Feature Article
You Want Some Cheese With That?

Cheese is one of those things that goes great with just about anything. The problem is, it doesn’t go great with video games. Put some cheese next to one of those next-gen consoles and it will be melted almost instantaneously by a fire-breathing PS3 or Xbox 360. Sports gamers everywhere would also attest that cheese doesn’t go great with video game football. The exploiting of a game’s engine and/or doing things that real teams wouldn’t do are what many in the community call cheese. The problem is, what if the real-life counterparts break the video game code of being a straight player?

Ever since the days of Tecmo Super Bowl, people have found ways to exploit the engine of the game they were playing, and as such, had an edge over the straight players. Far too often a player will throw the ball deep on every play or check down to the running back to exploit the coverage not getting into the backfield fast enough. Just as often, a player will constantly break the pocket with the quarterback even when there's no defensive pressure.

It can’t be cheese if it’s been done in real life, right? Or maybe the real-life team is the real cheeser?

Therein lies the problem though. Oregon is a perfect example of why the line has been blurring to such a large degree. Think back to last season’s performances by Dennis Dixon and how often the Ducks’ plays had him scrambling out of the pocket before looking to release the pass.

So if someone is Oregon in a video game, would that still be cheese or merely an emulation of how Oregon plays?

It’s not just playcalling though. I recently saw a thread on MaddenMania’s forums about putting Champ Bailey as a backup wide receiver in an online game. It can’t be cheese if it’s been done in real life, right? Or maybe the real-life team is the real cheeser?

The debate in the thread raged on for many pages as users argued whether or not the aforementioned gamer had in fact cheesed or was merely using a legitimate strategy. The general consensus was that so long as he was only moved into a backup role where he only came in when the players ahead of him got tired, it was all right. That said, who even really defines the exploitation of a player’s ability to play multiple positions?

In reality, the issue of cheese and exploitation of video games traces back as far as the eye can see with video games. NHL 94 is possibly best known for its exploit: tearing down the left side of the rink only to cut across at the hash marks and fire a shot was almost always an assured goal. Top that off with NHL 96 and the similar success of the wraparound

Think back to the days of Street Fighter 2 in the arcades. I remember walking up to the machine on many occasions, only to hear people complain that using Ryu’s Hadouken over and over again was cheap and unfair. Just because it can be done doesn’t mean it should be.

Cheese is not so much an issue of a specific set of rules, so much as an unwritten rule, a code of sorts

That very sentiment defines the argument against cheese. Cheese is not so much an issue of a specific set of rules, so much as an unwritten rule, a code of sorts. The great thing about having forums where players can congregate is that, as certain plays are introduced that alter the way a game is played can be followed up by the community adapting its code to the new and until then, undiscovered way of doing things.

Of course this code is not perfect. The very fact that it is an unwritten agreement gives way to that same complaining when a person can’t figure out coverage schemes. Usually, the community figures this out as things go and adjusts accordingly.

If someone is predisposed to complain when he or she loses, not a lot will change it. People are extremely competitive and look for some reason, any reason, why the loss was not their fault. Sometimes they end up right, but more often it turns out to be their own mistakes doing them in.

I want to hear what you guys think. What do you define as cheesing? I want to know how you define it and how you think the community has done at keeping the less desirable plays and substitutions out of the online game.

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Member Comments
# 21 RandyCane @ 08/02/08 05:53 PM
I think the #1 cheese in madden 08 were the tall receivers like moss and burress who had the unstoppable jumps that was really difficult to defend against.

the #1 cheese in ncaa 08 had to be the players who scrambled nonstop wit white or tebow or ran back 20-30 yards and threw deep all day which is still a problem in ncaa 09
# 22 maddcatt @ 08/02/08 06:37 PM
All cheezers must DIE !! .....IMO

I'm 42 yrs. old and I love playing games online and especially where I'm getting to old to play most real sports other than softball

It's unbelievable !! I play NCAA 09 with a buddy of mine and we play it like a real college football game should be played and when this is done you really have a FUN !! and great game of college football with NCAA 09

However when you get on and start playing strangers / cheeezers who exploit any and all exploits that can be used in this game.....it does not even seem like it's the same game that I play with my buddy and not nearly as fun either.

Biggest exploit !! I have noticed in all football games over the years is by getting away with calling and playing your offensive plays in a hurry up quick style with hurry up play calling and / or rushing to the line and hiking the ball right away while the defense is not yet set or having a chance to look at it's players matchups.

