Feature Article
Why Madden Will Be Better Than NCAA

I love the sport of football, and summer is the best time of year to fill my need for video game football. But while NCAA Football is a great game in its own regard, it simply does not fill the void.

Madden always comes out one month after NCAA, so like many others I use NCAA to tone my football game skills until the big release. This year is no different, as Madden is sure to be better than NCAA. Here’s why.

Even Playing Field

In Madden (and the NFL of course) the 32 teams are all professionals. Sure some think teams like the Raiders or Dolphins could lose to a powerhouse college team, but those types of NFL teams are in the minority. Every team can win or lose on any given Sunday, with no real cupcake teams. But why does this matter?

Madden decided to go with the “well everyone is complaining so let’s do something” approach.

Well, my favorite college team is San Diego State. Let us just say they simply are not the best team in college football. Now, when I play online or with my friends it can be a real task to beat a LSU or Florida with San Diego State.

In Madden this isn’t a problem. Nothing brings more joy to my life than using the Houston Texans to wipe out the Indianapolis Colts in an online duel to the death.

The New Play Call Window

NCAA stuck with the “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” approach to the play call screen, and the same basic presentation makes a return as well. Madden decided to go with the “well everyone is complaining so let’s do something” approach.

From what we have seen in videos and screenshots, the new play call screen appears to let you do everything want without pushing pause.

Want to put in a specific player at LE for a 2nd and long? Just a quick flick of the right analog stick and you are done sir! How about seeing the statistics of my top wide receivers? Again, just another flick of the right analog stick. You can also watch the replays from that same screen without pushing pause to hold up the game.

Something like this can change the flow of the game and it is a wonder this has not been implemented before.

Online Leagues

I know, I know. NCAA has online dynasties. But there is one big reason I am saying online leagues will be killer feature for Madden – 32 people.

Imagine you and 31 others duking it out to try and make the Super Bowl in one go-for-it all season.

Imagine you and 31 others duking it out to try and make the Super Bowl in one go-for-it all season. With full tracking of statistics and the ability to play your games any time, this feature alone is a great reason to get pumped for Madden.

Madden IQ

Now this is highly speculation, since the game has not been released yet to the public, but if this new feature does anything close to what it promises it could be a great year for Madden. In the past, many spent tons of hours trying to perfect a set of sliders that were perfect for their style of play. This year, Madden IQ will do all the work for you, tailoring the game to your abilities.

If the game sees you struggling in the running department, it will make it easier for you in that part of the game. On the other hand, if you are swatting down and picking off every throw attempted, the game will start stepping things up.

If this concept works like it should, it will be a giants step forward for sports video games and how the AI interacts with the humans playing the game.

NCAA Football 09 Videos
Member Comments
# 41 brk1078 @ 07/23/08 10:56 PM
I do not own NCAAF 09 yet, but I am planning on getting it...

I don't care, no difference for me.... I will be getting Madden too.
# 42 SoxFan01605 @ 07/23/08 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by bigjake62505
I cannot believ I just read this. Don't get me wrong I do not hate the game I play it, but when you have to spend hours messing with sliders, that don't work, hold back during game play to keep it some what realistic (special teams), and hope your dynasty doesnt crash, its a little rediculous. 3 years these games have been on next gen and most of the features that made them good on ps2 and xbox are left out of the game. It is like some people have come to expect a $60 peice of crap and are starting to like it. Well I am from the old school and I will never accept these dumbed down games.
Aren't most "old school" games pretty much dumbed down?

lol...sorry, that comment just tickled me for some reason. I personally can't take the majority of the comments in threads like these too seriously. Anyone who has such a dramatic reaction to something they haven't experienced for themselves yet is obviously not going to view the game from a balanced or reasonable perspective...and I'm not speaking of just the negative reactions I think the game looks much improved and will definitely check it out...courtesy of blockbuster. If it's not, I'll move on...bigger things in life, IMO.
# 43 Gibbz @ 07/23/08 11:11 PM
I don't think there's a chance in hell that Madden tops NCAA. I haven't been content with a Madden game since the one where Vick was the coverboy. '04 or '05, I can't remember.
# 44 Harlemal @ 07/23/08 11:11 PM
So no one is allowed to buy or like Madden.
# 45 Exonerated @ 07/23/08 11:33 PM
I'll buy Madden 09 this year, therefore I am a pawn of Ea and have an iq of 12.

I am enjoyin ncaa which is frowned upon by the vocal minority of this community.
# 46 RGiles36 @ 07/23/08 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by bigjake62505
It is like some people have come to expect a $60 peice of crap and are starting to like it.
...I agree though. It's like Spank always says: people often lower their expectations to meet whatever Madden is going to be that year.

Let me say that there's nothing wrong w/ liking Madden in its current state. But it's mind boggling that gamers within this sim community can still look the other way in spite of the continued absence of the fundamental aspects of football in Madden.
# 47 voodoo_magic @ 07/24/08 12:32 AM
I find it funny reading some of the posts in the ncaa section about how they hate ncaa and go into detail about the glitches and bugs, then at the end of their post they say "at least I have Madden to look forward to"

Now if Madden was made by 2k or a different company then I would agree that it would be something to look forward to.

However because it's also an ea game with much the same history as ncaa concerning bugs and glitches then using that history and this years ncaa means Madden will have a very good chance of failing to deliver.

