
Madden NFL 13 Gameplay Impressions

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Old 04-26-2012, 12:48 PM   #65
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Re: Madden 13 Gameplay Impressions

Looking really good so far. But, was there any mention on penalties (or lack thereof)?

One or two pass interference calls within a season doesn't cut it...
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Old 04-26-2012, 01:55 PM   #66
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Re: Madden 13 Gameplay Impressions

I have a feeling the play action cancel will be the new cheese move....the defenders will bite and will have supreme blocking to hit open man deep.

What they need to add with that is possiblity of collision with RB and QB and fumbles.
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Old 04-26-2012, 02:41 PM   #67
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Re: Madden 13 Gameplay Impressions

Originally Posted by tazdevil20
Hey road,

Yes I saw it. I liked the tackling there. It looks pretty good. I knew there was going to be a change to the collision system. However, the first thing I noticed was the ball carrier who was swerving and zig zagging just like before. Immediately turned me off. I strictly play online and that nonsense ruins the game completely. It tells me they still have it in their minds that they want to create a "fun" arcade game. Breaking 80 yard runs every other play and zig zagging or swerving through the defense is not my idea of realism. So great, we have nice improved collision detection, too bad you can cut at a 90 degree angle with the ball in your hand - amongst other things. Improvements are fine, but they are not enough improvements. The gameplay team was doubled and there is the supposed push for realism. Yet the most basic piece of that in player running is completely absent. That's really sad, especially when games like FIFA actually have it.
Well for what it's worth, one of the NCAA 13 CD attendees or a Game Changer said they are expecting the movement to be toned down to NCAA 11 levels, which I think may be on par to M10's.

Question asked by Bryan and answered by ShaunMason EA Game Changer

So did they just kind of tighten up the player movement so its not so herky jerky? Or how would you best describe the change?

The ability to change direction was tuned, so you can't turn really, really hard like you used to. I'm hoping they tune it more based on velocity, because I felt like I was sticking to the lineman trying to get around them at times

Question asked by Gotmadskillzson ans answered by David EA Game Changer

8. Did they improve or tune locomotion at all this year ? Last year players turned on a dime, changed directions on a dime with no slow down what so ever.

Yeah I think so, like Shaun said the Runningbacks have been tuned so you cannot just swerve at full speed all over the field. And like with DB's they cannot just flawlessly cut with a WR on a dime with a route they do not know what's coming. And with the new and improved receiver animations you just see alot more fluent and realistic body and post catch movements with the ball.

I would point out though do not expect some major overhaul with the locomotion of players in the game.


I don't expect an overhaul of course but hopefully it will remove the need for banning the left stick to insure realistic movement when in the open field.
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Old 04-26-2012, 03:07 PM   #68
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Re: Madden 13 Gameplay Impressions

Originally Posted by Broncos86
This will be a Madden that gets a LOT of game play from me. The way my mind works is that I'm seeing some GREAT changes to the game. Everything I want? No. But Madden 13 is telling me that future iterations are going to be even better.

Tiburon, I think, has the right team to take Madden into the next gen of consoles and get it done right.
As long as they don't completely start over, unless a full on physics system would force them do do so, then i think the game will be fine going forward.
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Old 04-26-2012, 03:26 PM   #69
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Re: Madden 13 Gameplay Impressions

Originally Posted by tazdevil20
With no improvement to the line interaction and no changes to the ridiculous left stick cutting/zig zagging, none of this really is all that impressive. I mean, it SOUNDS good, but it always sounds good. Sorry to be a negative nancy, but this just doesn't get me excited about purchasing the game. As soon as I read the whole bit on "user catching is more user friendly", I got a little ill. I'm all for user control, but now we are going to make it easier??? It is already too easy for guys to make stupid catches in triple coverage, now we are going to make it easier? It doesn't need to be easier, it needs to be more realistic. A fight for the ball like in real life resulting in incompletions instead of one handed leaping picks, over the shoulder interceptions or leaping catches in quadruple coverage. Like I said a few months ago, business as usual at Tiburon. Great they are adding these things, but why no fixes to the player movement and the line interaction? Put some developers full time on that. The gameplay team was "doubled", right?
Originally Posted by tazdevil20
Hey road,

Yes I saw it. I liked the tackling there. It looks pretty good. I knew there was going to be a change to the collision system. However, the first thing I noticed was the ball carrier who was swerving and zig zagging just like before. Immediately turned me off. I strictly play online and that nonsense ruins the game completely. It tells me they still have it in their minds that they want to create a "fun" arcade game. Breaking 80 yard runs every other play and zig zagging or swerving through the defense is not my idea of realism. So great, we have nice improved collision detection, too bad you can cut at a 90 degree angle with the ball in your hand - amongst other things. Improvements are fine, but they are not enough improvements. The gameplay team was doubled and there is the supposed push for realism. Yet the most basic piece of that in player running is completely absent. That's really sad, especially when games like FIFA actually have it.
I know cats probably think that Taz is being a Debbie Downer, but I agree with everything he said here. I am not at all ignoring the fixes that WERE made in Madden 13, but the unrealistic zig-zag cutting and the ineffective 4-3 Defensive Ends are two major game killers for me, and from what I have seen/heard so far, I just doubt that either one is going to be addressed properly in Madden 13, making it a must NOT buy for me. Again, I will wait for the demo to drop before making my final judgement, but I am just personally not that encouraged from a gameplay perspective at this standpoint. Madden 13 still seems to be lacking too many important gameplay elements for me to stick with it for longer than a few weeks, maybe a month at best.

Last edited by Illustrator76; 04-26-2012 at 03:30 PM.
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Old 04-26-2012, 03:47 PM   #70
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Re: Madden 13 Gameplay Impressions

Originally Posted by zanner
LOL, so true. You could interchange any of the dates and post being date-1.

