
Fight Night Champion Title Update #2 Available Now, Post Impressions Here (PS3, 360)

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Old 07-16-2011, 11:31 AM   #257
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Re: Fight Night Champion Title Update #2 Available Now, Post Impressions Here (PS3, 3

I decided to try out 2 minute rounds again, with output at 0 and stamina on 10. Furthermore, I edited four boxers, changing all their punch frequencies to approximately half their original value.

First match, I was Lewis against AI Tyson. Although he threw a resaonable amount of punches (50-60) per round, he was exhausted by the 8th round, allowing me to pick up an underserved win.

Second fight, I was Hopkins against AI Jones Jr. Again, Jones threw a realistic amount of punches (55 average per round), but by the 7th round, he was gassed in an all too familiar story, giving me another easy KO victory.

It seems almost impossible post patch to get the CPU not too becoming a zombie mid-fight, even when they aren't throwing an unrealistically high amount of punches. Whether it is their movement, or the fact that they are throwing too many power-modified punches, I'm not too sure. There is the option of deleting all the patches and playing the original game, but that also has it's issues; too high a punch accuracy, counter window freezes, sluggish movement etc.

I think I'll just stick to 1 minute rounds, with my sliders and edited cuts and swelling ratings for the boxers, where stamina isn't a problem. With this setting, I find the punch output is a little too low, but if I imagine the round was 90 seconds as opposed to 60, and thus extrapolate the punch numbers, it makes the bout feel more realistic.

For example, I was Wlad against Haye, in a bout where I won a UD, with him only throwing 278 punches. It seems low, but if the rounds were 90 seconds, he would have thrown 417, was is more than reasonable. I find the rounds have the right mix of action and feeling out, as if the AI punch output was any higher, the rounds would appear to frantic and arcadey. I find I am getting a good mix of UD's, draws, 1 pko's, ko's and tko's, so the settings seem realistic. An example being, when I am Foreman and fight Tyson, I know that the bout won't go to a decision, but when I'm Wlad against Haye, I'll usually tend to win late, but in once instance I beat him with a 1 pko. Also, when I am the Klitschko's against Arreola and Chambers, sometimes I'll win a UD with a couple of knockdowns on occassion, whilst at other times I'll stop them very late on. All these scenarios seem quite reasonable.
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Old 07-16-2011, 04:08 PM   #258
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Re: Fight Night Champion Title Update #2 Available Now, Post Impressions Here (PS3, 3

Originally Posted by Punjabi_Souljah
I decided to try out 2 minute rounds again, with output at 0 and stamina on 10. Furthermore, I edited four boxers, changing all their punch frequencies to approximately half their original value.

First match, I was Lewis against AI Tyson. Although he threw a resaonable amount of punches (50-60) per round, he was exhausted by the 8th round, allowing me to pick up an underserved win.

Second fight, I was Hopkins against AI Jones Jr. Again, Jones threw a realistic amount of punches (55 average per round), but by the 7th round, he was gassed in an all too familiar story, giving me another easy KO victory.

It seems almost impossible post patch to get the CPU not too becoming a zombie mid-fight, even when they aren't throwing an unrealistically high amount of punches. Whether it is their movement, or the fact that they are throwing too many power-modified punches, I'm not too sure. There is the option of deleting all the patches and playing the original game, but that also has it's issues; too high a punch accuracy, counter window freezes, sluggish movement etc.

I think I'll just stick to 1 minute rounds, with my sliders and edited cuts and swelling ratings for the boxers, where stamina isn't a problem. With this setting, I find the punch output is a little too low, but if I imagine the round was 90 seconds as opposed to 60, and thus extrapolate the punch numbers, it makes the bout feel more realistic.

For example, I was Wlad against Haye, in a bout where I won a UD, with him only throwing 278 punches. It seems low, but if the rounds were 90 seconds, he would have thrown 417, was is more than reasonable. I find the rounds have the right mix of action and feeling out, as if the AI punch output was any higher, the rounds would appear to frantic and arcadey. I find I am getting a good mix of UD's, draws, 1 pko's, ko's and tko's, so the settings seem realistic. An example being, when I am Foreman and fight Tyson, I know that the bout won't go to a decision, but when I'm Wlad against Haye, I'll usually tend to win late, but in once instance I beat him with a 1 pko. Also, when I am the Klitschko's against Arreola and Chambers, sometimes I'll win a UD with a couple of knockdowns on occassion, whilst at other times I'll stop them very late on. All these scenarios seem quite reasonable.
whatever you do is of course your choice. But what do you want out of tyson vs lewis late in a fight. Tyson's only real chance is a knock out early. He was never going to outbox lennox late in a fight. And how about increasing the stamina some more. But nonetheless whatever works. I've had similiar results with these settings as you have. The 1 minute just feels ridiculously unrealistic. no pacing to the fight.
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Old 07-16-2011, 05:34 PM   #259
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Re: Fight Night Champion Title Update #2 Available Now, Post Impressions Here (PS3, 3

I had planned on increasing the conditioning and endurance stats for each fighter for the two minute rounds, but they generally very high anyway (mostly high 80's and 90's), so I doubt if it would make much of a difference. My stamina slider was also at it's maximum aswell, but seemed to make not much difference at all.