They really need to find away to deter this type of hurry up style of play and I think the ONLY !! way you can really do this that makes sense is to increase the fatigue factor a even more to the players that are playing offense when they are using this style of offense.......Then you will see things like offensive lines breaking down with bad blocks and false starts, more drops, more fumbles by RB's & WR's, QB's accuracy going down...ect. ect.

Would also be nice to...IF the further your QB drops back behind the Line of scrimmage the more his accuracy goes down....This makes total sense and would take care of these idiots / cheeeezers who get away with dropping 15 to 30 yrds behind the line of scrimmage and able to complete a pass on a dime without a problem.

Just my 2 cents !!

# 23 skipwondah33 @ 08/03/08 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by Smokez4DAyz
Online gaming brings an unknown element. In Sports games, like Madden, you never see guys pick up 'regular' teams, so when facing the Colts or the Pats, its already a chore, on both sides of the ball, add to that , this user is calling the same two plays over and over, do these guys realize that its a 45-50 min session? How can you call the same 3 plays for an hour? how many times do I have to face some guy with Dual HB, calling FB dive? Or Brady in 5 Wide for an entire game? I think the these kind of guys play online to MAKE YOU QUIT, THEY DON'T PLAY COMPETE. They want to have you cursing in your living room, and quit so they can play the cpu and rank up. If you call Quarter DB Strike all game, How's that a simulation of football. And thats the problem. Too many gamers play online UNPREPARED AND RESORT TO THE SAME PLAYS THEY BEEN BEATEN WITH. There's no originality anymore. People specifically post questions online asking for Nano blitzes, Double WR Screen. I rarely see posts wanting to get a better understanding of down and distance. Another problem with cheesery is the 'run to no.1' How can you chumps claim you're the best when you use a NO.1 team? In NCAA right now, you see people boast they are the best and they use pure top 5 teams. Where's the integrity? I have used the Jets almost exclusively online since Madden 05, and they haven't been near the best team to use, yet my opposing user always seem to need a team rated 10-15 points higher than my team, and they scroll thru the teams looking for just the most UNEVEN match they can put together. No class. Or the quick switch, they stand on the team right before the pats, and when you press start on your regular team, they switch to pats and press start. Now you have to either quit or get your brains beat in. Whats up with you MEN and BOYS? Not too many girls playing Madden or are you all girls? You are better off getting to know a guy on GTA4 or COD4 and then play him in Madden, Instead of quick match or lobby challenges. BIggest madden Cheese is still Randy Moss, followed by the Mobile QB, and third is Nickel under smoke, that play should be banned.
Smoke I agree with you 100% and couldn't have said it any better. I've had my far share of cheesery this year in 09..matter of fact honestly more than 75% of my games have been that way. Would have been more but a couple I played with my buddies. Its always going to be prelevant in online gaming, people will do anything to win.
# 24 DC @ 08/03/08 06:12 PM
Blame the companies for making these games cheese-able. Thats who I blame. I can't blame people for doing whatever it takes to win.

I hate cheesers and will always hate them, but it isn't about me
# 25 TMagic @ 08/03/08 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican
I hate cheesers and will always hate them, but it isn't about me
Whoa, whoa my friend. Hate is such a strong word man. Would He approve of you hating somebody just because they cheat on a video game?

So lets rephrase that: You will always dislike the times when people play a game unfairly.

# 26 manonamission17 @ 08/03/08 07:18 PM
im suprised no one has mentioned cheesing in hockey yet :S i mean it has gotten harder with the new nhl installments but i mean u can usually spot a n00b in hockey when their only means of offence is skating wide down the boards and passing in front of the net for a one timer. :S
# 27 calcutta @ 08/04/08 03:33 AM
Cheesing in soccer games:

On offense, the only 'plays' they use are ground passing and cut-backs. No use of long passes or even crosses, even when they have a comfortable lead.

In defense, they have their thumb on the "call second defender" button throughout the match. EA should disable this button for online games IMO, or at least tone its effect down significantly.
# 28 onetonmartin @ 08/04/08 10:50 AM
When I first read this title I thought you were calling out all the winers on this board.
# 29 Computalover @ 08/04/08 11:11 AM
first off folks, im 40 years old.. i look at this from a different perspective. This is not real football folks.. its first and foremost a game. you will have folks online who do not understand or dont care if its real football or not. and even in real football you have cheese, err.. trick plays.

My point is dont assume that an online opponent will play how YOU think they should play. thats the risk of online gaming. I have been called a cheeser once, simply because i use the same base defense most of the time. Hell i do that online, offline with friends, etc. thats how I PLAY.. thats how i have been doing since MADDEN 10000 B. C. lol I also learned to counter some cheesey plays as well.. or an option / pitch play.. same thing.. I use a LB to run along with the QB, but dont tackle him.. string him out to the sideline (in NCAA 09) someone called me cheese for that! its what you do in REAL football I told him.. if they use randy moss all the time.. double team him.. etc etc.

