
Five Things to Improve NCAA Football 13

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Old 03-04-2012, 01:11 PM   #209
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Re: Five Things to Improve NCAA Football 13

Long time lurker, but recently joined,

I read most of this thread & so much of this is true, & I think we all want this game to truly evolve & it has not & yet we still support it, because we have no other option & we are so passionate about our schools , programs, or just the game of football.

I think NCAA/ ea should utilize Forza method & goto a two disc model,
Put all of the stadium assets & extra game modes on a disc that we can load on the hard drive, things like dynasty & play creator could be fully fleshed out & really bring this game into the next gen finally.

A sim/ arcade button or slider should be added, and done correctly, arcade would be more pick up & play for the young kids & casual gamers who don't know football & want the more "street" type of gameplay
Sim would be us older players, who want the RPG/AD/ what we see on Saturday type of gameplay & control over it.

The data disc(2nd) would be huge for this game.

I play skyrim & I love it, it is truly remarkable what they do in that game, but at no point are there 22 hi res characters on screen interacting together & a dynamic environment playing out around it & tracking each characters stats & logging them. I say that to say I know that doing a college football game the way we want is a tough task, but so much more is possible than the effort we have been getting.

I'd love to test for ea, I'd put in 40-60 hours a week, to help this game be as good as possible.

James b
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Old 03-06-2012, 02:14 AM   #210
Hunsy34's Arena
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Re: Five Things to Improve NCAA Football 13

Originally Posted by NoLittleBabies
I keep forgetting to bring this up, probably because it seems so obvious that I figure many people already have. But since it's been an issue for at least three years now, I'll just say it. Can EA please fix the man coverage alignments out of the 3-3-5?

Its not just the 3-3-5 your players never align up on man defense if you have a DB covering the HB he stays way outside on the opposite field instead of lining up with him. Its completely broken.
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Old 03-08-2012, 02:50 PM   #211
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Re: Five Things to Improve NCAA Football 13

1)- 4) Release a game that works and will not crash our systems. If the game lacks stability to the extent that 12 does it becomes almost unplayable.

5) Kindly do not "patch" the game and break it if you do manage to relaese a stable game.

"3D grass", stadium sounds, dynasty, team builder, mocapping cheerleaders, blah blah blah are all only as worthwhile as the basic game if the game doesn't function all the "features" are just farts in the wind.
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Old 03-08-2012, 04:49 PM   #212
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How about a NSD where some of the highly sought after recruits sit at a table with 3-5 hats and they choose 1... or where committed recruits can flip at the last minute? Maybe even have a high school all start game where recruits announce ... Just saying, add some spice to the whole recruiting trail.
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Old 03-11-2012, 07:37 PM   #213
allconsoles's Arena
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Can we fix the kick off and punt return stats? there is no excuse for the KR/PR to get 20-30 yards for a touchback
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Old 03-17-2012, 07:57 PM   #214
BDawg35's Arena
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Excellent points. I like what you said about recruiting. It would be nice to find diamonds in the rough and have 5-star guys just tank. Maybe have player REGRESSION. Maybe have progression tied, in part, to game experience. It would make it worthwhile then to bring in your backups in the fourth quarter so they get some playing time and perhaps an extra bump in AWR or OVR as a result.

My biggest complaint playing vs. the CPU this year - well, one of them - is the HORRIBLE decision-making by CPU teams. I had a team last night call a timeout with just more than 2 minutes left in the half and the ball on my side of the field. That same team was later spiking the ball and wasting downs after getting first downs late in the game, needing to score twice. I looked and only one second ran off the clock by the time the chains moved and they got to the line, so why not run a play instead of waste a down? And I guess I should thank the stupid CPU coaches for gift-wrapping some comeback wins for me this year. I was playing Iowa, which basically needed to run on third down and let the clock run out - or down to just a few seconds. Instead, Iowa passes, I pick it off and it sets up a game-winning touchdown pass. The CPU quite often bases its play calling on down-and-distance and the defense you're running than on the game situation when it holds a lead late in the game.

There is also the predictability of CPU play calls this year. If I get a tackle for loss on first down, it's amazing how often the CPU runs the ball on second-and-long - and how often it gets big yardage, despite the fact I'm in a defense that should hold up against the run.

Back to the premise of this piece, I disagree that only recently have gamers been disappointed with NCAA Football. Complaints about the franchise have been pretty fierce in this entire generation, as EA has not put in some features that were common in the PS2/XBox days. To focus on one, I choose CPU mass subbing - or the lack thereof. The CPU mass-subbed in blowouts in the old gen, but doesn't in this gen. So, if I am getting my clock cleaned, as happens early in my dynasties, I'm probably giving up a 300-yard rushing game if I mass sub, because the CPU's stud back will still be in there running against my scrubs.
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Old 03-17-2012, 07:59 PM   #215
BDawg35's Arena
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Oh, and a stat issue - the time in the game summary for scoring plays is always one second off from what it was on the clock when you were playing the game. It's been that way in this generation. It would also be nice if you could sort by total tackles, as that's the order I type in my defensive stats when doing dynasty reports. It sorts by solo tackles if you go by tackles.
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Old 03-20-2012, 12:00 AM   #216
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Yeah, presentation is definetly still a big isSue in the series. Not only with the team specific entrances but also with the broadcasting, the energy and the player reactions. For example, you break out into a 50 yard TD run and what do you hear from the crowd? Silence. Or if you are the home team on D and it's a big 3rd down, all you hear is that stupid, "defense, defense" from you're crappy *** crowd. It's all gotta change. One more huge problem, look at the helmets the players wear, jesus. How often do you see a player in real life wearing a schutt 2 bar over a freakin revo speed?
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