
They Heard You: Popular Community Requests Coming to Madden NFL 17's Franchise Mode

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Old 06-13-2016, 01:04 AM   #105
howboutdat's Arena
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Re: They Heard You: Popular Community Requests Coming to Madden NFL 17's Franchise Mo

Originally Posted by kse79x
I don't understand with so many being involved in online leagues, which in turn greatly expands the longevity of the game, how so little focus is put on improving things for online leagues.

I'm not a programmer but I don't see how hard it would be to add exhibition games to cfm leagues. Or even a draft board for those who can't make a draft. Ability to do more while away from console using the website would be great as well. Like scouting or letting commishes auto users, undo games or roster dumps.

I don't hate some of the changes but some seem to be very minor or not meant for online leagues. Editable players is great for offline I guess but leagues won't use that except maybe to change names.
Exactly, and again,its not just that above( while that is a large part), its the fact they said it was a new focus on it, more put into it than ever, and again as Rex said himself " saving the best for last", that wasn't marketing team that said that, it was him.

Then they release this info thats a major letdown to alot of us.Just not sure where they got all their community requests from.Because alot of them i didnt see anyone ask for, like the player card or the regression feedback, or key moments ( clearly for casuals) or big decision.... yet we cant get a friggin draft board, that would actually take care of two things people have been asking for. A draft board and being able to draft from web. The thing is, if we could set up a draft board to force the cpu to pick who we tell it to, then there is NO NEED to draft from web. Kills two requests in one feature. I said it months ago, no draft board, and i call it a failure. Not "next year" , this year. Man i just am about feed up with EA again.
Yup, i said it !

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Old 06-13-2016, 01:08 AM   #106
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Re: They Heard You: Popular Community Requests Coming to Madden NFL 17's Franchise Mo

Originally Posted by Trick13
My complaint is this, if two position groups are being XP ed, what is the rest of my dang team doing? Riding a stationary bike? Sleeping in team meetings? Filming commercials??? Focus on three players? Coaches pets? Isn't the morale of my team going to be negatively impacted by such favoritism? Oh that's right, there isn't any chemistry or morale aspect to Madden, only real NFL teams are affected by such things...

Good golly miss Molly, XP progression has got to go...

Who ever came up with XP progression for Madden should count their lucky stars that I am not in charge - I would not fire that guy, as that would be too good for him/her - no I would torture said individual daily, get everyone's coffee, lunch, and dry cleaning, mop the floor, run around the building 20 times with a sign that says "stupid is as XP progression" and recite their entire pokemon card collection nightly before being allowed to clock out.

XP progression is without a doubt the dumbest, wait I forgot about "break away cam", never mind I forgot ring builder too, but it isn't that far off from Madden NFL's worst choices ever...

Trick, I just have to say I respectfully disagree with you. Blind, under-the-hood progression isn't satisfying as there is no user control. The gameplay apparatus seeks to create a system that can be fun and intuitive. In the NFL, players progress and break out on bad teams. Coaches affect this but not to the capacity they do in the NCAA.

I'm with you when it comes to the backwards nature and I would argue let's allocate XP in a one-time fashion like an NCAA-esque training camp, with smaller amounts rewarded in the season, but I also respect the fact that this system is enjoyable and strategic for a lot of people.
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Old 06-13-2016, 01:11 AM   #107
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Re: They Heard You: Popular Community Requests Coming to Madden NFL 17's Franchise Mo

Originally Posted by CM Hooe
Personally I think that having direct interactive agency in determining the direction and progression of my team is always and forever better than simply assigning to my team some NPC characters and delegating all the effort and decision making of player progression to the computer. Why would I even bother picking up the controller at that point if I only have minimal influence over the outcome?

To that end we will agree to disagree as to whether XP progression is "sad" and "inferior".
I agree 100% ....

I very much prefer having a true hands-on effect on how my players develop; and there are real coaches who do have the mentality of wanting to be hands on with their players - owners too; Al Davis(RIP) and Jerry Jones, for example.

