Feature Article
Major League Baseball 2K10: On base with Evan Longoria

The MLB 2K franchise is celebrating its 10th birthday this year, and the folks at 2K Sports could not have picked a better cover athlete to celebrate the milestone. Donning an All-Star game and a celebrity name, 2K Sports hit a home run by naming Evan Longoria the face of MLB 2K10. Tabbed for the job just days after winning a Gold Glove award at third base, the good news for Evan seems to be coming faster than a mid-90s fastball -- luckily for us, he’s dealt with a few of those in his career.

Evan took time out of his busy schedule to chat with Operation Sports about contributing to MLB 2K10, his game-day routine and even some music.

Operation Sports: What does it feel like being a part of the 2K Sports family?

Evan Longoria: It’s a tremendous honor. To be a part of the 2K Sports family, have these guys welcome me in, let me add my input and help out in as many ways as I can with the game. To be a part of this franchise, not only for me and the Rays, but the city of Tampa is huge. It’s usually the big-market teams on the cover, so it’s cool to have the smaller market clubs get some publicity and catapult us a bit more into the national spotlight.

OS: Other than the cover, in what other ways have you contributed to MLB 2K10?

EL: We did a shoot probably three weeks ago, and I was able to stand around in a baseball setting in the cage and talk to them about the way I see pitchers versus hitters, and the way I approach the battle at the plate. We talked about what it’s like to step in against a guy like Tim Lincecum, step in against a guy like Josh Beckett –- I think that’s one of the things they’re trying to get across with this game are those moments, the battle between the pitcher versus hitter. It’s been cool to talk with these guys about my input on pitchers, and they in turn kind of put it into the game.

OS: What goals do you have for the Tampa Bay Rays next season?

EL: We just re-signed Carl Crawford for another year, and he’s an integral part of what we do. We have the guys that we need to win, along with myself, James Shields, Matt Garza, and the guys we need to pay to keep around. So just continue to work hard with a good attitude and try to make the playoffs again –- that’s the ultimate goal.

OS: Unlike most baseball players, you are not very superstitious. What do you do to get you locked-in for game time?

EL: Yeah, I have certain things that I do everyday, but I wouldn’t call them superstitions. It’s not like if I don’t do them then my day’s going to be terrible. I hit off the tee every day. I usually go down on the field and do some kind of cardio to get my blood flowing for batting practice. During BP I try to hit the same routine everyday -– balls to the right side, balls to the middle, balls to the left side ... but it’s not superstition, it’s just part of my routine.

OS: Why did you choose Tantric’s "Down and Out" for your walk-up music?

EL: I was searching for a song, and a month and a half into my rookie year, I came across Tantric on my iPod and it’s been that song ever since for almost two years now. But when I first came up to the Rays, they threw on Tupac "California Love" (laughs). I’m a big Tupac fan, but I think they just did it because I’m from Cali (laughs). But I love the way it ["Down and Out"] sounds when I come up to the plate. The guys down in the bullpen told me I can’t change it, because when it comes on, they’re all down there pretending like they’re playing the violin (laughs).

OS: You recently won the Gold Glove award. Is third base the toughest infield position to play?

EL: I actually think third base is a little bit easier than playing the middle of the field. The ball does come off a little bit harder, but there’s a lot less responsibility playing third, and I played short for a lot of years.

OS: Good point. Before we wrap this up, we got some quick three and out questions for you.

OS: Favorite non-baseball video game?

EL: Fight-Night 4. All the Fight Nights.

OS: Favorite desperate housewife?

EL: I gotta say Eva, because that way she doesn’t have to change her name when we got married (laughs).

OS: Bottom of the ninth, two outs, close game -- who is the last person you want to see on the mound?

EL: Mariano Rivera

OS: Can’t close it out better than that. Thanks a lot, Evan.

Major League Baseball 2K10 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 Phobia @ 12/03/09 05:27 PM
To bad the game will suck. 2K9 will most likely be the last 2k baseball I ever buy. What a horrible excuse of a baseball game. Hope they learned from their mistakes.
# 2 CeltBhoy33 @ 12/03/09 05:35 PM
Yeah, I was excited to get the 2k9, then I bought it day it came out. I was probably the saddest man in the planet after just one game. But you never know they might surprise us I'll probably rent it. But I love my show haha.
# 3 Trevytrev11 @ 12/03/09 05:41 PM
I thought this was pretty funny:

"The MLB 2K franchise is celebrating its 10th birthday this year, and the folks at 2K Sports could not have picked a better cover athlete to celebrate the milestone. Donning an All-Star game and a celebrity name, 2K Sports hit a home run by naming Evan Longoria the face of MLB 2K10."

