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MLB 15 The Show Player Ratings - Top Rated Players For Each Team

Earlier we posted the top rated players at each position for MLB 15 The Show, below are the top rated players for each team.

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# 41 Trackball @ 03/06/15 09:15 PM
So all the Rockies pitchers suck this year (because that humidor can only do so much)?

Challenge accepted.

I'll put my RTTS pitcher there and prove them all wrong.
# 42 ShowTyme15 @ 03/06/15 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by seanjeezy
Lol why are you guys talking about wins and loses like those make any difference in the ratings? Over the last 3 seasons Scherzer has been the 3rd best starter in baseball. 10.46 K/9, 2.59 BB/9, 0.85 HR/9, and a .226 AVG against warrant a 94 or whatever he is.
First of all I wasn't using wins as it making up his rating (I already know win totals have nothing to do with ratings btw). The poster I replied to said Scherzer's was overrated so I just used his win total to justify that he isn't overrated.

Secondly, I really could give a rats a** about overall ratings and how they are calculated in all honesty.
# 43 eric7064 @ 03/06/15 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by CubsWillRiseAgain
Rizzo at 84 is very low. Castro at 80 is low.

They had Jon Lester, Cole Hamels at B potential, and Josh Harrison at an A. Thats absurd putting Harrison's potential over two bona fide aces.
I'm a Cubs fan. I think Rizzo is fine when you look at the 1B above him. Plus he's an A he will progress well over a franchise. I agree on Castro. 3x all star an 80?! Cmon. But comparing a 31 yr old established pitcher potential to a young up and coming All-Star? Lester is 30 he won't rise much in overall. Potential does not mean much at his age.
# 44 mikeq672 @ 03/06/15 10:52 PM
The ratings are pretty terrible.
# 45 headzapp @ 03/06/15 11:15 PM
I always wondered if having overall player rating were a bad thing. Would it be better to not have that and just have their season stats let you decide their overall worth? I mean it could still have arm strength 84 and speed 67 and so on if needed.
How many people turned down a trade in franchise mode, because you got offered a player who was 77 to your player was, say 82? If it didn't have that rating you could see that maybe your player is having a down year but the one they are offering has a lot of hits, and has some pop in his bat and has a few more home runs, and is on pace for a career high, would you be more inclined to talk that offer, instead of just seeing that 77 and being turned off wanting a higher number?
# 46 jvalverde88 @ 03/06/15 11:37 PM
Ah the player ratings reveal, my 2nd favorite day behind release day for The Show. Some of the over reactions to some of the ratings are funny.
# 47 Cowboy008 @ 03/06/15 11:49 PM
Looks like the Twins are going to be the lowest rated team. So they will be my team until the OSFM comes out.
# 48 Hec_bx @ 03/07/15 12:04 AM
So your telling me that Pedro Alvarez is rated under 77??? That's crazy
# 49 zbundy3 @ 03/07/15 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by Hec_bx
So your telling me that Pedro Alvarez is rated under 77??? That's crazy
Not that crazy. I think he is a 74 or 75 with good power numbers, poor contact, vision, and fielding, which is about where I would put him right now.
# 50 soxnut1018 @ 03/07/15 12:09 AM
I like how people get upset with overall ratings despite having no idea how they are formed. Also, if you are going to make a case that player X is better than player Y, at least have some stats to back it up. And not some cherry picked small sample size stat or a flat out awful stat (I'm looking at you pitcher wins).
# 51 WaitTilNextYear @ 03/07/15 12:33 AM
Personally, I don't really lose much sleep over OVRs, but people have to remember that OS'ers and hardcore fans are not the entire universe of people who play MLBTS. In fact, OS is just a small (but vocal) group of MLBTS fans. OVRs are really useful for more ****** fans who've maybe heard of just 10-15 players in the entire league. So, some folks can get a quick opinion on a player from an OVR without poring over stats and individual ratings for hours--and spend more time playing the game. For people more like me who enjoy spending time looking at stats and individual ratings, I just know to not pay OVR much attention at all.

I think the thing that is most frustrating about OVRs is the bias it brings out in people. Fan of TEAM X says, "how could you rate PLAYER Y on TEAM X so low!?!" and they are 99% of the time just being homers for their team.