Even in COD4 there are the same types of folks.. especially the ones who never shoot.. but stab everybody all the time. they use the quiet perk and just go around stabbing. another one is when they jump on buildings and ledges and snipe all day.. well.. thats how they play and you have to counter it..

The only way to truly counter cheese is to know your opponent. If they have the cheese rep.. dont play them. I play madden / NCAA the way i know how.. I dont quit if im being blown out.. because I played real HS / College FB and we were constantly being blown out.. (yeah my D II school sucked munkey nutz. back in the 80's ) lol! but we never quit.. game or not.. I play to the final second.
# 30 Computalover @ 08/04/08 11:15 AM
oh.. i forgot.. I use Maryland, the Orioles and the Ravens exclusively.. and i use the Wizards in basketball.. win or loose.. they are my teams!
# 31 Moses Shuttlesworth @ 08/04/08 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by tmagic_01
Whoa, whoa my friend. Hate is such a strong word man. Would He approve of you hating somebody just because they cheat on a video game?

So lets rephrase that: You will always dislike the times when people play a game unfairly.

Nah man I agree with him. I hate cheesers also. You can't do nuthin do about it either. They just cheese and cheese until they succeed in whatever they're tryin to do. And considering the fact it's an online game and you don't PERSONALLY know the person, what's the harm in hating them? lol
# 32 KG @ 08/05/08 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by calcutta
Cheesing in soccer games:

On offense, the only 'plays' they use are ground passing and cut-backs. No use of long passes or even crosses, even when they have a comfortable lead.

In defense, they have their thumb on the "call second defender" button throughout the match. EA should disable this button for online games IMO, or at least tone its effect down significantly.
while i agree with the 1st part....on defense because of the poor AI by your teammates your forced to put pressure on the ball with the 2nd defender...if not the opponent can pass the ball around all match...ala Barca vs Man U this year
# 33 CarryTheWeight @ 08/05/08 10:27 AM
Do any of you remember NHL 2K6 for Xbox 360? Worst online gaming of my life right there. There was some "super deke" that would always make it past the goalie no matter what the circumstance, and it turned games ugly in an instant.

If devs got rid of "money plays" like NHL 2K6's deke through testing, online sports gaming would be much better off. Of course, there's no way to eliminate the stupidity of online gamers through testing, so my point is probably moot. There are always going to be idiots out there.
# 34 firespy93 @ 08/05/08 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by Buddy Knox
I played a dude in APF the other night that ran his offense out of the punt formation for the entire first half. I have never seen anything like it in my life. After getting picked and sacked to death he pulled the plug in the 3rd quarter. Cheesers have no soul.
thats funny cuz there are some high school teams in california that actually do that: http://highschool.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=825031. so is that stiil cheesing?
# 35 willythedemon @ 08/07/08 12:12 AM
I'm going to play devil's advocate here.... I've been playing online for several years now, and yes, have been frustrated by "cheesers".

One thing that I find to be pretty consistent with "cheese" though, is "whine".

Let me ask you this.... were Houston Nutt and this year's NCAA 09 cover athlete "cheesers" last year when they used the wild hog formation?

Is National Champion HC Les Miles a "cheeser" for going for it on 4th down repeatedly in insane situations last season?

Are 80% of high school head coaches across the country "cheesers" for putting their best athlete at QB and running a variation of the wing - t?

No.. I think they are innovators. All of these things can be stopped (except for les miles). All of these things have been stopped. Just use strategy to overcome and put away the "whine".
# 36 realtalktruth @ 08/07/08 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by willythedemon
I'm going to play devil's advocate here.... I've been playing online for several years now, and yes, have been frustrated by "cheesers".

One thing that I find to be pretty consistent with "cheese" though, is "whine".

Let me ask you this.... were Houston Nutt and this year's NCAA 09 cover athlete "cheesers" last year when they used the wild hog formation?

Is National Champion HC Les Miles a "cheeser" for going for it on 4th down repeatedly in insane situations last season?

Are 80% of high school head coaches across the country "cheesers" for putting their best athlete at QB and running a variation of the wing - t?

No.. I think they are innovators. All of these things can be stopped (except for les miles). All of these things have been stopped. Just use strategy to overcome and put away the "whine".
try and stop the cheese or figure out strategies to beat it? no way, whining is more productive and besides, you can always whine to the developer to get rid of it for next year.
# 37 Mobster06 @ 08/07/08 02:13 AM
nice article

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