Feature Article
You Want Some Cheese With That?

Cheese is one of those things that goes great with just about anything. The problem is, it doesn’t go great with video games. Put some cheese next to one of those next-gen consoles and it will be melted almost instantaneously by a fire-breathing PS3 or Xbox 360. Sports gamers everywhere would also attest that cheese doesn’t go great with video game football. The exploiting of a game’s engine and/or doing things that real teams wouldn’t do are what many in the community call cheese. The problem is, what if the real-life counterparts break the video game code of being a straight player?

Ever since the days of Tecmo Super Bowl, people have found ways to exploit the engine of the game they were playing, and as such, had an edge over the straight players. Far too often a player will throw the ball deep on every play or check down to the running back to exploit the coverage not getting into the backfield fast enough. Just as often, a player will constantly break the pocket with the quarterback even when there's no defensive pressure.

It can’t be cheese if it’s been done in real life, right? Or maybe the real-life team is the real cheeser?

Therein lies the problem though. Oregon is a perfect example of why the line has been blurring to such a large degree. Think back to last season’s performances by Dennis Dixon and how often the Ducks’ plays had him scrambling out of the pocket before looking to release the pass.

So if someone is Oregon in a video game, would that still be cheese or merely an emulation of how Oregon plays?

It’s not just playcalling though. I recently saw a thread on MaddenMania’s forums about putting Champ Bailey as a backup wide receiver in an online game. It can’t be cheese if it’s been done in real life, right? Or maybe the real-life team is the real cheeser?

The debate in the thread raged on for many pages as users argued whether or not the aforementioned gamer had in fact cheesed or was merely using a legitimate strategy. The general consensus was that so long as he was only moved into a backup role where he only came in when the players ahead of him got tired, it was all right. That said, who even really defines the exploitation of a player’s ability to play multiple positions?

In reality, the issue of cheese and exploitation of video games traces back as far as the eye can see with video games. NHL 94 is possibly best known for its exploit: tearing down the left side of the rink only to cut across at the hash marks and fire a shot was almost always an assured goal. Top that off with NHL 96 and the similar success of the wraparound

Think back to the days of Street Fighter 2 in the arcades. I remember walking up to the machine on many occasions, only to hear people complain that using Ryu’s Hadouken over and over again was cheap and unfair. Just because it can be done doesn’t mean it should be.

Cheese is not so much an issue of a specific set of rules, so much as an unwritten rule, a code of sorts

That very sentiment defines the argument against cheese. Cheese is not so much an issue of a specific set of rules, so much as an unwritten rule, a code of sorts. The great thing about having forums where players can congregate is that, as certain plays are introduced that alter the way a game is played can be followed up by the community adapting its code to the new and until then, undiscovered way of doing things.

Of course this code is not perfect. The very fact that it is an unwritten agreement gives way to that same complaining when a person can’t figure out coverage schemes. Usually, the community figures this out as things go and adjusts accordingly.

If someone is predisposed to complain when he or she loses, not a lot will change it. People are extremely competitive and look for some reason, any reason, why the loss was not their fault. Sometimes they end up right, but more often it turns out to be their own mistakes doing them in.

I want to hear what you guys think. What do you define as cheesing? I want to know how you define it and how you think the community has done at keeping the less desirable plays and substitutions out of the online game.

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Member Comments
# 1 Ruffy @ 08/01/08 05:02 PM
Nice article.

Mmm cheese.....time to grab a snack while I think of a better more thought out reply.....mmm cheese.
# 2 sportyguyfl31 @ 08/01/08 05:14 PM
Here's a classic example:

Played a guy a couple of days ago who used Ohio State..first play of the game, he comes out in a goal line offense formation and who do I see lined up at FB? WR Brian Robiskie.

1st series of the game, he runs constant play action passes, dropping back 15-20 yards, trying to hit his "FB" on outs and streaking him up field.

I quit the game immediately.

Cheesers are people, who for whatever reason, feel the need to win at a video game, by "getting over" on the game.

They also tend to be childish, boorish and profane. Why waste time with that?

When I stumble upon one, I back out of the game immediately. It doesnt matter to me, that I usually feel pretty confident that I am going to beat the guy anyway.

We all know what cheesers like to do, and have been playing long enough to keep it somewhat under control.

Getting out of the game at the outset is the fastest way for the cheeser and I to get what we both want.

