
NCAA Football 13 October Title Update Available Now For PS3 and 360

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Old 10-23-2012, 02:32 PM   #105
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Re: NCAA Football 13 October Title Update Available Now For PS3 and 360

Originally Posted by BenGerman
I disagree with those who believe NCAA will be canceled any time soon. It may not be doing well with the sim crowd, but it still gets good enough sales #'s. You could argue that this years sales were down, but so was the entire industry.
Personally I really hope it doesn't get the axe. When you look at the game as a whole it is truly impressive. We can build teams online and import them into the game. We can manage our teams online through recruiting, supersim and advancing if we want. They have 90% of the college stadiums properly modeled. The general scope of what this game has accomplished is impressive to me. But the problem is once you hit the details it starts to fall apart a little.

There are so many legacy bugs and new ones created with each new feature that is added. They never seem to get a head of the game in getting things fixed. They know they need a "newness" to get people to buy the game so they have to determine how to spend there programming time.

Is it adding new features or really going in and tightening up the game and making it shine. I understand gameplay is a total PITA to model and they do a decent job and minus a few glitches, but why can I not see a coaches job history to know where he has been and how good he was, why has team builder not been updated in years (even just minor), why do some sliders work in practice but now in my dynasty, etc...

They need to fix the little issues and really polish out what they have created before wasting time on more "newness" that will be another 90% completed feature and put them even deeper into a hole they will have to eventually dig themselves out of (fixing half done features). If not they will either have to just shut it down or start over (ala total engine redesign from last gen to this one). Hopefully they can pull off a miracle and polish the game and add newness but I'm not holding my breath on that one.

I noticed in your sig you are currently playing about 8 games, I play 2. NCAA and Forza. That is it, if NCAA bites the dust half of my gaming world will be destroyed so I am hoping for them to do good.
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Last edited by PocketScout; 10-23-2012 at 02:40 PM.
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Old 10-23-2012, 02:55 PM   #106
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Re: NCAA Football 13 October Title Update Available Now For PS3 and 360

Originally Posted by PocketScout
Personally I really hope it doesn't get the axe. When you look at the game as a whole it is truly impressive. We can build teams online and import them into the game. We can manage our teams online through recruiting, supersim and advancing if we want. They have 90% of the college stadiums properly modeled. The general scope of what this game has accomplished is impressive to me. But the problem is once you hit the details it starts to fall apart a little.

There are so many legacy bugs and new ones created with each new feature that is added. They never seem to get a head of the game in getting things fixed. They know they need a "newness" to get people to buy the game so they have to determine how to spend there programming time.

Is it adding new features or really going in and tightening up the game and making it shine. I understand gameplay is a total PITA to model and they do a decent job and minus a few glitches, but why can I not see a coaches job history to know where he has been and how good he was, why has team builder not been updated in years (even just minor), why do some sliders work in practice but now in my dynasty, etc...

They need to fix the little issues and really polish out what they have created before wasting time on more "newness" that will be another 90% completed feature and put them even deeper into a hole they will have to eventually dig themselves out of (fixing half done features). If not they will either have to just shut it down or start over (ala total engine redesign from last gen to this one). Hopefully they can pull off a miracle and polish the game and add newness but I'm not holding my breath on that one.

I noticed in your sig you are currently playing about 8 games, I play 2. NCAA and Forza. That is it, if NCAA bites the dust half of my gaming world will be destroyed so I am hoping for them to do good.
Couldn't agree more my friend, and while I may be playing multiple games, NCAA is the game I play the most. We are in agreement that NCAA '13 is really impressive on a lot of different levels and that they really need to focus on ironing a few things out. With the physics coming over from Madden (a game where I think the gameplay is generally very good, but everything else, including the AI is sort of lacking), I feel really good about the gameplay.

They need to focus on presentation and coaching carousel next year IMO, as presentation is the games worst aspect (every game has sort of has the same feel. We may need a college gameday kind of thing to fix this) and Coaching Carousel is what makes the game unique from its pro-level counterparts. No more Heisman Challenge stuff (which I'm fairly sure no one played) or anything new that even feels remotely like Heisman Challenge. RTG is never going to be as fun as a college player as a be a pro mode will be, so I'd really see them go away from RTG a little bit, at least to focus on other stuff first.
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Old 10-23-2012, 03:54 PM   #107
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Re: NCAA Football 13 October Title Update Available Now For PS3 and 360

Originally Posted by Soonerfan14
Wait a min. I can trade it in to amazon for 30 bucks? How do you do that?
go to Amazon
Under departments go to video games
Then there should be a link for the trade in store.
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Old 10-23-2012, 04:21 PM   #108
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Re: NCAA Football 13 October Title Update Available Now For PS3 and 360

Originally Posted by rupe
Anyone know if the PS3 custom stadium sounds are fixed with this patch. Being blacked out if you have more than 300 songs?
I can confirm they did not fix the custom stadium sounds. Bummer.
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Old 10-23-2012, 04:51 PM   #109
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Re: NCAA Football 13 October Title Update Available Now For PS3 and 360

This patch didn't fix freezing issues either...haven't played one full dynasty yet without it freezing..before and after this new patch.....
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Old 10-23-2012, 04:56 PM   #110
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Re: NCAA Football 13 October Title Update Available Now For PS3 and 360

I know we didnt have to restart our dynsaty for the patch to take affect so with that being said i finished my offine dynasty & was advancing & it would never advance to the offseason no matter how many times i tried to advance so if any1 has any idea what the problem is id love to hear it
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Old 10-23-2012, 05:33 PM   #111
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Re: NCAA Football 13 October Title Update Available Now For PS3 and 360

This game had so much potential this year and they didn't do a damn thing with it at all. Pretty pathetic and sad. They released patches that break stuff, then release patches to fix some of the things they broke in the 1st place. So at the end of the year after all the patches, we really right back were we started, an incomplete game.

They do this every year with this series. Do people actually realize that ? Every year it is the same song and dance. Every year most of the patches be dynasty related. Dynasty has been broken in some form in this series ever since NCAA 09. So you would think they would completely replace their dynasty stat simulation engine.

And don't get me started with the whack BS looking animations. I swear with every patch the animations in this game got worse and worse. If this series got canceled, I wouldn't even be mad.
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Old 10-23-2012, 06:44 PM   #112
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Re: NCAA Football 13 October Title Update Available Now For PS3 and 360

Originally Posted by Mazarati 2012
This patch didn't fix freezing issues either...haven't played one full dynasty yet without it freezing..before and after this new patch.....
Xbox or p3?
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