
NBA 2K17 Trailer - Friction

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Old 08-22-2016, 03:01 PM   #209
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Re: NBA 2K17 Trailer - Friction

Originally Posted by aholbert32
You need to look up the definition of "rhetorical question". I actually would like an answer. People say it can be done. So has it? I havent played EVERY NBA game so maybe I missed one where they got all of them to look like the real thing.

Has a game achieved 3/4 of the rosters to look like real life?


If not, why hasnt it?
you asked a question to which you already knew the answer.

no game has gotten it all right, as of yet, as the technology wasnt there, before. but it is now. so that's not a legit excuse which is the point that the other guys are ultimately making.
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Old 08-22-2016, 03:07 PM   #210
wallofhate's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K17 Trailer - Friction

Thought the trailer was good some close ups even affected the uncanny valley aspect from how oddly team the movement was. Def sparked a lot of lil thoughts like of that shoot around is a scripted intro or do they allow you to get used to players shots which not only would be cool but helpful. I understand the gripes from ppl but i don't know how anyone could really expect some big leap visually especially how huge of a difference it was from last gen to current. Def that's just gamers be spoiled. The more real the game looks the stranger some of the complaints get but I think the realistic gamer and the core fans are gonna appreciate the game for what it brings and voice their disappointment for legacy issues or immersion killing things. I mean as a Knicks fan perfect world the arena would be a exact replica only missing the trademark but in my rational mind is gotta be a better reason for it not being than "too lazy to even change it" can't wait to get my hands on this. Good madden, good 2k=great year of gaming
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Old 08-22-2016, 03:09 PM   #211
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Re: NBA 2K17 Trailer - Friction

I don't understand why guys can't point things out without getting bashed for what they see lol. Nobody said body types were game breaking, but it's kind of disappointing to see them give that highschool build to so many players when they already had a great "skinny-athlete" build (Curry, Wiggins, Durant) in the previous game.
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Old 08-22-2016, 03:10 PM   #212
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Re: NBA 2K17 Trailer - Friction

It all comes down to respecting the next guy's interests...

I have never and will never care about a dudes traps and leg thickness in a basketball video game... if the next man does, rock on....

but dont tell some one theyre wrong for thinking the models look good.
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Old 08-22-2016, 03:11 PM   #213
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Re: NBA 2K17 Trailer - Friction

Originally Posted by BluFu
I don't understand why guys can't point things out without getting bashed for what they see lol. Nobody said body types were game breaking, but it's kind of disappointing to see them give that highschool build to so many players when they already had a great "skinny-athlete" build (Curry, Wiggins, Durant) in the previous game.
I agree, but it gets to the point of sounding spoiled and gets tiring.
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Old 08-22-2016, 03:11 PM   #214
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Re: NBA 2K17 Trailer - Friction

Originally Posted by phriscaul
you asked a question to which you already knew the answer.

no game has gotten it all right, as of yet, as the technology wasnt there, before. but it is now. so that's not a legit excuse which is the point that the other guys are ultimately making.
LOL. Actually I didnt. In my last post, I stated that I havent played every NBA game. So I have no idea if other games have done player models right. Even games I played last year, dont answer the question for me.

I played Live for about 30 minutes last year but played their pro am mode so I didnt see any of the actual player models. For all I know, EA couldve got it right.

A legit excuse is....its all subjective. There is no middle ground. There are some models that I think are exact (D. Lillard) but I promise you there is someone who has a "major issue" with his bicep or calves or fingers or mustache.

It depends on the person. That doesnt mean that a person cant complain about the model being "off" in their opinion. But you cant follow that up with "2k needs to get this right" because "right" depends on the person.

I promise you 2k's art team looked at Paul George and thought "he looks realistic." Others disagree.
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Old 08-22-2016, 03:12 PM   #215
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Re: NBA 2K17 Trailer - Friction

Originally Posted by Eat_hits
You do know that NBA live has the rights to MSG, right? 2K can't make the exact replica.
Live having the rights has nothing to do with the color of the paint being off. It just means they can't use the MSG logo and that's it.

This isn't a licensing issue considering this issue has happened before in previous 2Ks and its been corrected.
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Old 08-22-2016, 03:13 PM   #216
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Re: NBA 2K17 Trailer - Friction

I dunno I still think the player models look good. Steph looks good. KD looks good. Obviously it looks like the muscle definition look goes away with the skinnier arms.

Regarding the other things, yea man it's 2016 we wanna see real humans running up and down the floor. I get it. I'm just saying that it's really not all that bad (IMO).

And I also think insinuating that people aren't doing their jobs, or refusing to out of spite is a little disingenuous. It's obviously not easy. Perhaps if they focused on doing these things it would take time and resources from other areas of the game. I don't think anyone here can actually make those calls.

Or maybe it is out of spite. Because it makes them laugh that people complain about cankles.
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