He can pad his record, and feel good about how he "owned" someone, and I go back to finding a sensible, enjoying game as quickly as possible.
# 3 jazzchamp @ 08/01/08 06:41 PM
Do the people that do it even realize that they are cheesers? I heard the term for the first time back in '04 with NFL 2K5 when it happened to me. It was when I was called a 'cheeser' for shifting my defensive line so that they weren't lined up as originally placed by the AI. I could put a significant amount of pressure on the QB this way and in retrospect, I think it may have been cheesing - but if so, it was entirely unintentional.

With that in mind, I do find myself playing sports games online less because it is so difficult to find a good game/good gamesman.
# 4 jmood88 @ 08/01/08 07:06 PM
I played a guy in NCAA who ran back 20 yards and threw the ball up every single play. It was hilarious that he kept doing it even while I stopped him.
# 5 Pappy Knuckles @ 08/01/08 07:43 PM
I played a dude in APF the other night that ran his offense out of the punt formation for the entire first half. I have never seen anything like it in my life. After getting picked and sacked to death he pulled the plug in the 3rd quarter. Cheesers have no soul.
# 6 hoodlum10 @ 08/01/08 08:29 PM
i think its funny that you mentioned the problem about passing past the line of scrimmage. i play with illinois and i get away with it all the time it's ridiculous
# 7 AftershockFx @ 08/01/08 09:55 PM
Good read. None-the-less I'd have to agree with the fact that cheesing is indeed exploiting the engine to gain an advantage vs. playing a strait up game and attacking an opponents weaknesses. A perfect example is playing Madden and seeing users constantly pick the Bears or Broncos just so they can line Devin Hester or Champ Bailey up at WR and lob deep balls to them all day. Sure Bailey would be a suitable backup but, anyone with two functioning brain cells would realize Champ has a higher value to that defense vs. having him on the offensive side of the ball. I have an even bigger issue with users abusing Devin Hester like he's the next Randy Moss. Sure his kick and punt return abilities go without question but, as a WR can you honestly say someone who has 20 receptions, 299 total yards and 2 receiving TD's in a 16 game span is really a top notch WR ? I'd say not but, a majority of Bears fans like to abuse him as such.
# 8 Sigma4Life @ 08/01/08 10:20 PM
Cheese is repeatedly using any strategy that has an unrealistically high success rate.
# 9 mastershake88 @ 08/01/08 10:51 PM
Dukester1988 prime example. just played this hack.

constantly ran the same offensive play which was a hb rollout and other offensive plays game in and game out along with glitch plays to certify unstopable TD's and wins.

and ran up the score boasting about winning When the only reason why hey won is simply because of cheesing .

Told him not to and he did so his name is up here now for everyone to see.

DUKESTER1988 Dont play him.
# 10 Ferrari997 @ 08/01/08 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by AftershockFx
Good read. None-the-less I'd have to agree with the fact that cheesing is indeed exploiting the engine to gain an advantage vs. playing a strait up game and attacking an opponents weaknesses. A perfect example is playing Madden and seeing users constantly pick the Bears or Broncos just so they can line Devin Hester or Champ Bailey up at WR and lob deep balls to them all day. Sure Bailey would be a suitable backup but, anyone with two functioning brain cells would realize Champ has a higher value to that defense vs. having him on the offensive side of the ball. I have an even bigger issue with users abusing Devin Hester like he's the next Randy Moss. Sure his kick and punt return abilities go without question but, as a WR can you honestly say someone who has 20 receptions, 299 total yards and 2 receiving TD's in a 16 game span is really a top notch WR ? I'd say not but, a majority of Bears fans like to abuse him as such.
I try to look at it by how the real life teams use the players. The Broncos have experimented with using Champ Bailey at WR. He MIGHT play WR at most 5 plays, if even. Those players that abuse Champ are the ones that line him up every play. The same goes for the players that abuse the Raiders. In Madden 2008, they basically put all the CBs at WRs (Washington, Asimougha or however you spell his name, Routt, and etc) That is obvious cheesing to me without taking advantage of the game's engine. I think there's two ways to cheese: exploiting a glitch on the game's engine and not playing realistically ie. CBs playing WRs.

