Feature Article
Madden NFL 17: Play the Moments Is Better Than You Expect

I'll admit to being someone who read about Madden 17's "Play The Moments" (PTM) as being something gimmicky that I probably wouldn't touch. I have never trusted the Super Sim engine of Madden, and I like to play out all of my games in their entirety. But, I wanted to check it out anyway as it is one of Connected Franchise Mode's (CFM) new features for Madden 17.

What I wasn't expecting was that I would actually really like the feature, and plan to use it in my solo CFM.

PTM allows users to play a CFM game in as little as 20 minutes, according to the in-game screen touting this as a way to start your next franchise game. And if you're using the faster speed setting (adjustable in-game), you definitely can finish a game that quickly, if not sooner.

In starting a PTM game you'll still get most of the pre-game commentary before jumping into the simulation, which helps set the mood of the game and your CFM's overall immersion.

Play The Moments Full of Options

PTM gives you a handful of options as the game begins to simulate behind you:

  • · Fast - Jump ahead as quickly as possible
  • · Normal - View details about each play as the game unfolds
  • · Slow - Watch each play using the broadcast camera angle

I have used all three of these speeds, and they are all useful for their own unique reasons. I really love the slow option because of the "Head Coach-like" broadcast camera, but slow uses the played-game engine exclusively, meaning you won't be seeing injuries to an offensive lineman, etc. This is a bummer, as this would be an option I could see a lot of people using, including myself. As it stands, I'll likely avoid slow altogether so that I can generate some realistic injuries and other stats such as "thrown to" for defensive backs -- a stat simply not tracked in played games.

Normal and fast mode are virtually the same, just at different speeds. You'll get a really good feel for the simulated action using normal, but can use fast to move ahead if you're in a pinch for time -- or if the game is already one-sided enough that you just want to get to the end to analyze your box score.

Of course, all of these speed options allow you to jump in at various key moments throughout the game. Typically, these are third-down attempts on both offense and defense, key drives that end up in the red zone, and the end of the second and fourth quarters as a team may be fighting for or against a late scoring drive.

You can also opt to skip a key moment that comes up, allowing you the ability to simulate an entire PTM game without ever entering the action.

The option exists to "jump to next play" at any time and play just that one particular down, or all the way through the rest of the game in its entirety.

I didn't see a way to exit a Moment once you entered into gameplay, so if you enter into a red zone situation, for example, it seems you need to finish the drive. You can pause and use Super Sim if you want, but I didn't see a way to jump directly back into the PTM menu.

Another nice feature of the fast and normal speeds is that you will see injuries happening the same way they do in traditionally simulated games, meaning injuries to offensive linemen, etc.

I can also confirm that the injury slider affects not just played games, but also games that are fully simmed or played in PTM. As an aside, I'd recommend an injury slider setting greater than 50 but less than 70.

What surprised me the most and has me planning to use PTM in my solo franchise was how accurate the simulation engine was for this mode. As most OS frequent flyers are aware, Madden's Super Sim engine has been atrocious. The development team has touted this as being fixed for Madden 17, and I can happily confirm that it is. The stats come out looking accurate, including the number of plays from scrimmage. You can easily use PTM for an entire season, and you'll see your team's statistics falling in line with the rest of the teams around the league.

Play The Moments Aren't Perfect

The only disappointing area I saw in PTM is that any sort of highlights that are shown (post-game, etc.) can only be taken from plays that you actually participated in live. For example, I saw a simulated 60-yard touchdown pass pop up on the simulation screen, but this play was never shown in the post-game highlight package. Instead, I would see a two-yard run I participated in or an extra point as a highlight. It would be nice if Madden could retroactively create a highlight from the simulated script: If the simulation generates a 60-yard touchdown pass that I've only read text about, why can't the game create a visual for this post-play to create a highlight? How would we know the exact details of the play, anyway?

The Madden developers could use this ambiguity to their advantage and create a replay of the event that took place, drawing from the stats created on the play (pass thrown by QB X, caught by WR Y at yard line Z, yards after catch 40, 60-yard gain). This was something we saw happening in (open the flood gates!) NFL 2K5 during the highlight shows (though those replays were admittedly all pre-rendered and on the disc, so they were always the same just with swapped out players). Madden could still do something similar, just take the next step and come up with a way to generate these replays rather than bake them in on the disc itself to save storage space.

Maybe this could be a way we see halftime and post-game shows of highlights around the league for Madden.

PTM is Madden's best option for a true sim experience, but one where you're also able to have some impact on a game's outcome. PTM actually feels a lot like "Road to the Show" in MLB The Show, except you're still controlling your entire team in Madden's experience. I love the broadcast view used in the slow speed setting, but only wish it still used the simulation engine instead of the gameplay engine.

