
NBA 2K24 Eras Roster & Draft Inventory

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Old 09-11-2023, 08:14 PM   #1
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VDusen04's Arena
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NBA 2K24 Eras Roster & Draft Inventory

Like last year, I'm hoping to offer a central location for people to find era-specific rosters and draft classes.

The format used before was:

Roster Name:

Placeholder Subsections:

1983-84 Rosters:

Roster Name: 83-84 all real rosters complete
Gamertag: UptownsGreatest
Description: Full rosters, some slight liberties (Antoine Carr on Pistons roster despite only being drafted by them and never appearing); Uptown was responsible for a number of XBox full rosters in 2K23 as well. Nine updates.

Roster Name: 1983-84 Complete Accurate
Gamertag: trillydagoat
Description: Appears to be full rosters 1-12.

Roster Name: 1983/1984 Complete Roster
Gamertag: chevrolet98
Description: Full rosters, 12 updates.

1984 Draft

File Name: 1984 Draft
Gamertag: itsBP14
Description: "100% Historically Accurate. Over 40 Real Players."

1985 Draft

File Name: 1985 Full 1st Rnd
Gamertag: NostraThomas107
Description: "Accurate 1st rnd +2nd rnd real names (1985)"

File Name: 1985 Draft
Gamertag: itsBP14
Description: "100% Historically Accurate. Over 40 Real Players."

1986 Draft

1987 Draft

1988 Draft

1989 Draft

1990 Draft

1991 Draft

1991-92 Roster

Roster Name: 1991 Full 14 Man
User: Tymmie21
Description: As referenced, rosters are full. Created players look pretty sharp, particularly the big names.

Roster Name: 1991/1992 Roster
User: chevrolet98
Description: Rosters feature a number of fictional players in final slots; some created players don't bear strong resemblance (Orlando Woolridge). May still be in work in progress (13 updates).

Roster Name: BB8 NBA 91-92
User: Gremini
Description: End of bench and injured reserved filled with generics named Roster Filler. Okay created players but some not great. Richard Dumas appears on '92 Suns but listed as injured (he did not play for team in '92).

1992 Draft

File Name: 1992
Gamertag: Falconfreak
Description: Appears pretty thorough. Harold Miner correctly named. Even players like Robert Werdann, Sasha Danilovic, and undrafted Shane Heal accounted for.

File Name: 1992 full 1st Round+more
Gamertag: Xansbob
Description: First round accounted for; Harold Miner is Harold Miller (may have been a censor situation).

2002-03 Roster

Roster Name: Completed Kobe Era
Gamertag: MJWizards
Description: High quality roster in progress (expected completion sometime in October)

Roster Name: Bonk Shut Up and Jam!
Gamertag: BonkMcNeeley
Description: Every team has at least 14 players, based on where each team roster stood at the end of 2002-2003 season. Free Agency has been filled with all real players, including some blasts from the past; Lenny Cooke, Chris Porter, Rod Grizzard. All accessories have been edited. Signature edits made; for example, guys like Robert Pack weren't doing 360 dunks during the 2002-2003 season. For more info: https://forums.operationsports.com/f...xpierence.html

Roster Name: 2002/03 Detailed Season
Gamertag: Jarcanine3148
Description: Virtually full rosters with actual players. Created players largely feature vague resemblance outside of Reggie Miller. Focus appears more on getting player info & attributes down rather than detailed facial accuracy.
From the Uploader: "Full NBA season start, accurate stats, missing players etc."

2003 Draft

Drafts 2003-2011
Gamertag: Nbasuperstar40
Description: N/A

2003-04 Roster

Roster Name: 2003-04
Gamertag: giantsrwl275

2010-11 Roster

Roster Name: The Decision
Gamertag: JBrisketY
Description: "One of the most detailed custom roster I saw so far through any Era." - Cyrus09

Roster Name: 2010/11 Complete Roster
Gamertag: chevrolet98
Description: Many of the missing players have been added, even if likenesses aren't perfect.


Floor Updates

Last edited by VDusen04; 12-15-2023 at 08:38 PM.
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Old 09-12-2023, 11:12 AM   #2
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Re: NBA 2K24 Eras Roster & Draft Inventory

Been waiting for this thread!

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Old 09-12-2023, 11:12 AM   #3
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Re: NBA 2K24 Eras Roster & Draft Inventory

Uptownsgreatest has a bird magic era up

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Old 09-13-2023, 08:00 AM   #4
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Re: NBA 2K24 Eras Roster & Draft Inventory

Thanks for doing this again!

Roster Name: TeamGoats
Gamertag/PSN: Dorkington81

I uploaded (I think) a Modern Era roster and a scenario, both called "TeamGoats" screen name Dorkington81

Long story short, each team has their 'GOAT" added as a rookie.

If you just use the Roster, you'll need to manually adjust all the GOATs to 0 years played before the season starts, even though they are set to 0 on the roster itself. If you use the scenario, I've already done that.

There are a couple possibly controversial choices, so it might get updated sometime (ie Magic instead of Kobe, Lowry instead of Carter/Bosh, etc), mostly tried to choose hall of famers, so Mourning was the Charlotte's selection.

I tried to keep most of the selections to the post merger era, and only up until players drafted in 2013. So current Jokic is still on the Nuggets, while current LeBron has been deleted from the roster, and rookie LeBron has been added to the Cavs, for example.

Some attributes have been adjusted a bit, as well as accessories.
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Old 09-18-2023, 03:15 AM   #5
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Re: NBA 2K24 Eras Roster & Draft Inventory

Wrapping up on the Kobe Era.

2003-2007 is Done.
2008-2010 is in progress.

What are the good MJ era draft classes?

Nbasuperstar40- available for Xbox Series X/S or PPS5.

Most used and downloaded Kobe era draft classes for two consecutive years.

Last edited by King Ken; 09-18-2023 at 03:17 AM.
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Old 09-18-2023, 11:48 PM   #6
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Re: NBA 2K24 Eras Roster & Draft Inventory

Originally Posted by King Ken
Wrapping up on the Kobe Era.

2003-2007 is Done.
2008-2010 is in progress.

What are the good MJ era draft classes?

Nbasuperstar40- available for Xbox Series X/S or PPS5.

Most used and downloaded Kobe era draft classes for two consecutive years.
Took off the day at the office and finally finished 2003-2010. Even added 2011 as well.
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Old 09-20-2023, 05:15 PM   #7
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Re: NBA 2K24 Eras Roster & Draft Inventory

I'm finally getting a PS5 & 2K24, I look forward to seeing complete Real Rosters. I want to have some of the obscure guys in the Game instead of basically half of the team's rosters being the Cpu Generated Garbage. I'm starting with Magic Vs Bird obviously (Even though I wished this year started Earlier than 1983, the mid 70s at least).

To all the contributors making the accurate rosters & Classes Thank you in advance.
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Old 09-20-2023, 09:42 PM   #8
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VDusen04's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K24 Eras Roster & Draft Inventory

Originally Posted by King Ken
Wrapping up on the Kobe Era.

2003-2007 is Done.
2008-2010 is in progress.

What are the good MJ era draft classes?

Nbasuperstar40- available for Xbox Series X/S or PPS5.

Most used and downloaded Kobe era draft classes for two consecutive years.
Do you have any details on the composition of your draft classes? Accurate attributes, signatures, broad facial resemblance, accessories, shoes?
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