
NBA 2K12 Hands-On Preview - Post Game Tweaks, New Physics Engine (Destructoid)

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Old 07-22-2011, 01:11 PM   #73
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Re: NBA 2K12 Hands-On Preview - Post Game Tweaks, New Physics Engine (Destructoid)

Originally Posted by SIMstyle
love the info!

all i need now is to hear about:


2) how defenses will make players pay for pump faking by stealing the ball and poking it away (way overdue)

3) more deflections out of bounds and less steals (made the game sloppy)

4) blocking fouls (non-shooting) on the perimeter when D. Howard tries to keep up with CP3.

5) more intuitive shot stick (pushing toward the basket should always have a player continue his momentum to the hoop, away from the basket should result in jumpshots/fall-aways...if i'm called for a charge. SO BE IT.)

6) contextual moves to back defenders up for open jump-shots (jabsteps and iso-dribbles anyone?)

7) auto-defense (clicking R3 should have the cpu control your defender until you get the defensive rebound)

8) how shooting with the buttons isn't higher percentage this year (shot-stick is the future, PLEASE dont punish us for using it)
Fixed.. great list by the way..
EA and 2k have the unfortunate task of trying to balance on a tightrope of fun and sim while trying not to fall 10,000 feet to their death. Instead of a safety net waiting down below there will just be angry customers quick to move out of the way and talk of their failure.
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Old 07-22-2011, 01:20 PM   #74
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Re: NBA 2K12 Hands-On Preview - Post Game Tweaks, New Physics Engine (Destructoid)

thanks dude. know what i forgot? (its not gameplay so its not priority) end of qtr/half/game buzzer beaters: we gotta see a better on-court and crowd reaction.

ray allen bailed me out a couple times with last second shots and that part of the game still needs tweaking. i trust 2k though.

i love online (and want it to be better) but my favorite two are: 6) contextual moves to back defenders up for open jump-shots (jabsteps and iso-dribbles anyone?)

4) blocking fouls (non-shooting) on the perimeter when D. Howard tries to keep up with CP3.

it kills me when i've got Rondo/Pierce isolated with a BIG and i can't beat them off the dribble or draw a foul (happens to Pierce more) and when i try to break them down/back them up and shoot they block my shot. Rondo is pretty good at getting to the basket but we need more reasons to shoot open jumpers and non-shooting fouls in the game and being able to potentially put people in foul trouble (something we never see) is pretty valuable to me, honestly.

Last edited by SIMstyle; 07-22-2011 at 01:30 PM.
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Old 07-22-2011, 02:04 PM   #75
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Re: NBA 2K12 Hands-On Preview - Post Game Tweaks, New Physics Engine (Destructoid)

Originally Posted by SIMstyle
thanks dude. know what i forgot? (its not gameplay so its not priority) end of qtr/half/game buzzer beaters: we gotta see a better on-court and crowd reaction.

ray allen bailed me out a couple times with last second shots and that part of the game still needs tweaking. i trust 2k though.

i love online (and want it to be better) but my favorite two are: 6) contextual moves to back defenders up for open jump-shots (jabsteps and iso-dribbles anyone?)

4) blocking fouls (non-shooting) on the perimeter when D. Howard tries to keep up with CP3.

it kills me when i've got Rondo/Pierce isolated with a BIG and i can't beat them off the dribble or draw a foul (happens to Pierce more) and when i try to break them down/back them up and shoot they block my shot. Rondo is pretty good at getting to the basket but we need more reasons to shoot open jumpers and non-shooting fouls in the game and being able to potentially put people in foul trouble (something we never see) is pretty valuable to me, honestly.
Good points but there is a wishlist thread for things like this already.
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Old 07-22-2011, 02:07 PM   #76
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Re: NBA 2K12 Hands-On Preview - Post Game Tweaks, New Physics Engine (Destructoid)

One of the complaints about defensive players in last year’s game was their Spidey Sense-like ability to reach and arm out and deflect a pass without even looking. The team admitted that it was a band-aid meant to discourage players from running their player down court before their team was going to get a rebound and then having the rebounder pass the ball to the now-wide-open man down court.

Why would you admit to that? That doesn't give me hope, it just lets me know the team cuts corners in certain areas. I'm glad it's gone (hopefully), but I'm sure there are other areas that still have their "band aids". Either way this game will be great
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Old 07-22-2011, 02:16 PM   #77
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Re: NBA 2K12 Hands-On Preview - Post Game Tweaks, New Physics Engine (Destructoid)

Originally Posted by Mos1ted
^^^ Yeah, 2K8 was the last NBA 2K that I played online consistently. Everything just worked well in that particular game online. To me, I felt I won the games I should have won and lost the games I should have lost. Too many times in 2K11 I've lost games that I know I've should have won because of faulty game mechanics which rewarded less skilled users who played recklessly.
This! I played an online game last night and the guy played like it was a pick up game...I lost interest and just started wingin' it myself...I beat him by like 17. I feel as though the game rewards you for playing idiotic a little too much.

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Old 07-22-2011, 02:46 PM   #78
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i agree with the person who said buzzer beaters/ game ending situations need more emotion. Close games in the final minute the crowd should all be standing, when a big shot is made they should go crazy, if its a miss they should react.

And along with the person talking about Rondo not being able to beat a big off the dribble, hopefully with the improved contact stuff they are claiming to have added it eliminates that annoying animation where you try to dribble around a guy but make contact and your guy kind of stumbles back so you can't go by the guy.
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Old 07-22-2011, 03:10 PM   #79
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Re: NBA 2K12 Hands-On Preview - Post Game Tweaks, New Physics Engine (Destructoid)

Originally Posted by DemiGodzillla
Why would you admit to that? That doesn't give me hope, it just lets me know the team cuts corners in certain areas. I'm glad it's gone (hopefully), but I'm sure there are other areas that still have their "band aids". Either way this game will be great
I actually respect an admittance of that nature. A lot of us can tell when things are band-aided and a lot of us understand that teams are working hard to make the best game possible but just don't have the means (or time within a production cycle) to fix everything to how they see fit. Therefore, I much prefer an up front approach in contrast to a random excuse that's not true at all and smells terribly fishy. To me, they're real with consumers because a trust has developed where we know and can expect them to do their best to make things right for us.

Last edited by VDusen04; 07-22-2011 at 03:13 PM.
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Old 07-22-2011, 03:29 PM   #80
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Re: NBA 2K12 Hands-On Preview - Post Game Tweaks, New Physics Engine (Destructoid)

Originally Posted by Yeah...THAT Guy
Madden needs more pressure sensitve passing too lol. Honestly for Madden, I think it should be something like if you hold the button down all the way through the passing information (meaning you don't let go until the ball is released), then it's a bullet. If you tap it, it's a lob. And if you press it but release it before the release of the ball, it's thrown like a normal pass.

But back on topic, god I can't wait for this game. I just hope they finally make white people's hair semi-realistic lol. And of course some of the other things I've mentioned elsewhere (the way defenders defend a guy that is running off of screens, the lack of flow in the pick and roll/pop game, more specific defensive adjustments, etc.)
The passing in the game needs to be as important as shooting..how many times u see a opponent mash turbo get bumped in the back court and still make a bullet 50 foot pass to a semi covered man..SOOOOOOO UNREALISTIC...IT IS A IMPOSSIBLE PASS TO MAKE..

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