The XP system allows me to decide how I want to draft or sign FA's because I can now select players by attributes I can group together for XP allocation purposes or game plan focus for boosts. For example, I am of the understanding that there is a bigger gap in performance between a player with a 79 rating compared to one with an 80 rating in a given area, so I would want to get players with similar rating areas, and with ratings close to that next performance upgrade; and then game plan and allocate XP accordingly..

For game plans, I would want to run a playbook that may boost my 89 player to a 90; doing this seems to be a very efficient and effective use of a +1 boost to a given rating, where as a +1 boost to an 86 rating to increase to 87 isn't going to make much difference and would be a poor choice, IMO for a coach to do; but then this would also separate good coaches from fair coaches.

I am seeing a good bit of user involvement in how their team evolves and plays on the field, thus allowing more options for the hardcore player, while still allowing casuals to just set these allocations to "automatic." THis all sounds like a win/win for both sides of the Sim v. casual v. league users.

Anyway, my 2 cents; overall I am looking forward to Franchise mode this year.

Last edited by 4thQtrStre5S; 06-13-2016 at 01:19 AM.
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Old 06-13-2016, 01:14 AM   #108
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Re: They Heard You: Popular Community Requests Coming to Madden NFL 17's Franchise Mo

My whole take on the XP system is I see it as a coach saying to a player during practice/offseason you need to improve on this. And you can do it by watching film, doing it practice/OTAs/Training Camp/etc., etc.
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Old 06-13-2016, 01:16 AM   #109
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Re: They Heard You: Popular Community Requests Coming to Madden NFL 17's Franchise Mo

Originally Posted by redsox4evur
My whole take on the XP system is I see it as a coach saying to a player during practice/offseason you need to improve on this. And you can do it by watching film, doing it practice/OTAs/Training Camp/etc., etc.
I think of it similarly. Imagination can take you beyond the game's limits. Create your own fun.
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Old 06-13-2016, 01:20 AM   #110
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Re: They Heard You: Popular Community Requests Coming to Madden NFL 17's Franchise Mo

I think everyone can admit the lack of a draft board is a big surprise considering the rush to add a place holder last year in a patch, after people complained.http://www.operationsports.com/news/...-a-watch-list/ I wonder after that how it managed to get left out again this year. Maybe they felt the watch list was adequate, idk because I didn't get to use it in M16.

Edit: To those ok with the XP system, how do you see Goals and what NFL representation do they provide in your opinion?

Last edited by Big FN Deal; 06-13-2016 at 01:23 AM.
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Old 06-13-2016, 01:22 AM   #111
4thQtrStre5S's Arena
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Re: They Heard You: Popular Community Requests Coming to Madden NFL 17's Franchise Mo

Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
I think everyone can admit the lack of a draft board is a big surprise considering the rush to add a place holder last year in a patch, after people complained.http://www.operationsports.com/news/...-a-watch-list/ I wonder after that how it managed to get left out again this year. Maybe they felt the watch list was adequate, idk because I didn't get to use it in M16.

I like to think, especially considering the patches/updates to M16, that a draft board could see its way into M17 after release.
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Old 06-13-2016, 01:24 AM   #112
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Re: They Heard You: Popular Community Requests Coming to Madden NFL 17's Franchise Mo

Originally Posted by howboutdat
Exactly, and again,its not just that above( while that is a large part), its the fact they said it was a new focus on it, more put into it than ever, and again as Rex said himself " saving the best for last", that wasn't marketing team that said that, it was him.

Then they release this info thats a major letdown to alot of us.Just not sure where they got all their community requests from.Because alot of them i didnt see anyone ask for, like the player card or the regression feedback, or key moments ( clearly for casuals) or big decision.... yet we cant get a friggin draft board, that would actually take care of two things people have been asking for. A draft board and being able to draft from web. The thing is, if we could set up a draft board to force the cpu to pick who we tell it to, then there is NO NEED to draft from web. Kills two requests in one feature. I said it months ago, no draft board, and i call it a failure. Not "next year" , this year. Man i just am about feed up with EA again.
They get their many community requests from websites not just OS, but websites similar to OS.

Here is a sample of one of them:


I don't see draft board in the top 50.

Plus, Shopmaster said he feels there is more info to drop for CFM.
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