08-01-2008, 05:14 PM
Here's a classic example:
Played a guy a couple of days ago who used Ohio State..first play of the game, he comes out in a goal line offense formation and who do I see lined up at FB? WR Brian Robiskie.
1st series of the game, he runs constant play action passes, dropping back 15-20 yards, trying to hit his "FB" on outs and streaking him up field.
I quit the game immediately.
Cheesers are people, who for whatever reason, feel the need to win at a video game, by "getting over" on the game.
They also tend to be childish, boorish and profane. Why waste time with that?
When I stumble upon one, I back out of the game immediately. It doesnt matter to me, that I usually feel pretty confident that I am going to beat the guy anyway.
We all know what cheesers like to do, and have been playing long enough to keep it somewhat under control.
Getting out of the game at the outset is the fastest way for the cheeser and I to get what we both want.
He can pad his record, and feel good about how he "owned" someone, and I go back to finding a sensible, enjoying game as quickly as possible.