These EA football guys have all of us hook line and sinker, it's such a joke now as I get older in my age

I can't find the thread, but someone posted a video showing how a previous version of Madden was supposed to eliminate psychic dbs.

I don't hate on those who are skeptical about Madden 13. I suspect by their criticisms we don't disagree on much, except where our red lines are and how much we should expect from EA/Tiburon. I have come to the conclusion I shouldn't expect much, and hoped that at a minimum RBP would be in this year. It looks like it is, plus some other stuff. If it works reasonably well (heh) I'll buy it. I don't anticipate pre ordering, unless there's a good deal.
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Old 04-26-2012, 03:52 PM   #71
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Re: Madden 13 Gameplay Impressions

Let me know when they fix the OLine play when it comes to pass blocking and the running game. In every iteration of Madden the Oline play has flat out sucked. The oline doesn't double team block correctly, not drive blocking, no setting the edge, and no seek and destroy blocking on lineman pulls on runs to the outside.

1.) Double team blocking- One man engages and the other stands there chopping his feet waiting on the engaged lineman to release so he can "suck" him into an animation.

2) Drive Blocking- on plays like the iso and hb blast the offensive line doesn't try to drive forward and put that Dtackle on his heels. They just block like normal. They should look more like the spartans from 300 driving forward with them shields trying to put the dline on its butt. The dline should be trying to get low and go forward but that is another discussion.

3) setting the edge- if the play is off tackle , lets say to the right, the rt should be trying to turn his man to the left and the fb should come and hit the lb on that side and turn him to the right so that the hole on the edge opens up. Not on madden, the rt tackle just reacts to the DE coming at him. Off tackle is not a reactionary play. it is a drive forward and make the defense react to the offense type of play. Also the ability to of the RT, in my play example, to turn that DE to the left should not only be based on rating but also by the DE's assigned path to the qb. if he is crashed inside, then the RT chance of turning him left should go up since he is already heading that way. It should be more difficult if the DE is crashed outside since he is heading into the play's design. This doesn't happen at all in any madden that i have seen. When the off tackle is most successful it is because the OLine holds their man long enough for the play to work not because the "visual" technique is correct.

4)Seek and Destroy. Seen any real football madden devs? when the guard pulls, it is a seek and destroy mission to the outside on plays like the counter. On madden if you run the counter and go into replay, I guarantee that you will see the guard pull, head to the edge and slow up and wait to block someone on the back side instead of getting out to block someone ahead and clean their clock. The best example of this other than giants or gb packers footage (the two teams i think run the best counters ive seen) is from the movie Rudy. When they are on the practice field and Rudy tells the big guard to block him hard instead of treating him with kid gloves. The next play, he shows you how it should be done. when he pulls, he comes and clean Rudy's clock and burries him in the dirt. He comes all the way out around the edge past where the tackle would be to put Rudy on his @55. That is how it should be done in Madden....seek and destroy! Here is an example of what im talking about. Look at the 1:28 mark for the pulling guard. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyauOc9_7_I Also at 1:42, 2:05,2:31, and 2:51. That is rucking fidiculous!

When they fix this....let me know.

Last edited by Dr_Doom_98; 04-26-2012 at 04:02 PM.
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Old 04-26-2012, 03:53 PM   #72
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Re: Madden 13 Gameplay Impressions

Originally Posted by Dr_Doom_98
Let me know when they fix the OLine play when it comes to pass blocking and the running game. In every iteration of Madden the Oline play has flat out sucked. The oline doesn't double team block correctly, not drive blocking, no setting the edge, and no seek and destroy blocking on lineman pulls on runs to the outside.

1.) Double team blocking- One man engages and the other stands there chopping his feet waiting on the engaged lineman to release so he can "suck" him into an animation.

2) Drive Blocking- on plays like the iso and hb blast the offensive line doesn't try to drive forward and put that Dtackle on his heels. They just block like normal. They should look more like the spartans from 300 driving forward with them shields trying to put the dline on its butt. The dline should be trying to get low and go forward but that is another discussion.

3) setting the edge- if the play is off tackle , lets say to the right, the rt should be trying to turn his man to the left and the fb should come and hit the lb on that side and turn him to the right so that the hole on the edge opens up. Not on madden, the rt tackle just reacts to the DE coming at him. Off tackle is not a reactionary play. it is a drive forward and make the defense react to the offense type of play. Also the ability to of the RT, in my play example, to turn that DE to the left should not only be based on rating but also by the DE's assigned path to the qb. if he is crashed inside, then the RT chance of turning him left should go up since he is already heading that way. It should be more difficult if the DE is crashed outside since he is heading into the play's design. This doesn't happen at all in any madden that i have seen. When the off tackle is most successful it is because the OLine holds their man long enough for the play to work not because the "visual" technique is correct.

4)Seek and Destroy. Seen any real football madden devs? when the guard pulls, it is a seek and destroy mission to the outside on plays like the counter. On madden if you run the counter and go into replay, I guarantee that you will see the guard pull, head to the edge and slow up and wait to block someone on the back side instead of getting out to block someone ahead and clean their clock. The best example of this other than giants or gb packers footage (the two teams i think run the best counters ive seen) is from the movie Rudy. When they are on the practice field and Rudy tells the big guard to block him hard instead of treating him with kid gloves. The next play, he shows you how it should be done. when he pulls, he comes and clean Rudy's clock and burries him in the dirt. He comes all the way out around the edge past where the tackle would be to put Rudy on his @55. That is how it should be done in Madden....seek and destroy!

When they fix this....let me know.
I told Siri to remind me to remind you when they fix this.
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