
Madden NFL 17: Franchise Mode Adds New Play the Moments, Super-Sim Features

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Old 06-12-2016, 06:13 PM   #137
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Re: Madden NFL 17: Franchise Mode Adds New Play the Moments, Super-Sim Features

All of this is amazing and i have done my pre-order. No off-ball injuries is disappointing but hard to nitpick with all the great additions for '17. Here is my one last concern:

Formation Subs/Auto Subs. Will we be able to have formation subs in the franchise menu outside of the game and will the auto sub sliders actually work in franchise mode?
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Old 06-12-2016, 06:17 PM   #138
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Re: Madden NFL 17: Franchise Mode Adds New Play the Moments, Super-Sim Features

Originally Posted by SportsGamer94
So Madden gets a pass now for screwing up an entire gen football? You can't compare Madden to 2k just because Tiburon screwed up? Last I heard they both cost 59.99. Far as I'm concerned they should be sued or give us our money back for the terrible games they put out last gen.
Anyway these additions are cool but I'm not getting overly exciting for things that should have been in the game years ago and I've already used in other games. This team is doing a great job with Madden they still have a long way to go but at least they are improving the game every year.
No one is giving them a pass man. Look at it this way. If features they once had are left out, then they are even further behind than they are with those features. You have to build a base before you can have tons and tons of new features. Look at NBA 2K and The Show, those games didn't become the games they are in one cycle. As far as being suing EA...you knew what you were dealing with before and they didn't take your money, you gave it to them.

Last edited by Gilley; 06-12-2016 at 06:20 PM.
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Old 06-12-2016, 06:18 PM   #139
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Re: Madden NFL 17: Franchise Mode Adds New Play the Moments, Super-Sim Features

Originally Posted by bcruise
No, Price shot that down in his Q&A thread. That screen is more likely from a sim.

Silly idea for a work-around here:

Since full player editing now exists, if you wanted to see O-line injuries you could hypothetically edit the injury rating of offensive lineman to 0. This would be awful if you simmed games/plays with that in place (since it would lead to excessive injuries) and it still wouldn't lead to off-ball injuries, but if your o-lineman picks up a fumble or makes a tackle on a turnover with an injury rating of 0 he would have a higher chance of getting hurt I assume, so you could hypothetically engineer some o-line injuries into the game, albeit very cheaply and with some work involved.

Last edited by Jimbo12308; 06-12-2016 at 06:21 PM.
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Old 06-12-2016, 06:19 PM   #140
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Re: Madden NFL 17: Franchise Mode Adds New Play the Moments, Super-Sim Features

Originally Posted by SportsGamer94
So Madden gets a pass now for screwing up an entire gen NFL football gaming? You can't compare Madden to 2k just because Tiburon screwed up? Last I heard they both cost 59.99. Far as I'm concerned they should be sued or give us our money back for the terrible games they put out last gen.
Anyway these additions are cool but I'm not getting overly exciting for things that should have been in the game years ago and I've already used in other games. This team is doing a great job with Madden they still have a long way to go but at least they are improving the game every year.
Not in the Madden forums SG, it leads to disruptive back and forths and eventually bans.
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Old 06-12-2016, 06:20 PM   #141
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Re: Madden NFL 17: Franchise Mode Adds New Play the Moments, Super-Sim Features

Alright. Enough with the 2K stuff. Back on-topic about franchise mode.
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Old 06-12-2016, 06:21 PM   #142
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Franchise Mode Details

Originally Posted by SolidSquid
I'm happy with additions but outside of full player editing/ practice squads nothing had me go "wow".
Pretty much my same thoughts. The ticker and player editing are welcome additions that were long overdue. Full player editing isn't something huge for me but being able to rename rookies and contracts is nice. Injuries being reworked and having more created player faces are also positives.

Outside of that though I didn't really like anything else. Gameplanning is something I already know I'd want to always simulate but it seems like you may be penalized for that this year by not getting the boosts without running the drills/tutorials. The boosts are another thing I don't like but from the screenshot they seem like they'll be insignificant. Still, raising things like throw power or catch based on routes being ran seems odd to me.

Overall I was hoping for more depth in other places than another big focus on game prep, goals, and XP. Coaching staffs or even coordinators, coach carousel, fifth year options, waiver wire, 90-man rosters, restricted free agents, larger draft classes, improved scouting were the type of things I was looking for but it is what it is.
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Old 06-12-2016, 06:25 PM   #143
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Re: Madden NFL 17: Franchise Mode Adds New Play the Moments, Super-Sim Features

Originally Posted by SportsGamer94
So Madden gets a pass now for screwing up an entire gen NFL football gaming? You can't compare Madden to 2k just because Tiburon screwed up? Last I heard they both cost 59.99. Far as I'm concerned they should be sued or give us our money back for the terrible games they put out last gen.
Anyway these additions are cool but I'm not getting overly exciting for things that should have been in the game years ago and I've already used in other games. This team is doing a great job with Madden they still have a long way to go but at least they are improving the game every year.
At some point you just have to get over the past and have realistic expectations. Being extremely unrealistic with your expectations because of how bad previous iterations were isn't fair at this point. They can't make a lightyear jump forward just because you think that in an ideal world they'd be far ahead of where they are now. They can only do so much in one year, and they had a deep hole to dig out of.
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Old 06-12-2016, 06:27 PM   #144
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Re: Madden NFL 17: Franchise Mode Adds New Play the Moments, Super-Sim Features

Im not as excited yet as Id hoped Id be. Some decent changes but as I focus more on online leagues, there isn't a ton that make me happy.

Draft boards. Come on now. All online leaguers know its so damn hard to get everyone to meet one draft time. Not making a draft leads to an attempt to trade your picks or stick with CPU drafting for you which no doubt leads to horrible no-sense picks (3 TE's for example).

Exhibition games. I really hope they get this in as it has to be so simple to add. Let league members play scrimmage games between each other with out league teams.

Ability to undo games/roster dumps. Sick of having to worry about cheese and people roster dumping.
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