
NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

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Old 06-18-2010, 04:26 PM   #1953
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by Playmakers
Wouldn't that be a player awareness factor also rhombic?

You said the AI doesn't know how to cover and where to cover but what if you you had 4 DB's and 3 LB's with all 90+ awareness in Zone Coverage and Play Recognition you know those ratings in the game that no one seems to ever look at because they don't even know they are there.....do you think they would react smarter with those types of ratings

Is that something you've tested to find out for yourself rhombic?

I think you should waite for the final product before making this conclusion everything will be broken.......

Every year i see lots of guy's saying something is broken and every year i seem to edit something in the game on my own and it gets much better on the field.......now i'm not asking you guys to waiste your time editing stuff in NCAA football

But i find it kinda amusing that guys in Backbreaker's can edit the entire game

Guys in MLB The Show or MLB 2K10 will edit the game some of them the entire game

But the damn NCAA Football crowd act like those things aren't possible or they are too LAZY to do it......

If i had the patient to edit the default teams there's no doubt in my mind some of the issues you guys complain about would be cut in half.....

Maybe you guys should get some kind of 3 or 4 man editing crew like the guys in those other sports games have done and fix some of the issues on the field by editing the game play on your own.

There are quite a few guys here at OS themselves that can vouch for me because they've used EA's rosters and they've used my rosters in NCAA football and the issues are cut in half every year. IT doesn't make the game play perfect but it does make it better overall...

Now the problems should be fixed by EA.....but if think they will edit the game like I have done the past 3 years or the guys who work as a community in Backbreaker or MLB The Show then your going to be waiting a long time. By the tie game is released they'll be working on NCAA 2012

So you can either complain about some these issues all year or you can roll up your damn sleeves and get under the hood of the game YOURSELF!
No offense, but not every game can be fixed by the player. I for one tried last year to fix the Madden rushing yards problem from the last patch for the game. I took all the running backs AWR down a ton, and for the first season it worked, but it soon skyrocketed after that. As for the A.I. in EA's football games, it is all connected to the engine. I can increase the A.I. of the QB's AWR, but for some reason they still throw really dumb passes. And the A.I. running game (in this generation of games) has been poor to say the least. You know why, because they can't alter the A.I. that much. It is to embedded into the main engine of the game. Thats why QB's throw the same INT's from the same situations. Cpu running backs run without any real sense of trying to get to the first down marker i.e. no real use of the right joystick, and no use of the speed button, which is why they got rid of the speed boost. because the A.I. was stuck on the fact that if you use the speed button the D will go into turbo mode, so it was always easy to get the RB on just about every play the CPU runs. Some things are just unfixable, and some things are just getting old.
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Old 06-18-2010, 04:35 PM   #1954
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by ODogg
Skyboxer is reiterating what my sarcasm implied, we understand some of you have real issues with the demo and, in general, EA's style of football, but why is there a need to post the same things again and again and then get angry when others still seem to enjoy the game? It just seems as if unless we all agree with you and decide we're not going to buy the game, and then announce the flaws again and again like yourself, then you will never be happy. Sorry but it's never going to happen.

Here's a revelation: some of us know football, yes probably as well as you and anyone else complaining, as much as that may shock you, but yet we are able to enjoy the game without nitpicking it to death. And yes we'll even agree some flaws are most certainly not nitpicking, but regardless we still stil get great enjoyment from the game and will continue to purchase it.

Meh. It goes both way. Because Playmakers, Skyboxer and you are doing the exact same thing at those you criticize.

