
NHL 15 News Arrives on Monday, May 5th

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Old 05-04-2014, 03:44 PM   #25
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Re: NHL 15 News Arrives on Monday, May 5th

Originally Posted by dukebeatsuncagain
Is there any game that you people like?
LOL, I understand your meaning.
But let's face it. How much different are some of these sports games from 10 years ago?

I admit I'm a jaded gamer. I've lived through several 'next-gen' releases and I've found that certain sports franchises haven't really improved a whole lot.
The graphics always seem to get better, but gameplay and AI haven't made the equivalent jump that the hardware has.
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Old 05-04-2014, 04:21 PM   #26
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Re: NHL 15 News Arrives on Monday, May 5th

I'm hoping for a next-gen screenshot. That would be awesome.

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Old 05-04-2014, 04:40 PM   #27
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Re: NHL 15 News Arrives on Monday, May 5th

Originally Posted by giantsharks
What are you hoping to see or hear about NHL 15 on Monday?
I hope to see that the lack of attention given to the last couple installments in this series has not gone in vain, and that resources were used all the while in preparation for '15.

I try not to act entitled, but I feel like we're owed something for sticking it out with this title and being bent over for so long.

What I want the most is gameplay, gm mode, and presentation to actually start reflecting real life. Game-play aside, gm mode and presentation just require effort. There's not much need for innovation in these areas, it's just monkey-see-monky-do. I know game-play is a tough thing to do, but I'm hoping they can really cook on these new systems.
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Old 05-04-2014, 04:54 PM   #28
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Re: NHL 15 News Arrives on Monday, May 5th

Can't wait!!
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Old 05-04-2014, 05:05 PM   #29
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I'm expecting a screenshot for next-gen. I think the majority of EA's effort will be for a next-gen release in the fall. I think there will still be a current gen release, but it will be NHL 14 will updated rosters and jerseys.
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Old 05-04-2014, 06:16 PM   #30
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Re: NHL 15 News Arrives on Monday, May 5th

Originally Posted by Moose Factory
give us GameFace in Live the Life. So I can actually... you know... try to live the life
I hear you, I set up my gameface, got all prepared and then discovered that NHL 14 does not have gameface

That's 1 thing the new game better have.
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Old 05-04-2014, 09:43 PM   #31
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Re: NHL 15 News Arrives on Monday, May 5th

I have a ps4 so I skipped nhl 14. EA has had over a year to make this game. So I hope that this will be something big. As I said that I know we are talking about EA. Don't get me wrong, I support them and give them credit when a lot of other s give them grief.
Madden as in my eyes is great on the ps4 and is an upgrade over the ps3.As some said they look and play the same. I had some gripes with it. All male fans, no cheerleaders, no dynamic snow. few cutscenes, and really no sideline interactions which they made a big deal about. That probably got cut at the last minute but still.
With hockey and every sports game I want real real realism. They have sliders to make it arcadey if you like. So they should push for real gameplay and real physics.
I hope we get real coaches, real player faces, real puck physics. I'd like scrums along the boards with loose pucks. Simple teams celebrations when scoring goals. Pretty much everything that guy said he wanted to be added(the article that was posted on this forum) is what I want added too.
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Old 05-04-2014, 09:52 PM   #32
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Re: NHL 15 News Arrives on Monday, May 5th

Originally Posted by dukebeatsuncagain
Is there any game that you people like?
People love MLB The Show and NBA 2K gets a fair amount of praise too. Honestly, I think a number of complaints about MLB/NBA are abit much/unnecessary, but look at MLB for example,if some of the main complaints are things like uniform colors, retractable roofs and stuff, you know it's a good game.

NHL does deserve the hate they get. The lack of things they really even improve/make better is sad, and they even flat out admitted they intentionally didn't have certain things in their game because it would "make the game less fun".......It's a hockey video game, you're supposed to include everything that's in a regular hockey game, regardless if you think it's fun or not!

That'd be like MLB not having much(if any) foul balls because foul balls takes away from the fun of the game. It's part of the game,it should be in regardless if a small group of people think it's not fun. EA Sports really just makes NHL more of a game that'd generate the most money online than a game that'd be great to play. There's a reason NHL14 was one of the worst selling NHL games EA has made in almost a decade(even the lockouts and NHL13 didn't do that bad!), people not bothering with buying game after game having the same problems every year in it.
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