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WWE 2K15 Day One Impressions

With WWE 2K15 having kind of a strange release schedule, a lot of users have been waiting to see whether the new consoles make this year's entry worthy of the upgrade. After spending some time with the Xbox One version, it's safe to say that 2K's influence on this year's product is obvious. From some of the subtle animations changes and presentational flair, everything has received a boost in some way.

Then again, from what I've seen, there are clearly areas where corners have been cut to ship a product on time, such as missing modes, a smaller roster and a diminished creation suite. We're not talking NHL 15 levels of feature and mode omission here, but there are some items missing, so make sure you go in with your eyes open. Some users are quite upset at only 25 create-a-wrestler spots, for instance, compared to 100 on previous generation hardware.

Here are some of my quick impressions:

• In terms of presentation, the game has a lot of positives. Improved facial detail, better hair tech, additional lighting and denser crowds are some of the elements I noticed immediately, and some of the entrances are downright uncanny in their accuracy.

• In-match presentation seems like a half-step up from last year. There are some different camera cuts and altered replay packages, and some new fatigue and desperation animations do add a lot of emotion. It was neat seeing my created character dive from his knees to break up a pin in a triple threat match or fall down to one knee after hitting a finisher. Still, a lot of legacy animations and sliding are noticeable.

• The biggest gameplay addition is chain wrestling, and I like it quite a lot. It's a rock-paper-scissors concept. The idea is that both characters start a match fresh and shouldn't just be able to execute grapple moves. By selecting either wristlock, waistlock or side headlock, you'll go into a little sequence of cat and mouse, trying to outthink your opponent. The interface is a bit busy, but I love the conceit of the feature.

• Stuff like weapons, catapult finishers, OMG moments and finishers remain the same, but the stamina of each character is represented as well as their overall health. If you do moves in quick succession, you'll greatly diminish your stamina. This becomes a consideration later in matches, as you might not be able to follow up on a big move.

• Gameplay, on the whole, feels familiar but with some added emphasis on stamina and pacing. The emotion found in some animations and "selling" adds to certain matches, but a lot of contests will play out as squashes, one way or the other. Strike and running spam has been reduced, thanks to slower animations, but some of these repetitive elements are still present.

• The MyCareer mode is generally entertaining, if a little bit plain. The ability to go up through NXT and onto the bigger shows (Superstars, Smackdown, etc) is a solid base, and you get some level of agency about your fate. Sometimes you get several match choices, and certain matches will gain you followers on social media, while others gain you VC and more skills points to improve your character. It's a question of climbing the ladder faster or safer.

• Some moments did seem pre-destined, though, as a booker would say I had a terrible match when it was rated four stars right after. Kind of odd. It seems like they want you to progress at certain points and just kind of make an excuse to do so. Still, since you can't really lose, it's fun to see what happens when you do.

• Funnily enough, you almost have to lose a bunch in the career mode, as "doing the job" seems like part of the design. You're just not strong enough to handle most of the big boys early on, and I found myself trying to get DQ'd to hold onto the NXT title. That didn't work for long!

• The social media and out-of-ring stuff is pretty limited for a lot of the mode, but it is there in some respects. Again, this seems like something that will be much bigger in future years, but what's there is kind of cool.

• The creation features for entrances and such are pretty speedy, and you see an animated gif of pyros and editable moments, which saves egregious loading times in these areas. Loading times overall are pretty good.

• Universe mode looks mostly the same, with the ability to discover "clues" by playing and simming storylines. These clues will provide the seeds for more interesting feuds and stories in the future. You can set short, medium and long rivalries, as before. There are 861 clues to collect.

• The 2K Showcase mode looks to have the same quality bar from the Attitude and WrestleMania versions, but now with one-on-one feuds. I played some of CM Punk vs. John Cena, and there were lots of video montages and cinematic moments, including historical objectives. I'm not sure if these rivalries really match up to the previous ideas in this mode, but they are more of that type of experience, if that's what you're after.

• The John Cena–curated soundtrack is only 12 tracks, and well…. Yeah, some of those songs are just awful. To be fair, some are decent.


I'm interested to get further into MyCareer and play some more of the 2K Showcase mode. I haven't had much of a chance to get online yet, so that's also a point of interest. A day-one patch adds six-player support for online, by the way. What's here seems like a reasonably featured wrestling product with solid gameplay and a new shine, and it's been fun to improve my created character.

The full review of WWE 2K15 (Xbox One and PS4) will be up on OS this week.

WWE 2K15 Videos
Member Comments
# 121 Mercury112491 @ 11/19/14 11:01 PM
The videos and objectives in the showcases are so well done and I'm having a blast with them. I was originally only planning on getting the Uktimate Warrior DLC but now I think I might get all 3
# 122 rangerrick012 @ 11/19/14 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by JazzMan
I've noticed that the commentary is much better all-around in 2k Showcase, wonder if that's where all of the commentary work went into.
Commentary in showcase is re recorded from the actual matches I believe. It was the same with attitude era mode in WWE 13.
# 123 49UNCFan @ 11/20/14 12:25 AM
Stamina system is so realistic.Makes the game that much better.That is what ufc needs
# 124 Cpre5 @ 11/20/14 01:19 AM
Having issues with two person finisher off the top rope. Most of the time the finisher button won't show up, or you grab him but miss so you have to move around more to get the finisher button to show again. I nail my finisher about 1-7 tries
# 125 Gronk4M13 @ 11/20/14 08:04 AM
I love this game. I traded my Xbox in June to get a PS4, so I've been without a WWE game for months. Man, I've missed it. I completed both 2K Showcase rivalries yesterday, good stuff. MyCareer has a lot of potential but it's not blowing me away. Right now I'm on Superstars/NXT, I lost the NXT Title to Titus O'Neil of all people.