I agree with your Tyson argument, but when you have Roy Jones Jr pretty much unable to fight past the mid-way point of a bout, when he often went the distance in real life quite comfortably, something is majorly wrong. This is even more surprising when you take into consideration he was throwing a realistic number of punches per round in the game.

Apparently, the developers are looking at CPU tendencies, so I'd expect one more patch to be released. If they just fixed the scoring and gave us working sliders, they game would be such an improvement, close to perfection.
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Old 07-16-2011, 05:37 PM   #260
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Re: Fight Night Champion Title Update #2 Available Now, Post Impressions Here (PS3, 3

Originally Posted by Punjabi_Souljah
I had planned on increasing the conditioning and endurance stats for each fighter for the two minute rounds, but they generally very high anyway (mostly high 80's and 90's), so I doubt if it would make much of a difference. My stamina slider was also at it's maximum aswell, but seemed to make not much difference at all.

I agree with your Tyson argument, but when you have Roy Jones Jr pretty much unable to fight past the mid-way point of a bout, when he often went the distance in real life quite comfortably, something is majorly wrong. This is even more surprising when you take into consideration he was throwing a realistic number of punches per round in the game.

Apparently, the developers are looking at CPU tendencies, so I'd expect one more patch to be released. If they just fixed the scoring and gave us working sliders, they game would be such an improvement, close to perfection.
youre right. I hate that they can throw in the 40-50's and still get gassed. I was just thinking maybe it would'nt be so bad if they didn't look like complete zombies.

I think maybe we'll get a tuner, but if I remember theres a 2 patch maximum. there are definitely some issues with this game, but it's pretty close. lol. we all want it sooooo bad.
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Old 07-16-2011, 05:46 PM   #261
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Re: Fight Night Champion Title Update #2 Available Now, Post Impressions Here (PS3, 3

I wish there was a 90 second setting for round length right now, as the rounds wouldn't feel too short, and whilst the AI would still lose stamina, it would be a lot more realistic than it is now.

I would seriously have considered going through each fighter and lowering their punch frequencies by half in a bid to get a realistic AI output, but when the stamina still drains considerably, it just seems pointless.

Even moving about the ring tryimg to stay on the outisd seems to really take a hit on the stamina, making it hard to use a Wlad or Lewis and box an inside fighter effectively for all 12 rounds.
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Old 07-16-2011, 05:48 PM   #262
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Re: Fight Night Champion Title Update #2 Available Now, Post Impressions Here (PS3, 3

Originally Posted by Punjabi_Souljah
I wish there was a 90 second setting for round length right now, as the rounds wouldn't feel too short, and whilst the AI would still lose stamina, it would be a lot more realistic than it is now.

I would seriously have considered going through each fighter and lowering their punch frequencies by half in a bid to get a realistic AI output, but when the stamina still drains considerably, it just seems pointless.

Even moving about the ring tryimg to stay on the outisd seems to really take a hit on the stamina, making it hard to use a Wlad or Lewis and box an inside fighter effectively for all 12 rounds.
I think 12 is just out of the question. lol. but with the endurance/conditoning adjusted im getting the cpu to end in the high 30-40% depending on the fighter.
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Old 07-16-2011, 05:57 PM   #263
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Re: Fight Night Champion Title Update #2 Available Now, Post Impressions Here (PS3, 3

I think as you've mentioned, the bing problem is the zombie walking. It seems that once they get to 60% and below, they're there for the taking. If the low stamina just meant they would throw less, movement was a bit impaired and it is harder for them to recharge their bar, I don't think It'd be that bad.

When I play offline, I just want a realistic but challenging fight, but the stamina doesn't allow either to happen. If you really wanted to, you could just run up to the AI, and block for 4-5 rounds without throwing a punch, then finish them off in the 6th once they've reached exhaustion.
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Old 07-16-2011, 06:41 PM   #264
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Re: Fight Night Champion Title Update #2 Available Now, Post Impressions Here (PS3, 3

the strangest thing about the stamina for me is the fact that the cpu output can be considerable less, yet I still have more stamina at the end. ie., 550 to 380 and I'll have 48% and the cpu will have 34% or something like that.
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