I do not have a problem with Bears fans playing Deven Hester at WR. Because in reality, the Bears really are trying to develop Hester into a top flight WR. I would actually have more of a problem if people put him at CB because he frankly does not play that position anymore.
# 11 hail2thevictors @ 08/01/08 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by AftershockFx
Good read. None-the-less I'd have to agree with the fact that cheesing is indeed exploiting the engine to gain an advantage vs. playing a strait up game and attacking an opponents weaknesses. A perfect example is playing Madden and seeing users constantly pick the Bears or Broncos just so they can line Devin Hester or Champ Bailey up at WR and lob deep balls to them all day. Sure Bailey would be a suitable backup but, anyone with two functioning brain cells would realize Champ has a higher value to that defense vs. having him on the offensive side of the ball. I have an even bigger issue with users abusing Devin Hester like he's the next Randy Moss. Sure his kick and punt return abilities go without question but, as a WR can you honestly say someone who has 20 receptions, 299 total yards and 2 receiving TD's in a 16 game span is really a top notch WR ? I'd say not but, a majority of Bears fans like to abuse him as such.
Yeah that DH stuff is wack! I My favorite teams are Michigan and Chicago Bears 'cause I'm from the Chi, but I would never line Hester up at WR every play and throw to him. That's not real football and I HATE d**k riders who aren't even real Bears fans, but use them on the game to cheese with Hester! If you're a Dolphins fan, PLAY WITH THE DOLPHINS!!! We all no they suck, but find a way to win with them if they're supposed to be your favorite team! The bears have stunk for a while but I play with them no matter how bad they may be on the game! I'm a real fan! Make some trades and solid draft picks, and by season 2, you should be able to put some Ws together with the fins. DON'T PLAY WITH THE BEARS 'CAUSE HESTER HAS A 99 SPEED RATING SO YOU CAN CHEESE YOUR WAY TO A WIN. F*****G LAMES!!!
# 12 Ferrari997 @ 08/02/08 01:24 AM
I'm from Chicago too. You should know that Hester is developing as a WR. He just got a new contract and the Bears really hope that Hester can develop into a #1 WR. Whether that happens or not, that is up to debate. But in my opinion, I don't think it's cheesing if people throw to Hester. He is no longer a guy that just returns kicks and has that 100 speed rating. He is now a full time WR or at least closer to it than last season. He will probably be the team's #2 or #3 WR. I think the only cheesing is when people place players at WR that don't even play WR at all. (Terrance Newman, Champ Bailey, Raiders CBs, and etc.)
# 13 LingeringRegime @ 08/02/08 01:55 AM
Cheesing has almost destroyed online sports gaming for me. First Person Shooters are highly becoming my favorite games to play online because they are harder for people to cheese.
# 14 acarrero @ 08/02/08 02:00 AM
People think using "juggernaut" in COD4 is cheese, or newbie, and that's bull. You have some perk instead of juggernaut, let me use what is esentially a bulletproof vest, instead of the more powerful bullets or whatever you got with the perk that you use. Not cheese. In NCAA 09, cheese is limited, IMO, you can put pressure on the QB by blitzing at the right time, throwing deep results in as many ints as completions, and it's not that hard to contain a QB even if he's Pat White. There will always be money plays, but usually between two similarly talented teams they are very limited in 09 and they can all be stopped.
# 15 hoodlum10 @ 08/02/08 02:30 AM
Originally Posted by Ferrari997
I'm from Chicago too. You should know that Hester is developing as a WR. He just got a new contract and the Bears really hope that Hester can develop into a #1 WR. Whether that happens or not, that is up to debate. But in my opinion, I don't think it's cheesing if people throw to Hester. He is no longer a guy that just returns kicks and has that 100 speed rating. He is now a full time WR or at least closer to it than last season. He will probably be the team's #2 or #3 WR. I think the only cheesing is when people place players at WR that don't even play WR at all. (Terrance Newman, Champ Bailey, Raiders CBs, and etc.)
im also from Chi-Town and couldn't agree more. ps: look out for Earl Bennett and Matt Forte
# 16 Ferrari997 @ 08/02/08 02:52 AM
Originally Posted by hoodlum10
im also from Chi-Town and couldn't agree more. ps: look out for Earl Bennett and Matt Forte
Haha I have a feeling using the Bears this year will be rough. Thank god I hear that defense is stepped up a notch in this year's version because I'm pretty sure all Bears fan will be praying Defense and Special Teams to be making the plays for them.
# 17 AftershockFx @ 08/02/08 03:13 AM
Originally Posted by hail2thevictors
Yeah that DH stuff is wack! I My favorite teams are Michigan and Chicago Bears 'cause I'm from the Chi, but I would never line Hester up at WR every play and throw to him. That's not real football and I HATE d**k riders who aren't even real Bears fans, but use them on the game to cheese with Hester! If you're a Dolphins fan, PLAY WITH THE DOLPHINS!!! We all no they suck, but find a way to win with them if they're supposed to be your favorite team! The bears have stunk for a while but I play with them no matter how bad they may be on the game! I'm a real fan! Make some trades and solid draft picks, and by season 2, you should be able to put some Ws together with the fins. DON'T PLAY WITH THE BEARS 'CAUSE HESTER HAS A 99 SPEED RATING SO YOU CAN CHEESE YOUR WAY TO A WIN. F*****G LAMES!!!
I couldn't agree more. I play with the Steelers almost 95% of the time because I do like to try and get a win online with EVERY team at least once. I honestly don't understand why people can't play with their favorite team regardless of the teams overall rating. For example when I'm playing MLB 2K I constantly use the Pirates online and they're ranked like 27 or 28 out of 30 as far as power ranking goes. It's really disappointing that people are afraid to play with their favorite teams online simple because of ranking.

