
Revamped Overall Formula for NBA 2K15 Player Ratings Explained

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Old 09-03-2014, 10:56 PM   #9
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Re: Revamped Overall Formula for NBA 2K15

so if I have a big man who's role is rim protector but his vertical is low and his shot block rating is average. Does this mean his overall will be low?

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Old 09-03-2014, 10:56 PM   #10
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Re: Revamped Overall Formula for NBA 2K15

Originally Posted by bedwardsroy19
As NBA 2K15 Overall ratings are released, I think it is important to point out that NBA 2K15 will feature a revamped formula to determine a player's overall rating. This year a player's overall rating will be determined by what "type" of player they are. By having more dynamic overall rating formulas it allows for players who are highly valued by teams to have a more representative "Overall" rating. Specialists such as great defenders, shooters, and rebounders will have an overall value that properly displays their worth to an NBA team.

The goal of the newly calculated Overall formulas is to as accurately as possible show a player's value in the NBA. The new formula will really highlight those players that play a very important role on their team, but may not be the prototypical player at their position. All players in the NBA provide some sort of value to their team, and the revamped Overall formulas should really illustrate that in NBA 2K15

So will a Player's "TYPE" change thru their Career? Meaning if a guy comes into the League Strictly as a Shooter OR a Dunker, but Develops his Overall game to become a more Complete Player does their Player "Type" Change?
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Old 09-03-2014, 11:01 PM   #11
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Re: Revamped Overall Formula for NBA 2K15

Originally Posted by bedwardsroy19
As NBA 2K15 Overall ratings are released, I think it is important to point out that NBA 2K15 will feature a revamped formula to determine a player's overall rating. This year a player's overall rating will be determined by what "type" of player they are. By having more dynamic overall rating formulas it allows for players who are highly valued by teams to have a more representative "Overall" rating. Specialists such as great defenders, shooters, and rebounders will have an overall value that properly displays their worth to an NBA team.

The goal of the newly calculated Overall formulas is to as accurately as possible show a player's value in the NBA. The new formula will really highlight those players that play a very important role on their team, but may not be the prototypical player at their position. All players in the NBA provide some sort of value to their team, and the revamped Overall formulas should really illustrate that in NBA 2K15

im not sure i understand this exactly. dynamic in what way, determines player types how?
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Old 09-03-2014, 11:10 PM   #12
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Re: Revamped Overall Formula for NBA 2K15

I am confused as well. It seems a bit relative? How do player stats, analytics and such play into the individual/overall ratings?
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Old 09-03-2014, 11:11 PM   #13
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Re: Revamped Overall Formula for NBA 2K15

Originally Posted by Rashidi
So basically what you are saying is that the 2K ratings being released paint an incomplete picture without releasing the player types as well?
Not exactly, and this post should address other confusion in the thread:

For every player, their individual ratings will run through all of the overall formulas possible for a given position. Whichever formula generates the highest overall is what is displayed in the roster. The individual attributes matter more than ever in determining a players overall.
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Old 09-03-2014, 11:18 PM   #14
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Re: Revamped Overall Formula for NBA 2K15

Originally Posted by bedwardsroy19
Not exactly, and this post should address other confusion in the thread:

For every player, their individual ratings will run through all of the overall formulas possible for a given position. Whichever formula generates the highest overall is what is displayed in the roster. The individual attributes matter more than ever in determining a players overall.
I understand now
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Old 09-03-2014, 11:21 PM   #15
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Re: Revamped Overall Formula for NBA 2K15

Originally Posted by bedwardsroy19
Not exactly, and this post should address other confusion in the thread:

For every player, their individual ratings will run through all of the overall formulas possible for a given position. Whichever formula generates the highest overall is what is displayed in the roster. The individual attributes matter more than ever in determining a players overall.
I am excited about the concept of what you are saying. Meaning...it is obvious that you and 2k have put thought into the value of role players.

That being said, the explanation of how it is being implemented (how it is calculated/dynamic) is still creating more questions than answers in my opinion.

Can you be very specific in how it is calculated and how it is dynamic or is that information that is "coming soon"?
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Old 09-03-2014, 11:24 PM   #16
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Re: Revamped Overall Formula for NBA 2K15

I think what he means is...

You know how you can choose a player type in MyCareer--Athletic, Defensive, All-Around, and all that?

Well, without changing individual attributes, the game assigns each of these "roles" to the player, since each has its own way of determining Overall rating.

The Overall the game goes with is the one that gives the highest rating from any of these "roles" that you could give the player.

If this is correct, then you theoretically CAN change a player's type--like, turning a Rebounding center into an All-Around one by improving his shooting and Awareness ratings and such.

However, seeing as there are attribute caps in MyCareer, I'm sure it works a little differently there. But that has yet to be revealed.
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