top 1-3 representations of it's sport. Likewise the level of Presentation in this game; imo it's not just better, it really sets the standard for other games to be judged against bar none. Not only did they set a standard for presentation in regular game mode games, they also went WAY beyond with what they did presentation-wise for the Legends.

Another intangible not taken into account imo is the amount of content in this game versus other sports games. Again, I haven't played every sports game so I don't know what other games are doing content-wise. But this game has modes beyond what most games have in the Legends mode (which was done extremely well, with it's own presentation elements dedicated to it), Blacktop which is always overlooked/taken for granted, Online Franchise which to my knowledge isn't a staple in all sports games, and My Player. My point is the degree of difficulty implementing everything in the game would seem to be quite different from a game just doing "the basics", so to speak. What's the incentive for a developer to try to go above and beyond when they'll be judged no differently (or perhaps even harsher, because the standard is higher(?)) if they don't excel at something considered basic.

I'm not much of an online player but have dabbled this year after reading all the complaints just to see what it was about myself. Out of maybe 10-12 or so attempts to connect I'd say 4 times I couldn't connect at all, had 3 where the connection dropped at different parts of the game and was able to have 5 complete games; 4-1 record against randoms. In every game I was able to play, the person played questionably - attempting to steal constantly, jumping inbounds passes, etc. Not that they knew it, they just played that way. I don't want to knock online play but it's really subjective in terms of the experience you'll get. Some people won't even touch My Player. Or Blacktop. Or online association. Or offline association (which to my understanding is still one of the top franchise modes in sports gaming).

Either way, just wanted to rant so /rant. Would like to see the game get the props it deserves. Although I wonder how they'd be judged if they only did "the basics", where most games don't have the level of signature style in this game nor the many gameplay modes this game has. I don't disagree knocking it for online or My Player, just think other things weren't given enough credit given the circumstances (that most sports games don't attempt to do what they have) and what the game is as a total package.
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Old 10-10-2011, 05:57 PM   #42
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Re: NBA 2K12 Review (360, PS3)

Originally Posted by JCEVO
Apollo don't even try and put 2k into madden problem. they gameplay has the same for years. 2k uses the same engine but 2k12 plays nothing like 2k11. animations are better, a.I. is far superior.out the box and presentation is godly IMO. and this is without elite.
Dude, please don't tell me that you're saying that madden 11 plays like madden 12?? If so, I don't respect your opinion from now on. LOL
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Old 10-10-2011, 06:07 PM   #43
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A crew mode and my player pick up would make it a ten in my book and much more speaking for the psn users
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Old 10-10-2011, 06:45 PM   #44
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Re: NBA 2K12 Review (360, PS3)

Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
The thing I don't like about the review is that it doesn't seem to take any intangibles into account. I think the degree of programming difficulty present in NBA2K from the standpoint of implementing signature style for pretty much every player and giving gamers the ability to customize these styles is pretty unprecedented to my knowledge; don't think another game comes close to that level of programming difficulty. Not going to list the gameplay enhancements that go along with that but I do think gameplay the game is likely top 1-3 representations of it's sport. Likewise the level of Presentation in this game; imo it's not just better, it really sets the standard for other games to be judged against bar none. Not only did they set a standard for presentation in regular game mode games, they also went WAY beyond with what they did presentation-wise for the Legends.

Another intangible not taken into account imo is the amount of content in this game versus other sports games. Again, I haven't played every sports game so I don't know what other games are doing content-wise. But this game has modes beyond what most games have in the Legends mode (which was done extremely well, with it's own presentation elements dedicated to it), Blacktop which is always overlooked/taken for granted, Online Franchise which to my knowledge isn't a staple in all sports games, and My Player. My point is the degree of difficulty implementing everything in the game would seem to be quite different from a game just doing "the basics", so to speak. What's the incentive for a developer to try to go above and beyond when they'll be judged no differently (or perhaps even harsher, because the standard is higher(?)) if they don't excel at something considered basic.