The only question is what is going to be the letdown, the new adaptive ai that lets the cpu run better when you are shutting them down is what I would bet on. It sounds good in theory but again using ea's history this is exactly the feature that will be over the top (but be better next year).
# 48 Tomba @ 07/24/08 12:55 AM
NCAA 09 is BETTER than 08 by about 50 percent! End of story...
# 49 sportyguyfl31 @ 07/24/08 08:40 AM
What I do not understand, is how anyone can feel confident that the 2 major features that are coming to Madden this year: Dynamic AI, and Online Leagues are going to be implemented any more smoothly then the "wide open gameplay" and online dynasty aspects of NCAA 09?

The game comes out in 3 weeks, and has probably been finished for about a month.

What we are going to be seeing/hearing in previews, is going to be what we are getting.

I hope it works. Will it? I have absolutely no idea, and there is no reason for me to be optimistic until the game arrives.

I'm going to be skeptical until the product gives me reason not to be, due to its track record.
# 50 o 99 PROBL3MS o @ 07/24/08 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by Tomba321
NCAA 09 is BETTER than 08 by about 50 percent! End of story...
Really? Better than 08 by 50 percent at what? Besides graphics and some nice new juke animations I can't agree with you on that. 08 was a solid game.
# 51 nickaepi @ 07/24/08 10:13 AM
It was great that Gamestop offered the $40-trade-in card for Madden'09, with the purchase of NCAA '09(let's you trade the game in and get 40 bucks towards purchase of Madden. Highly recommended if you are on the fence about NCAA'09, or just want some football to play until Madden comes out. Basically your "renting NCAA '09" for a month, for 20 bucks and then getting Madden for free.
# 52 ronnyballgame @ 07/24/08 11:23 AM
I for one am someone who likes NCAA this year, I mean, yeah, it has a slew of problems, but it is a fun game nonetheless, and what else I am going to play? I think once the patch comes it will help out a lot, I am just trying to get the right sliders, but I play a game everyday, and have fun and enjoy, that to me is enough. 08 was a piece of crap compared 09. As of Madden, I traded it in a few days after buying it, since I am an offline gamer and the franchise just stopped working coz of players disappearing. From what I read so far, I am excited, and buying in on the 12th, and I think it will be better than NCAA. I think Madden will impress everyone this year, I just have a good feeling about it.

Plus the adaptive AI works like they say, that is going to be so sick. Can't wait.
# 53 Security Device @ 07/24/08 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by ronnyballgame
I for one am someone who likes NCAA this year, I mean, yeah, it has a slew of problems, but it is a fun game nonetheless, and what else I am going to play? I think once the patch comes it will help out a lot, I am just trying to get the right sliders, but I play a game everyday, and have fun and enjoy, that to me is enough. 08 was a piece of crap compared 09. As of Madden, I traded it in a few days after buying it, since I am an offline gamer and the franchise just stopped working coz of players disappearing. From what I read so far, I am excited, and buying in on the 12th, and I think it will be better than NCAA. I think Madden will impress everyone this year, I just have a good feeling about it.

Plus the adaptive AI works like they say, that is going to be so sick. Can't wait.
Agreed. I like NCAA 09 despite the problems. Looking forward to the patch. Can't wait for the "REAL" version of Madden that comes with Head Coach 09. Don't sleep on it, it looks and sounds great. I'm mostly excited about makin' plays in Head Coach and schoolin' fools in Madden.
# 54 texbuk84 @ 07/26/08 01:40 AM
this will be good so far, hope it plays better than the hype
# 55 muggins @ 07/26/08 09:45 AM
It is really hard to understand why people think Madden will somehow be better than NCAA. They shared the same issues last year with turnovers, how can you expect that this year will be any different?
# 56 madden @ 07/26/08 10:38 AM
nfl is better than college to me. thats y madden will be better. but ncaa is fun and thats wat a video gm is about having fun.I hope madden be fun and not simple minded and boring.
# 57 madden @ 07/26/08 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by Potatoes002
Lets hope its not as hyped up as Madden 08 and fail big time.
ITS a video gm thats pose to be fun playing not boring. MADDEN 08 was fun to me and ncaa is fun to me.
# 58 Altimus @ 07/26/08 01:45 PM
The name of the article should be why Madden should be better than NCAA.
# 59 rp71284 @ 07/26/08 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by statum71
People that are complaining about NCAA will hate Madden as well. Because they are impossible to please. The problem isn't the game....its they're expectations.

NCAA is fine, and the roster bug is being patched right now. I'll hate to see the chaos if Madden has a bug, which could very well happen.
Can we please put an end to people ripping constructive, valid criticism?
# 60 Earl1963 @ 07/26/08 04:00 PM
Even tho NCAA 09 has it's share of flaws, its still a really fun game. I can't see Madden 09 being more fun, not with those long play clocks and boring commentary and bland crowds. NCAA 09's commentary, even tho much of it is the same as previous years, it just flows so damn smooth this year. The crowd is finally alive and the overall atmosphere is dead on. I love it!

NCAA also has soooo many teams to choose from, and a lot more variety of talent. Also, there is a heck of a lot more plays, more fun plays at that. And the the headtracking in NCAA games has always been done better than in Madden. A running back actually turns his had up field while running lateral.

I will end up getting Madden but not until I get burned out on NCAA 09. GREAT GAME no matter what anyone says.

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