Originally Posted by Ferrari997
I'm from Chicago too. You should know that Hester is developing as a WR. He just got a new contract and the Bears really hope that Hester can develop into a #1 WR. Whether that happens or not, that is up to debate. But in my opinion, I don't think it's cheesing if people throw to Hester. He is no longer a guy that just returns kicks and has that 100 speed rating. He is now a full time WR or at least closer to it than last season. He will probably be the team's #2 or #3 WR. I think the only cheesing is when people place players at WR that don't even play WR at all. (Terrance Newman, Champ Bailey, Raiders CBs, and etc.)
There's nothing wrong with Hester as far as I'm concerned and I'm well aware that Hester is developing as a WR. None-the-less it's no secret that people use Hester's speed ability and have him run fly routes constantly. If people want to use Hester to run Dig routes, out routes, quick slants, screens ect then I'm ok with that. It's the people who abuse the engine that I'm not ok with.
# 18 Ferrari997 @ 08/02/08 04:19 AM
Originally Posted by AftershockFx
I couldn't agree more. I play with the Steelers almost 95% of the time because I do like to try and get a win online with EVERY team at least once. I honestly don't understand why people can't play with their favorite team regardless of the teams overall rating. For example when I'm playing MLB 2K I constantly use the Pirates online and they're ranked like 27 or 28 out of 30 as far as power ranking goes. It's really disappointing that people are afraid to play with their favorite teams online simple because of ranking.

There's nothing wrong with Hester as far as I'm concerned and I'm well aware that Hester is developing as a WR. None-the-less it's no secret that people use Hester's speed ability and have him run fly routes constantly. If people want to use Hester to run Dig routes, out routes, quick slants, screens ect then I'm ok with that. It's the people who abuse the engine that I'm not ok with.
Unfortunately there will always be people who abuse the engine. It always seems like the first month or two, it's very enjoyable to play online. This is mainly because people are still trying to get a feel for the game and have not found the glitches yet. 90% of the games are legit, and pretty fair. But after that time period, all hell breaks loose and online play is a crap shoot of fair players vs. players doing ANYTHING to win. I'm somewhat excited about the new online league option because this is where serious/fair players can gather. My GT is BoilerBri07 and my pet peeve is glitchers/cheesers and anyone that doesn't play realistically. Hit me up if you're the same and maybe we can do a league together or something.
# 19 TheVinylHippo @ 08/02/08 06:25 AM
Like someone said earlier in the thread, when I see any cheese, I immediately quit the game, because it's not fun.

I played two guys at once one time on APF 2K8. They ran flea flickers the entire game. When I knew they were doing it, I ended up getting 5 or 6 interceptions, which is very high for All-Pro Football, and they ended up quitting on me. **** happens, got to deal with it. If something is there that is cheap, and people want to win so bad, they'll take it.
# 20 AftershockFx @ 08/02/08 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by Ferrari997
Unfortunately there will always be people who abuse the engine. It always seems like the first month or two, it's very enjoyable to play online. This is mainly because people are still trying to get a feel for the game and have not found the glitches yet. 90% of the games are legit, and pretty fair. But after that time period, all hell breaks loose and online play is a crap shoot of fair players vs. players doing ANYTHING to win. I'm somewhat excited about the new online league option because this is where serious/fair players can gather. My GT is BoilerBri07 and my pet peeve is glitchers/cheesers and anyone that doesn't play realistically. Hit me up if you're the same and maybe we can do a league together or something.
Very true. My GT is AftershockFx. I already sent you a friend request. I'd definitly be interested in a league of all sim players =).

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