Overall, this is a mode you, at the very least, should try out. It could truly change the depth and realism with which you experience CFM.

Check out my streams covering more of Madden 17's "Play The Moments Feature in CFM:

CFM recommendations for realism: Simulate all of your preseason games in their entirety to generate some injuries. Use an injury slider setting around 60, give or take. Use PTM and go deep into your franchise experience all the while balancing the tougher decisions that this mode will provide for, such as:

  • · QB awareness actually mattering.
  • · Player tendencies having their greatest impact.
  • · Injuries keeping you honest about keeping good depth at all positions.

Member Comments
# 21 The JareBear @ 08/24/16 02:50 PM
I feel this mode will be great for me. This will allow me to get realistic results and have ratings play a factor, get a challenge from the CPU without having to give them huge slider boosts in every area just to compete
# 22 mrCPUgeek @ 08/24/16 03:01 PM
I have never done multiple teams before, but I think this year I am going to do just that. I will do one playing Offense only and slow speed watching the defense ( I usually just call the suggested defense plays and let the cpu do the work, so for me, this is great! Yes, I stink at defense. LOL!) then I am going to do another where I just do play the moments for a team's game. I'm actually pretty excited about getting started this year.
# 23 Brandwin @ 08/24/16 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by pjburrage
I think you get injuries in all speeds.
Just that if you use Fast or Normal - it uses the Sim Engine so includes O-Line Injuries. With Slow using the Game Engine it only has Skill Player Injuries.
Que? You are talking about the sim speed in Play of The Moment feature, right? why would the sim speed impact injuries?
# 24 mrCPUgeek @ 08/24/16 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by jenglund
As someone already noted, is it basically the same as Supersim? For the past couple of years, since I have less time to play, I've played offense-only and supersimmed defense.

I've had pretty decent results with that. Just wondering if this brings anything more to the table than Supersim. Thanks!
I did that last year some too, but sometimes I would accidently supersim my offense too. So, that is one thing this does help prevent.

Also, it has a much nicer feel to it to me than last year. Much easier to watch the events fold out and keep up.
# 25 Glenn33 @ 08/24/16 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by jenglund
As someone already noted, is it basically the same as Supersim? For the past couple of years, since I have less time to play, I've played offense-only and supersimmed defense.

I've had pretty decent results with that. Just wondering if this brings anything more to the table than Supersim. Thanks!
In theory it's the same. But every super sim engine prior to this year has been dreadful. I'm impressed if you received realistics stats simming in prior versions. The fact is now it works - works really well - and creates scenarios where YOU don't have to manually initiate offense/defense only. It does it for you. Also as mentioned - the moments option works really well.
# 26 pjburrage @ 08/24/16 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by Brandwin
Que? You are talking about the sim speed in Play of The Moment feature, right? why would the sim speed impact injuries?
Yes, because there are 3 speed options of Play the Moment - Fast - Jump ahead as quickly as possible - and Normal - See details of every play - use the New Super Sim Engine that enables it to use dice rolls to determine injuries so means that Offensive Lineman can get injured.

Slow - Watch each play using the Broadcast Camera - is basically a spectator mode, with the CPU playing the game against itself until the moments pop up. One of the limitations with the Game Engine is that it determines injuries based on animations and tackles, therefore Offensive Lineman are unlikely to get injuries unless there is a fumble/interception and they get involved in the play from there.

Hence why in the article the writer mentions about Offensive Lineman getting injured at Fast and Normal speed. The user I responded to asked a question about whether injuries happened on Slow as it wasn't clear from the section of the article and I expanded on it.
# 27 Brandwin @ 08/24/16 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by pjburrage
Yes, because there are 3 speed options of Play the Moment - Fast - Jump ahead as quickly as possible - and Normal - See details of every play - use the New Super Sim Engine that enables it to use dice rolls to determine injuries so means that Offensive Lineman can get injured.

Slow - Watch each play using the Broadcast Camera - is basically a spectator mode, with the CPU playing the game against itself until the moments pop up. One of the limitations with the Game Engine is that it determines injuries based on animations and tackles, therefore Offensive Lineman are unlikely to get injuries unless there is a fumble/interception and they get involved in the play from there.