Just like there is no need to keep whining and complaining...there also isn't a need to excessively bitch and moan about those that aren't as satisfied of the game as you are. Practice what you preach and let people have their say/impressions without getting a hair across your arse.
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Old 06-18-2010, 04:36 PM   #1955
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by CYST2000
No offense, but not every game can be fixed by the player. I for one tried last year to fix the Madden rushing yards problem from the last patch for the game. I took all the running backs AWR down a ton, and for the first season it worked, but it soon skyrocketed after that. As for the A.I. in EA's football games, it is all connected to the engine. I can increase the A.I. of the QB's AWR, but for some reason they still throw really dumb passes. And the A.I. running game (in this generation of games) has been poor to say the least. You know why, because they can't alter the A.I. that much. It is to embedded into the main engine of the game. Thats why QB's throw the same INT's from the same situations. Cpu running backs run without any real sense of trying to get to the first down marker i.e. no real use of the right joystick, and no use of the speed button, which is why they got rid of the speed boost. because the A.I. was stuck on the fact that if you use the speed button the D will go into turbo mode, so it was always easy to get the RB on just about every play the CPU runs. Some things are just unfixable, and some things are just getting old.
With all do respect man

Did you lower the catch ratings of the defenders accross the boards?

Did you boost up the RB's Ball carrier vision ratings along with Awareness?

Did you boost up the Run Block Footwork of the OL and their awareness?

I highly doubt more than 5 people on these entire boards have tweaked the ratings in NCAA the past 2-3 years to the extent I have in order to see that type of game play. I highly doubt some of the guys complaining even know you could alter ratings to effect certain parts of the game....they assume it is what it is and there are no other alternatives

In fact most people didn't even know that in NCAA 09 the bad pursuit problem could have been solved simply by increasing the pursuit ratings of the defenders accross the boards....they though it was a coding error but in reality it was more about defenders having poor pursuit ratings in the game.

Download my roster file if you guys don't believe the QB play or RB play can get can get better in NCAA Football simply by editing the game yourself.....

Sliders + Player Edits can create a much better game but you'll never know because some of you waiste time complaining instead of trying it for yourself......you accept the flawed rosters by EA and assume nothing can make it better

I personally think the NCAA Football community out of all the sports forums on these boards put in the less time tweaking the game to fix issues....They would would rather complain about a players 40 time or a guy not wearing the correct socks then they would editing the game

Guys put in names and numbers every year for the rosters with slight edits to ratings but none of them really tweak the game play.....

Go over to the Backbreaker Forums and watch how those guys are putting in work on that football game. I don't go over there and tell those guys teh edits they are doing don't work because I haven't tried it for myself.

Go over to the NHL Forums or NBA 2K10 Forums and watch those guys put in work....they don't fix all the problems but they damn sure fix some of them simply by doing roster files

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Last edited by Playmakers; 06-18-2010 at 04:53 PM.
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Old 06-18-2010, 04:39 PM   #1956
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by Skyboxer
The lengths some of you go to whine about a video game......ESPECIALLY one you claim you're not even buying!...

Madden had different speed settings and you can adjust for each....

Oh and I will get enjoyment out of this VIDEO GAME....
You know what, I was going to buy this game, yeah I had it paid in full all ready to pick up when it came out, but after playing the demo I realized that this is 2010 all over again. Dumb A.I. and poor animations. I don't slam you for your opinions, or do I call you a whiner. I'm not going to be one of those people that plays the same broken game year in and year out, and tell others how great it is, and then call people who disagree with me that they are whiners. If the game was truly great and the only thing we had to pay for every year was the new game with updated rosters and new animations, then I would be fine with it, but instead we get the same broken game only with upgraded presentation. I truly hope you enjoy the game, I wasn't being a a**h***, thats not how I work, but if you can't accept my sincerity than shame on you.
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Old 06-18-2010, 04:43 PM   #1957
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by Playmakers
With all do respect man

did you lower the catch ratings of the defenders across the boards?

Did you boost up the RB's Ball carrier vision ratings along with Awareness?

Did you boost up the Run Block Footwork of the OL and their awareness?

I highly doubt more than 5 people on these entire boards have tweaked the ratings in NCAA th epast 2-3 years to the extent I have in order to see that type of game play.

In fact most people didn't even know that in NCAA 09 the bad pursuit problem could have been solved simply by increasing the pursuit ratings of the defenders accross the boards....they though it was a coding error but in reality it was more about defenders having poor pursuit ratings in the game.

Download my roster file if you guys don't believe the QB play or RB play can get can get better in NCAA Football simply by editing the game yourself.....