Don't get me wrong, Longoria's a stud and likely going to be a star for a while in the league and I know they have to hype up whoever makes the cover, but you telling me Pujols and and several others wouldn't have been a better, more recognizeable, more accomplished player to have on the cover?

I'm not knocking the pick, in fact I applaud them for picking guys like Lincecum and Longoria...just doubt he would be the "ideal" pick of a majority people. I'm just guessing he's a little cheaper than Pujols, Texiera, etc.
# 4 CeltBhoy33 @ 12/03/09 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by Trevytrev11
I thought this was pretty funny:

"The MLB 2K franchise is celebrating its 10th birthday this year, and the folks at 2K Sports could not have picked a better cover athlete to celebrate the milestone. Donning an All-Star game and a celebrity name, 2K Sports hit a home run by naming Evan Longoria the face of MLB 2K10."

Don't get me wrong, Longoria's a stud and likely going to be a star for a while in the league and I know they have to hype up whoever makes the cover, but you telling me Pujols and and several others wouldn't have been a better, more recognizeable, more accomplished player to have on the cover?

I'm not knocking the pick, in fact I applaud them for picking guys like Lincecum and Longoria...just doubt he would be the "ideal" pick of a majority people. I'm just guessing he's a little cheaper than Pujols, Texiera, etc.

I couldn't agree more, it's all hype though.
# 5 hitstreak13 @ 12/03/09 05:56 PM
I truly believe that 2ksports needs to change everything about their baseball title (from gameplay to even the name) because too many people associate negative feelings with it. Remember when people were getting tired of the triple play series by EA? It seemed as if they weren't progressing at all and there was just too many great titles out there (ASB, HH, etc.) to compete with.

EA acted fast and changed their title to MVP baseball (first installment was in 03) to let people know that they were headed in a different direction and become more of a sim style game. Everyone already associated triple play as an arcade style game and that perception wasn't going to change anytime soon. Although MVP baseball 2003 wasn't too bad for its time, it was a step in the right direction. The following year 04 came out and really had people talking with the implementation of minor league players, moral system, amazing dynasty, etc. Thats when people really started looking foward to MVP baseball 05 (and EA did not dissapoint). Hell, I still play MVP 05 and it is alive and well today thanks to mods.

People are always interested in whats new. Thats just human nature. Many of us are looking foward to the show 10 despite 09 being one of the greatest baseball games of all time. Its because we want to see new features, models, etc. I doubt 2ksports will change their title on account that all their titles have "2k" followed by the year of their new game.

I know its a risky proposition, but what do they have to lose? It can be done correctly if they conduct proper research, implement effective marketing campaigns, etc. I just know that when I see "MLB 2k10" next march, I am going to the goosebumps and walk right past it.
# 6 Blitzburgh @ 12/03/09 06:50 PM
This will be the first time since the world series baseball days that I will NOT be buying their baseball game. The last few years have been really bad IMO and have gone backwards in innovation, gameplay and graphics. I really believe they have way to much to fix and improve upon too make a great baseball game.