Honestly, I think that SCEA looks to have done a decent job with ratings from what I've seen and I am happy to see their ratings finally trending more closely toward the Hybrid rosters where the 90+ OVRs are few and far in between. They've gone from twenty-seven 99 OVRs to just 3 in a short timeframe.
# 52 CWood2 @ 03/07/15 06:47 AM
Marcus Stroman from the Jays might be the biggest miss to me. I get he's young but the kid is easily high 70s to low 80s already.

Also, B potential for Mookie Betts?
# 53 CWood2 @ 03/07/15 06:48 AM
And Jayson Werth as an 87 ... maybe during his FA year, but geesh!
# 54 CubsWillRiseAgain @ 03/07/15 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by mikeq672
The ratings are pretty terrible.
Agreed, but i love that they added editable potential so we can fix a lot of it, and we can fix a lot of it anyway with a little editing
# 55 CubsWillRiseAgain @ 03/07/15 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by eric7064
I'm a Cubs fan. I think Rizzo is fine when you look at the 1B above him. Plus he's an A he will progress well over a franchise. I agree on Castro. 3x all star an 80?! Cmon. But comparing a 31 yr old established pitcher potential to a young up and coming All-Star? Lester is 30 he won't rise much in overall. Potential does not mean much at his age.
Look at Rizzo's numbers (youre a cub fan so you know as well as i do how fantastic he was last year).These numbers are monster numbers. He was in the top 10 in MVP voting. Having him at an 84 is absurd, should be at least an 88-90.

# 56 Lisac @ 03/07/15 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by Jimmydm90
Photos are in the game but they were using fantasy draft. Fantasy draft changes all the player pictures in to the videogame versions of the players.

Same thing happens when a player gets traded in the game because they want them to have the correct team hat.
That's the one thing I wish the Show never did! I'd rather have as example( if Rizzo got traded back to Boston from Cubs I'd rather have his real portrait with a Cubs hat on than a generic picture with a Red Sox hat) JMO
# 57 CubsWillRiseAgain @ 03/07/15 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by Lisac
That's the one thing I wish the Show never did! I'd rather have as example( if Rizzo got traded back to Boston from Cubs I'd rather have his real portrait with a Cubs hat on than a generic picture with a Red Sox hat) JMO

Is there a button to like something 1000 times? (:
# 58 Dolenz @ 03/07/15 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by CubsWillRiseAgain
Look at Rizzo's numbers (youre a cub fan so you know as well as i do how fantastic he was last year).These numbers are monster numbers. He was in the top 10 in MVP voting. Having him at an 84 is absurd, should be at least an 88-90.

But last year is only counts to 50% of his total.
The year before he batted .233 with more strikeouts and fewer HRs in more games.

Not to mention that the overall rating is more, I assume, than just batting stats.

As I said earlier in the thread, whether or not you like the rating of your favorite player, those players overall rating was chosen using the same formula as the other players at his position. They should be fair for the most part.

It's also interesting to note that most of those who are complaining about ranking are all making arguments that the star players on their favorite teams are too low. We all have bias towards our favorite teams.
# 59 CubsWillRiseAgain @ 03/07/15 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by Dolenz
But last year is only counts to 50% of his total.
The year before he batted .233 with more strikeouts and fewer HRs in more games.

Not to mention that the overall rating is more, I assume, than just batting stats.

As I said earlier in the thread, whether or not you like the rating of your favorite player, those players overall rating was chosen using the same formula as the other players at his position. They should be fair for the most part.

It's also interesting to note that most of those who are complaining about ranking are all making arguments that the star players on their favorite teams are too low. We all have bias towards our favorite teams.
I think itd be all bias if i just stood back "Ah RIZZOS DA BEST PLAYER" but i linked his fangraphs page, stated how he deserves a better rating.

And if you're worried about his defense, i believe his numbers last year had him a terrfic first baseman..... Its not just offense (:

And about the previous year thing, i dont think it matters much as they have Corey Kluber incredibly high (which he should be, he was freaking awesome lol)
# 60 Ghost Of The Year @ 03/07/15 11:00 AM
While I sympathise with the online guys, I'm purely offline so I'm good if scea's ratings are a little off or a lot off. I can fix it & while it's more work for me, they've already done the bulk of the heavy lifting anyways.

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