Sliders + Player Edits can create a much better game but you've never done them how would you know?
Yes to all, but I had to decrease the AWR sooooo much more, because it was he main issue of the RB getting to much yardage per play. All stats increased to their fullest by year two, and was not that effective in eliminating the problem. And when did we start spending so much money, only to have to fix all of these problems of the final product? I have always tweaked my sports games. I don't need any help with that, but you are talking about changing the entire game. I think you should work for EA, if thats your passion.

Last edited by CYST2000; 06-18-2010 at 04:48 PM.
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Old 06-18-2010, 05:00 PM   #1958
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by CYST2000
Yes to all, but I had to decrease the AWR sooooo much more, because it was he main issue of the RB getting to much yardage per play. All stats increased to their fullest by year two, and was not that effective in eliminating the problem. And when did we start spending so much money, only to have to fix all of these problems of the final product? I have always tweaked my sports games. I don't need any help with that, but you are talking about changing the entire game. I think you should work for EA, if thats your passion.
Again we are talking about NCAA Football not Madden

I asked you if you've made those changes to NCAA Football because this game and Madden aren't the same game in case you haven't noticed.

If you didn't do those things in NCAA Football how would you know if they work or not?

And your right it's not our job to fix issues in these games....but guess what why is the Backbreaker Community working hard to fix that game on the field?

Do any of them work for that company....I highly doubt it but guess what they are still editing the game.

I'm telling you guys in advance how to make the game better because it's what i've done the past 3 years with great results. If you don't care to make it better then hey that's on you....but don't tell me it doesn't work if you haven't put in the work or time.

And by the way RB YPC in Madden are tied more into Ball Carrier Vision Ratings....If you spent all that time reducing the awareness rating without touching Ball carrier Vision then your only doing half the job required to solve your problem

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Last edited by Playmakers; 06-18-2010 at 05:05 PM.
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Old 06-18-2010, 05:56 PM   #1959
stevedrumsdw's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by CYST2000
You know what, I was going to buy this game, yeah I had it paid in full all ready to pick up when it came out, but after playing the demo I realized that this is 2010 all over again. Dumb A.I. and poor animations. I don't slam you for your opinions, or do I call you a whiner. I'm not going to be one of those people that plays the same broken game year in and year out, and tell others how great it is, and then call people who disagree with me that they are whiners. If the game was truly great and the only thing we had to pay for every year was the new game with updated rosters and new animations, then I would be fine with it, but instead we get the same broken game only with upgraded presentation. I truly hope you enjoy the game, I wasn't being a a**h***, thats not how I work, but if you can't accept my sincerity than shame on you.
This is an outstanding post
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Old 06-18-2010, 06:11 PM   #1960
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by CYST2000
You know what, I was going to buy this game, yeah I had it paid in full all ready to pick up when it came out, but after playing the demo I realized that this is 2010 all over again. Dumb A.I. and poor animations. I don't slam you for your opinions, or do I call you a whiner. I'm not going to be one of those people that plays the same broken game year in and year out, and tell others how great it is, and then call people who disagree with me that they are whiners. If the game was truly great and the only thing we had to pay for every year was the new game with updated rosters and new animations, then I would be fine with it, but instead we get the same broken game only with upgraded presentation. I truly hope you enjoy the game, I wasn't being a a**h***, thats not how I work, but if you can't accept my sincerity than shame on you.
Your comments are obviously sincere.

I'm not an "under the hood" type of guy, but I've played with sliders created by OS guys, and the game play continues to be unsatisfying. You either like this type of game or not, but I checked it out because of the "locomotion thing". No real innovation here, but I'm sure a lot of people on this board are quite satisfied with the status quo. To each his own.

Originally Posted by Playmakers
And your right it's not our job to fix issues in these games....but guess what why is the Backbreaker Community working hard to fix that game on the field?
We're (the BC community) really asking for patches more than anything. Sliders aren't available, so are hands are a little tied.

Last edited by JayBee74; 06-18-2010 at 06:16 PM.
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