12-26-2010, 12:04 PM
Re: Fight Night Champion: Build a Champion or Create Your Legacy with New Trailer
Once a sports title is rated M then it is no longer a sports title. To integrate RPG element in a career mode is what should have been done.But to waste time and money on a whole new mode while your legacy/presentation mode is and have been severely lacking is a step in the wrong direction. Maybe they need to talk to the guys over at Live so they can tell them not to try and change stuff to try and so call get more 'casual' fans because history shows it doesn't work. If they would focus on making me 'feel' like I am a real boxer like NBA 2k11 or The Show make people 'feel' like they in their respective game then sales would increase. The blueprint to a successful sports title is 3 major things only.
1. Gameplay - this is on the right track
2. Presentation - give me some dynamic commentary ie story lines about my opponent and myself. Talk about other upcoming boxers. Give me cut scenes in the locker room where the ref is given instructions while the undercard fight is on etc
3. Career(legacy) mode - There is more to boxing training than doing the same 5-6 things over and over again. Let me have real training options just like in real life. Diet is absolutely fundamental in boxing. There are boxing games that have been out for years have a better career mode .
And the fact they have a 2 year cycle while 2k11 and The Show only has 1 makes this even more pathetic. Let me just say again that 2ksports listen to their hardcore gamers while making 2k11 and it paid off. We know what we want so stop trying to over analyzes things. Again your foundation should be to make the most realistic boxing ever in the ring and out and then add elements like casual settings, auto training etc so that the casual fan can pickup and play also so until they focus more on presentation and career they will continue to have problems pleasing the hard core fans which are the foundation of your product without that foundation you will fail plain and simple