I'm not much of an online player but have dabbled this year after reading all the complaints just to see what it was about myself. Out of maybe 10-12 or so attempts to connect I'd say 4 times I couldn't connect at all, had 3 where the connection dropped at different parts of the game and was able to have 5 complete games; 4-1 record against randoms. In every game I was able to play, the person played questionably - attempting to steal constantly, jumping inbounds passes, etc. Not that they knew it, they just played that way. I don't want to knock online play but it's really subjective in terms of the experience you'll get. Some people won't even touch My Player. Or Blacktop. Or online association. Or offline association (which to my understanding is still one of the top franchise modes in sports gaming).

Either way, just wanted to rant so /rant. Would like to see the game get the props it deserves. Although I wonder how they'd be judged if they only did "the basics", where most games don't have the level of signature style in this game nor the many gameplay modes this game has. I don't disagree knocking it for online or My Player, just think other things weren't given enough credit given the circumstances (that most sports games don't attempt to do what they have) and what the game is as a total package.
A lot of good points, but really: all of those things are taken into account. I'm not sure what you are really trying to say after all of that because a lot of it is incredibly contradictory (want us to take the sheer amount of content into account but also take just the basics and not worry about modes few touch?) but we take an ENTIRE game into account and as I've already said a few times today, the fact that with so much broken in the game it still got an 8.5 on our new full 10 point scale is a HUGE accomplishment. If the gameplay or presentation were lacking in any way, this game would've been knocked a bit more due to the game's issues with online. If you play the game offline, the score is higher, if you play it online it's much lower. I feel the score Dustin gave the game represents the best balance for sure.
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Last edited by RaychelSnr; 10-10-2011 at 06:49 PM.
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Old 10-10-2011, 06:48 PM   #45
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Re: NBA 2K12 Review (360, PS3)

Originally Posted by JCEVO
Apollo don't even try and put 2k into madden problem. they gameplay has the same for years. 2k uses the same engine but 2k12 plays nothing like 2k11. animations are better, a.I. is far superior.out the box and presentation is godly IMO. and this is without elite.
It's linked right in the review article at the top man. And what an 8.0 - 8.5 means is also listed at the bottom. Pretty easy to find that info
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Old 10-10-2011, 06:58 PM   #46
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Re: NBA 2K12 Review (360, PS3)

Damn good review, well done.
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Old 10-10-2011, 07:30 PM   #47
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Re: NBA 2K12 Review (360, PS3)

Originally Posted by MMChrisS
I'm not sure what you are really trying to say after all of that because a lot of it is incredibly contradictory (want us to take the sheer amount of content into account but also take just the basics and not worry about modes few touch?) but we take an ENTIRE game into account and as I've already said a few times today, the fact that with so much broken in the game it still got an 8.5 on our new full 10 point scale is a HUGE accomplishment.
Really don't care about the score; was kind of expecting it given the level of complaining here from everything to My Player to the Legends inclusion to the soundtrack. I was just stating my reasoning. Really don't feel like getting into a back and forth either as I feel if 2K didn't release another NBA2K, 2K12 would stand on it's own for years going forward. Imo it isn't the typical yearly update. I didn't feel I was being contradictory because sports game components should be weighted differently/appropriately - I think you alluded to online representing a certain percentage of the score. Just as I feel if a developer goes above and beyond what's expected that should be weighted in also, almost like extra credit.

For example, no one's knocking Madden for not having unique running animations to differentiate between tall/small receivers. If they go the extra mile and add that dynamic, I think people will give them additional credit for doing so. If the My Player and Online issues are deemed really bad in relation to other sports games, that's cool. I only have one other current sports game (Madden 12) I own, so can't reasonably compare what other games are doing in terms of My Player-like mode functionality or online capacity.
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Old 10-10-2011, 07:31 PM   #48
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People act like an 8.5 is blasphemy. New scale + today's sports gaming landscape = Fantastic game.
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