I bought a PS3 this year so I have no doubt I will have at least one baseball game to enjoy. I was late to the Show party this year and even though it's football season in full swing, it still gets alot of my playing time.
# 7 GSW @ 12/03/09 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by Phobia
To bad the game will suck. 2K9 will most likely be the last 2k baseball I ever buy. What a horrible excuse of a baseball game. Hope they learned from their mistakes.
Brutal Honesty
# 8 nemesis04 @ 12/03/09 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by Trevytrev11
I'm not knocking the pick, in fact I applaud them for picking guys like Lincecum and Longoria...just doubt he would be the "ideal" pick of a majority people. I'm just guessing he's a little cheaper than Pujols, Texiera, etc.
It was my understanding that they are given a standard rate no matter who the player is.
# 9 N51_rob @ 12/03/09 07:28 PM
I don't want to flame this game, but having played both this and MLB last year. 2k really needs to turn this franchise around a la the 2008 "Devil" Rays. Hope they can make it competitive on the PS3 this season.
# 10 Jamin23 @ 12/03/09 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by N51_rob
I don't want to flame this game, but having played both this and MLB last year. 2k really needs to turn this franchise around a la the 2008 "Devil" Rays. Hope they can make it competitive on the PS3 this season.
This has been said about a 100 times, probably more but 360 only gamers deserve a good game and I am one of them. I don't have a PS3 and really have no plans to get one. I love baseball, but paying $300+ dollars for one is not really worth it to me even though they have the best baseball game today. I love the 360 and just hope that 2k turns it around this year. I have stopped forcing myself to buy this game just because it is the only baseball game and plan on doing it again if this game is not good.
# 11 Artman22 @ 12/03/09 10:39 PM
No one has faith in 2k baseball, and I don't blaim them. 2k has done this to themselves. It's really sad..
# 12 Trevytrev11 @ 12/03/09 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by Art1bk
2k has done this to themselves.
# 13 swaldo @ 12/04/09 12:11 AM
There is hope for 2K10 as long as producer Ben Brinkman is around. He was the associate producer for MVP05 and lead producer for MVP '06 NCAA Baseball (not a bad game at all.) When he took over 2K7 I seem to remember him stating it would take 3 years to make the game something special. For whatever reason it has fallen short of those projections but I think it's far from writing off the series. Competition is really needed in the sports gaming marketplace so here's hoping 2K10 will have remarkable improvements.
# 14 CommunityCollege @ 12/04/09 12:39 AM
@swaldo: Ben Brinkman isn't on the developing team anymore. Also, he didn't do squat to improve 2K7 to 2K8.
# 15 swaldo @ 12/04/09 01:53 AM
Oops, I didn't know he took off after 2K8. Here is the text of what I read on the net, which led me to beleive he was still on the team.

"MLB 2K9 represented the final act of a planned three year development cycle for 2K's baseball series for next gen systems. Ben Brinkman restated the "three year plan" in interviews, stating that 2K9, the third game, would represent the final, most polished version of the next gen series."
# 16 SoxFan01605 @ 12/04/09 03:50 AM
Originally Posted by swaldo
Oops, I didn't know he took off after 2K8. Here is the text of what I read on the net, which led me to beleive he was still on the team.

"MLB 2K9 represented the final act of a planned three year development cycle for 2K's baseball series for next gen systems. Ben Brinkman restated the "three year plan" in interviews, stating that 2K9, the third game, would represent the final, most polished version of the next gen series."
I remember that quote and I'm pretty sure it was from an interview, preview or review of 2K7.

Maybe someone mistakenly copied that into something more current (I can definitely see where one could be thrown off with all the "fresh starts" this series has seemed to have...lol), but 2K9 was virtually a complete do-over.
# 17 SoxFan01605 @ 12/04/09 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by kcxiv
It was a do over, anyone remember how bad 2K8's framerate issues where? 2K8 was imo worse then 2K9 by a longshot. I played about 5 games online then retired the game. I played a crapload of 2K9 online. I twas a blast. I didnt play offline, so i have no clue on that.
Yeah, in many ways it was a significant upgrade over 2K8. The trouble is, it was so unstable and buggy, that it overshadowed the improvements and changes over the prior year. THEY NEED TO LEAVE THE CONTROLS ALONE!!! The controls are actually quite good, overall, so they should stop recreating them as they seem to try each year. We get it, you're innovative...now be stable.

The biggest thing is the AI and the animations. At least one of those (animations) was acknowledged ahead of time by simballer as an area they didn't have enough time for, but would be focusing on for this year. So that's a ray of light.

If they can do that and clean up the more bothersome bugs, I'd have no problem purchasing the PC version for the assumed 19.99 price tag. We'll see how it goes though...consistent improvement has been 2K's nemesis...lol.
# 18 bigfnjoe96 @ 12/04/09 11:08 PM
Until the AI Logic & Animations are totally done over again, this series will always be "The game that almost could"
# 19 snugglyirishman @ 12/05/09 12:25 AM
2k9 for the 360 is the reason I went out and bought a PS3 for The Show....terrible terrible game...
# 20 dodgerblue @ 12/05/09 01:32 PM
They should have asked him what his favorite baseball video game was. Then the interview might have been interesting.

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