
Sound Off: Has the 'Closed' Nature of Connected Careers Turned You Away?

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Old 06-14-2012, 08:50 PM   #377
TreFacTor's Arena
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Re: Sound Off: Has the 'Closed' Nature of Connected Careers Turned You Away?

Originally Posted by Aftershock9958
Were you a video game programmer I'm sure your opinion might be different. One of the main issues, to me at least, is the amount of people who are assuming how hard or easy it is to program something.
The popular opinion of those who won't be affected by the loss of editing is that it is fairly easy to put in the game and that those who are really upset about the missing features should bite their lip, take it on the chin, and blow a kiss to our money until next year or the year after that when it has been rumored to return.

The popular opinion of those who are going to be completely and utter lost without the missing editing and importing, and offline co-op, watching games of the week within their franchise... is that it should have been an easy decision to allocate at least sometime to development in making sure no one consumer felt alienated or left out..."the best of both worlds", by allowing if only the minimal amount of control by somehow giving use at least a few of the staple offline features (editing, watching other games on the schedule etc.)

Neither side can be correct since none of us know how hard the dev teams decision was or wasn't. You could think that EA simply wants to make more money and completely eliminate used sales of Madden by locking down offline. You can think that EA wants to ensure that they get at least $10 for online pass since the rosters need it. Or you can think that they simply didn't have time to make equal adjustments to both offline. You can think that leaving offline unlocked would break the game.

All speculation until someone on the team says anything. What we do know is that the offline portion will have limitations that a particular group of players ( the players four threads are about) will be devastated about.
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Last edited by TreFacTor; 06-14-2012 at 09:13 PM.
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Old 06-14-2012, 08:55 PM   #378
GamingLegendOS's Arena
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Re: Sound Off: Has the 'Closed' Nature of Connected Careers Turned You Away?

If EA wanted to put CC in the game then that is fine because we have plenty of folks who love to have a deep experience with franchise type mode.

But many and also prefer to be in control and when it has been there all of the last 20 years and then they take it out and just say. Franchise Mode is Dead as Josh Looman stated on Twitter, that was a slap in the face of this old school customer who has defended Madden and bought their game since way back,

All my friends who love to play a season with me and have fun like that are totally upset and all canceled their pre order with game stop.

EA could have kept the mode we always had and loaded CC into the game and sold it like that but no...They take away tons of user friendly features in order to put the spot light on Josh Loomans baby CC which is just a handcuff to the enjoyment of Madden.

You cannot name me one sports game that does this except Madden NOW because it was never like this.

But hopefully it backfires big time and they go back and put things back that should never have been removed.

Here is hoping
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Old 06-14-2012, 09:52 PM   #379
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Re: Sound Off: Has the 'Closed' Nature of Connected Careers Turned You Away?

Well i am one of the fortunate football gamers where the "no edit" ability of players in CC does not affect me one bit Personally i dont get into any of the player editing..the only thing i care about is making my own player and controlling him through my franchise..thats as far as i go as editing goes..if thats even considered editing.

I feel bad for those that really need this feature in the game..i know how it feels to wish for something to be there and its not..sucks big time and EA should NOT of done this. Its one of those backward steps that EA is known for that totally TOTALLY baffles me to the fullest. One thing we should never EVER see is backward steps with in a dev team. I mean leave one of the new insignificant features out in order to keep the previous core features in, that should be priority, right? I think so...

Here is another prime example of what i mentioned several times before in the past about EA and leadership. When there is absolute leadership and confidence with in a developer team..you will NEVER see this kind of fumbling of the ball per say...i dont mean to knock EA over the head but quite frankly they deserve it because removing standardized features is something you do not do to your loyal fan base..never because you will get rotten tomatoes thrown at you.

This is my suggestion to EA... find a way to get it patched in there ASAP or lose even more sales. This is part reason why the madden franchise has been losing sales each year. I said it before and i'll say it again... there is a lack of confidence and leadership amongst the Tiburon team right now...although to be fair and honest..i have seen a fairly good improvement with the confidence and leadership...but the bottom line is, its still lacking. Maybe this is part due to the new changes made once again in the studios and while that excuse is getting old...it may have some validity to it, honestly. Maybe this will be the last year of us seeing these kind of goofy calls on their part. Again..leadership and confidence would not allow this kind of shot calling because this kinda feels sloppy.
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Last edited by Moegames; 06-14-2012 at 10:08 PM.
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Old 06-14-2012, 10:09 PM   #380
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Re: Sound Off: Has the 'Closed' Nature of Connected Careers Turned You Away?

Originally Posted by Moegames
Well i am one of the fortunate football gamers where the "no edit" ability of players in CC does not affect me one bit Personally i dont get into any of the player editing..the only thing i care about is making my own player and controlling him through my franchise..thats as far as i go as editing goes..if thats even considered editing.

I feel bad for those that really need this feature in the game..i know how it feels to wish for something to be there and its not..sucks big time and EA should NOT of done this. Its once of those backward steps that that EA is known for that totally TOTALLY baffles me to the fullest. One thing we should never EVER see is backward steps with in a dev team.