Hence why in the article the writer mentions about Offensive Lineman getting injured at Fast and Normal speed. The user I responded to asked a question about whether injuries happened on Slow as it wasn't clear from the section of the article and I expanded on it.
I didn't realize that with slow. Thank you for explaining.
# 28 VGSNetwork @ 08/24/16 06:27 PM
Much better than I expected. Just the right amount of "moments" and excellent simulation stats when you're not playing. Allows for great Broadcast coverage.
# 29 TheDutchDad @ 08/24/16 06:42 PM
One of my favorite new features. As a dad, work full time, wife, house, etc, this is a god send. I was able to use my little time I had last night after release to get 6 weeks into my CFM. At this pace, I'll actually be able to finish a good junk of seasons and develop drafted players. So fun!
# 30 slick1ru2 @ 08/24/16 07:01 PM
So far, it's the only way I can win a game. I sabotage myself otherwise.

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# 31 glitch3d @ 08/24/16 07:15 PM
Only bad thing I see is that your RB gets a bunch of carries. Any way to split carries? Does it account for auto subs?
# 32 Scott @ 08/24/16 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by Brandwin
I didn't realize that with slow. Thank you for explaining.
I was playing a game today and Seattle had a lineman get injured while on Normal.
# 33 jsteele14 @ 08/24/16 10:16 PM
I agree with the original comment on this thread. Play the Moments is far better than I expected. More different than last year's super sim than I thought it would be. The injuries look nicely balanced in this mode as well. I am actually enjoying it when I never used super sim last year.

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# 34 jsteele14 @ 08/24/16 10:18 PM
The one thing I noticed and it may just be a small sample size but when you actually get into the moments, the gameplay feels easier than it would normally be. Anyone else notice that?

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# 35 87Birdman @ 08/24/16 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by jsteele14
The one thing I noticed and it may just be a small sample size but when you actually get into the moments, the gameplay feels easier than it would normally be. Anyone else notice that?

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I've had the opposite. Seems harder.

One thing I've noticed as I played with denver is the defense is either really bad in the son engine or denver defense is bad because my team is giving up over 30 points a game and the last game was over 40.

The last game I only got to try to stop them twice in the redzone and one their back broke multiple tackles. The next time the back want even covered even though a guy had him at the beginning of the play.

Another game I played against the Falcons. They had 15 points after their first 5 drives. Only because they matched down field everytime and I would play defense in the redzone and force a fg.

Currently I feel if your offense sucks and you have a good defense you will get screwed by the engine. Because no injuries on denver's defense is resulting in the computer moving the ball at will and putting up over 30 points a game.

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# 36 testorz @ 08/24/16 11:47 PM
Just knowing there's no boring Phil Simms this year raised my spirits. The commentary is well shall I dare say sexy in a masculine kind of way. LOL
# 37 N51_rob @ 08/25/16 11:43 AM
Ehh I was playing with it in a dummy franchise and I managed to get a 27-6 halftime lead and then I never got another moment as the Browns made a comeback until they were 27-21 and inside the redzone late in the 4th. I was unable to stop them and lost, which in the big picture isn't my issue its that for the entire 3rd and almost 4th quarter there was nothing for me to do? No 4 minute offense situation where I could bleed the clock to prevent them from getting another possession, no 3rd down earlier in their final drive for me to stop them and ice the game?

It is a very cool feature, but I don't think its for me.
# 38 prhiam @ 08/25/16 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by N51_rob
Ehh I was playing with it in a dummy franchise and I managed to get a 27-6 halftime lead and then I never got another moment as the Browns made a comeback until they were 27-21 and inside the redzone late in the 4th. I was unable to stop them and lost, which in the big picture isn't my issue its that for the entire 3rd and almost 4th quarter there was nothing for me to do? No 4 minute offense situation where I could bleed the clock to prevent them from getting another possession, no 3rd down earlier in their final drive for me to stop them and ice the game?

It is a very cool feature, but I don't think its for me.
You can easily stop the simulation any time that you want. It is completely customizable. I am very impressed with it so far.
# 39 shaikio @ 08/26/16 01:24 PM
For people using Play the Moments, what have you found in the sweet spot for quarter length playing on all pro? Wondering if anyone has dug into it enough to figure out what the length should be to get fairly realistic stats and all that stuff. Thanks.
# 40 Mike Lowe @ 08/26/16 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by Brandwin
Que? You are talking about the sim speed in Play of The Moment feature, right? why would the sim speed impact injuries?
There are two ways injuries will happen in this mode, and both work off of your sliders:

1) Playing the actual plays will limit you some--you will not see injuries to OL. This choice includes plays you actually participate in, but also when in SLOW sim speed as it's using the same game engine. This has been confirmed.

2) Sim on either fast or normal--this will still use your injury slider, but will simulate the injuries without using the game's collision/injury detection.

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