Feature Article
Why Madden Will Be Better Than NCAA

I love the sport of football, and summer is the best time of year to fill my need for video game football. But while NCAA Football is a great game in its own regard, it simply does not fill the void.

Madden always comes out one month after NCAA, so like many others I use NCAA to tone my football game skills until the big release. This year is no different, as Madden is sure to be better than NCAA. Here’s why.

Even Playing Field

In Madden (and the NFL of course) the 32 teams are all professionals. Sure some think teams like the Raiders or Dolphins could lose to a powerhouse college team, but those types of NFL teams are in the minority. Every team can win or lose on any given Sunday, with no real cupcake teams. But why does this matter?

Madden decided to go with the “well everyone is complaining so let’s do something” approach.

Well, my favorite college team is San Diego State. Let us just say they simply are not the best team in college football. Now, when I play online or with my friends it can be a real task to beat a LSU or Florida with San Diego State.

In Madden this isn’t a problem. Nothing brings more joy to my life than using the Houston Texans to wipe out the Indianapolis Colts in an online duel to the death.

The New Play Call Window

NCAA stuck with the “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” approach to the play call screen, and the same basic presentation makes a return as well. Madden decided to go with the “well everyone is complaining so let’s do something” approach.

From what we have seen in videos and screenshots, the new play call screen appears to let you do everything want without pushing pause.

Want to put in a specific player at LE for a 2nd and long? Just a quick flick of the right analog stick and you are done sir! How about seeing the statistics of my top wide receivers? Again, just another flick of the right analog stick. You can also watch the replays from that same screen without pushing pause to hold up the game.

Something like this can change the flow of the game and it is a wonder this has not been implemented before.

Online Leagues

I know, I know. NCAA has online dynasties. But there is one big reason I am saying online leagues will be killer feature for Madden – 32 people.

Imagine you and 31 others duking it out to try and make the Super Bowl in one go-for-it all season.

Imagine you and 31 others duking it out to try and make the Super Bowl in one go-for-it all season. With full tracking of statistics and the ability to play your games any time, this feature alone is a great reason to get pumped for Madden.

Madden IQ

Now this is highly speculation, since the game has not been released yet to the public, but if this new feature does anything close to what it promises it could be a great year for Madden. In the past, many spent tons of hours trying to perfect a set of sliders that were perfect for their style of play. This year, Madden IQ will do all the work for you, tailoring the game to your abilities.

If the game sees you struggling in the running department, it will make it easier for you in that part of the game. On the other hand, if you are swatting down and picking off every throw attempted, the game will start stepping things up.

If this concept works like it should, it will be a giants step forward for sports video games and how the AI interacts with the humans playing the game.

NCAA Football 09 Videos
Member Comments
# 61 Anti Honor @ 07/26/08 04:40 PM
If the sliders work, I'm sold.
# 62 SoxFan01605 @ 07/26/08 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by Earl1963
Even tho NCAA 09 has it's share of flaws, its still a really fun game. I can't see Madden 09 being more fun, not with those long play clocks and boring commentary and bland crowds. NCAA 09's commentary, even tho much of it is the same as previous years, it just flows so damn smooth this year. The crowd is finally alive and the overall atmosphere is dead on. I love it!

NCAA also has soooo many teams to choose from, and a lot more variety of talent. Also, there is a heck of a lot more plays, more fun plays at that. And the the headtracking in NCAA games has always been done better than in Madden. A running back actually turns his had up field while running lateral.

I will end up getting Madden but not until I get burned out on NCAA 09. GREAT GAME no matter what anyone says.
Well, of course it has more teams! In fact one could argue (and this one is about to) that it should have even more (along with the ability to create a few also). I am more of a pro guy, which is why I prefer Madden over NCAA, but I'd be more inclined to play if I had some options for the smaller schools that have been left out on next gen and a way to create a team of my own. I don't think I'm the only one on this either.

Anyway, I think the reason Madden will be better than NCAA is simply time. They've had more time to correct issues the community found and implement some requests. Plus, it's apparently coming out with a patch right away to catch some last second things. Not saying it will be amazing or anything, but this would be the main reason it would be better than NCAA.
# 63 Earl1963 @ 07/26/08 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
Well, of course it has more teams! In fact one could argue (and this one is about to) that it should have even more (along with the ability to create a few also). I am more of a pro guy, which is why I prefer Madden over NCAA, but I'd be more inclined to play if I had some options for the smaller schools that have been left out on next gen and a way to create a team of my own. I don't think I'm the only one on this either.

Anyway, I think the reason Madden will be better than NCAA is simply time. They've had more time to correct issues the community found and implement some requests. Plus, it's apparently coming out with a patch right away to catch some last second things. Not saying it will be amazing or anything, but this would be the main reason it would be better than NCAA.
Your opinion and I respect it. But for me NCAA is the King of football video games. The nature of the sport just translates better to a video game. Fast gameplay with short play clocks.
# 64 Earl1963 @ 07/27/08 11:47 AM
Speaking of play clocks, anyone else catch themselves yawning sometimes waiting for your opponent to pick a play that is trying to milk the clock in Madden? I really hate that about this game.
# 65 SoxFan01605 @ 07/27/08 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by Earl1963
Your opinion and I respect it. But for me NCAA is the King of football video games. The nature of the sport just translates better to a video game. Fast gameplay with short play clocks.
I know a lot of people who feel the same way as you. I just prefer NFL as I actually have a team I follow. If they would just reimpliment create-a-team and the 1AA schools, there wouldn't even be a discussion...lol
# 66 StormJH1 @ 07/28/08 10:07 AM
Madden may very well end up being better than NCAA, but this article gives pretty vague and generic reasons as to why that would be? Things like "more even teams" have been a factor since we got Bill Walsh CF in 1995, why pretend like they're suddenly going to become a huge factor now?

Also, I reject the "NCAA as beta test for Madden argument". While it might be the case that the dynasty problems with EA's online servers might have prompted them to make some changes to their servers b/c of NCAA, NCAA was released in mid-July...there simply isn't enough time for EA to monitor consumer feedback and then make changes to a final build within the span of a month. And if they tried to do that, they'd probably screw up more than they fixed.

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