Here is another prime example of what i mentioned several times before in the past about EA and leadership. When there is absolute leadership and confidence with in a developer team..you will NEVER see this kind of fumbling of the ball per say...i dont mean to knock EA over the head but quite frankly they deserve it because removing standardized features is something you do not do to your loyal fan base..never because you will get rotten tomatoes thrown at you.

This is my suggestion to EA... find a way to get it patched in there ASAP or lose even more sales. This is part reason why the madden franchise has been losing sales each year. I said it before and i'll say it again... there is a lack of confidence and leadership amongst the Tiburon team right now...although to be fair and honest..i have seen a fairly good improvement with the confidence and leadership...but the bottom line is, its still lacking. Maybe this is part due to the new changes made once again in the studios and while that excuse is getting old...it may have some validity to it, honestly. Maybe this will be the last year of us seeing these kind of goofy calls on their part. Again..leadership and confidence would not allow this kind of shot calling.
This is so on point and it's exactly what some of use have been saying over and over. Steps forward with CCM and making sure online and offline was consistent was the best direction because we all want the most robust game possible fir everyone. The issue lies with the development decisions to design without the clear purpose of not taking steps backwards by losing functionality especially when it revolves around how the customer wants to play the game.

Gutting the offline portion and turning it into she'll of what it was with CCM is the most insane decision a title like Madden could make especially since they've been trying real hard to make their customers happy. Last year was an amazing gesture when they just opened it up and said "here you go, full editing even in franchise, Custome Playbooks, create the look and feel that you want and play the game the way you want" then this year rolls around and they completly turned their back to all the great intentions from the prior year.

The CCM rollout in its current form is the most butchered and misdirected approach EA could've taken IMO.

Last edited by DNMHIII; 06-14-2012 at 10:28 PM.
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Old 06-14-2012, 10:33 PM   #381
TreFacTor's Arena
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Re: Sound Off: Has the 'Closed' Nature of Connected Careers Turned You Away?

Originally Posted by DNMHIII
This is so on point and it's exactly what some of use have been saying over and over. Steps forward with CCM and making sure online and offline was consistent was the best direction because we all want the most robust game possible fir everyone. The issue lies with the development decisions to design without the clear purpose of not taking steps backwards by losing functionality especially when it revolves around how the customer wants to play the game.

Gutting the offline portion and turning it into she'll of what it was with CCM is the most insane decision a title like Madden could make especially since they've been trying real hard to make their customers happy. Last year was an amazing gesture when they just opened it up and said "here you go, full editing even in franchise, Custome Playbooks, create the look and feel that you want and play the game the way you want" then this year rolls around and they completly turned their back to all the great intentions from the prior year.

The CCM rollout in its current form is the most butchered and misdirected approach EA could've taken IMO.
Nope 06 was worse hands down, but this one is a contender.
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Old 06-14-2012, 11:35 PM   #382
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Originally Posted by DNMHIII
Let's face it, people are just arguing that it should've been designed around features that we previously had and you're just repeating that they didn't have time (in a nutshell)

One side of this issue is unhappy it's designed poorley and the other side is happy with the design even though its done without thought of designing around the features that we had.... its pretty simple.
Well we don't decide what it should be based around. The game should be created around roster editing? Cmon guys... Seriously :banghead:

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Old 06-14-2012, 11:49 PM   #383
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Re: Sound Off: Has the 'Closed' Nature of Connected Careers Turned You Away?

This isn't meant to sound sarcastic, but can we still edit depth charts as a coach in connected careers?
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Old 06-15-2012, 12:26 AM   #384
Bigmac612's Arena
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Originally Posted by CRMosier_LM
Well we don't decide what it should be based around. The game should be created around roster editing? Cmon guys... Seriously :banghead:

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That is NOT what he was saying...the point is, CORE features that makes ANY franchise/career mode in ANY sports title fun and immersive and also provides giving the user the choice to provide a realistic/creative element to their own world within the mode, should always one of the cornerstones of the mode...it should always be one of those things you cannot absolutely touch!...if the twitter doesnt react well with one of those features then it should be "so long twitter feed, maybe nxt year" not the other way around...

2K understands this, but they seem to get everything to work flawlessly with their news feeds, player editing etc...The Show also understands this..can you imagine if any of them games took roster editing and etc out...if Dirk got traded and the CPU switched his # to like 3 just because some scrub who gets know playin time wears 41..or Kobe gets traded the Bulls in wears 23 and there is NO WAY to edited that!?!? Man that game will be goin up into the flames of hell!

Madden is the only game who can do this..you know why?? Cause they are the only game of NFL football out..point blank period...their is no alternative..as with the other sports that forced those games to make leaps n bounds each year...madden has the luxury of bs'n around and pulling the rug out of their consumers year after year...and they do it, they do it mighty well....Only game this was acceptable in Madden was 06 only because the were moving to Next-gen n rushed it..period

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Last edited by Bigmac612; 06-15-2012 at 12:37 AM.
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