The gameplay is phenomenal. The graphics, as expected, are second to none IMO. Stamina/slow pacing really make this game. It feels so realistic. The selling/slowly getting up is a nice touch.

Perfect example of how stamina makes this game amazing: in my Universe mode, I'm watching a triple threat between Orton, Kane and Booker T. Booker was on the mat selling/slowly getting up. Orton nails Kane with an RKO. Orton is out of stamina, he's lying on the mat not moving. Booker comes over and pins Kane to win. Awesome moment.
# 126 Anaxamander @ 11/20/14 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by Cpre5
It's missing the new belt right?
Also we're stuck with two rosters and a draft rather then the single roster of the wwe today?
If you're talking about universe mode, you can have a single roster by simply deleting Smackdown and re-creating it as a minor show. The only thing is, you'll have to choose between the IC title and the US title, because you can only have one minor title. You can still put the other one on a guy, but universe won't have rankings and won't book title matches for it.

You can turn off the draft matches too.

Edit: No new belt.
# 127 TJdaSportsGuy @ 11/20/14 11:25 AM
The thing about the belt that bothers me...

I totally understand that they couldn't get the new WWE Championship belt in the game. That's fine. The old one looks similar enough. BUT...it's just an incredible oversight to allow this to happen.

Go play a WWE World Heavyweight Title match in Universe and let the pre-match intros play out. Notice something odd? Yep. The champ comes out with the one belt but the ref holds up both the Big Gold Belt and the WWE Belt before the match.

THEN...when the match is over, the winner celebrates by holding both belts.

Just a minor little detail that was obviously missed but hurts the immersion factor.

Originally Posted by JazzMan
I've noticed that the commentary is much better all-around in 2k Showcase, wonder if that's where all of the commentary work went into.
I've noticed a ton of new commentary in regular matches. The "bio" stuff on each wrestler is completely new. They must've recorded it fairly recently too because Lawler will mention some events that happened not all that long ago on WWE TV.
# 128 King_B_Mack @ 11/20/14 11:38 AM
I've been enjoying the game thus far. Showcase mode is great. I love reliving these moments in the game like this. So this stuff, Attitude era mode and the like are right up my alley.

Few things. I absolutely love that they got Slow Chemical in. One of my favorite themes ever. So good for them getting that right.

Secondly, I can't believe they referenced Katie Vick in there hahaha. Wow.

Finally, the decision to put a daily limit on CC downloads is absolutely ridiculous.
# 129 m1ke_nyc @ 11/20/14 12:57 PM
So I've downloaded sting but he's not showing up on the roster in the game. Am I missing something here ?
# 130 ezio @ 11/20/14 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by ratedmoney
So I've downloaded sting but he's not showing up on the roster in the game. Am I missing something here ?
Go to downloaded superstars. He should be in there.
# 131 m1ke_nyc @ 11/20/14 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by ezio
Go to downloaded superstars. He should be in there.
Thanks. Was kinda just like wth
# 132 KingofKings14 @ 11/20/14 01:44 PM
I love the gameplay. Makes everything more fun. My only complaint about the matches is I haven't had one yet that lasted more than 5 minutes. They were good, but very short.

I've only messed with MyCareer so far. It's starts out good, then starts to slow down big time. Eventually, nothing makes sense. I finally made it to SD and started a feud with The Shield. They said they weren't done with me yet....then Flair puts me in a match teaming with Rollins against Austin and Rock. Then he teamed me with Henry against Graves and Fandango. Also, in one match, I tried kicking out at 2.9, like DeMott told me to, and messed up and lost in under a minute. My match got only half a star (which is should have) and Vickie popped up saying "Great match, now you're on a PPV." I don't think wins and losses matter as much as they should. MyCareer is good, but it needs to be worked on.

Next, I tried the Showcase mode. I started with Cena/Punk (HBK and HHH are my two all-time favorites, so I'm saving that for last.) So far, I love the Showcase mode. Very fun.

Creations are disappointing, especially the entrances, but it's something I can deal with.

Still haven't messed with Universe yet. So far, I give the game a 7.5 or 8. It's not near as bad as most people are making it out to be. I've had a lot of fun with it so far.
# 133 m1ke_nyc @ 11/20/14 01:46 PM
I'm liking the game so far. But tomorrow when I'm off from work I'm sit down and take some time to really learn the controls and pacing of the game. Gonna put a ton of couch co op in with this.
# 134 cake612 @ 11/20/14 02:14 PM
I get that people just want to go right into Universe with everything unlocked but I'm having a lot of fun going through Showcase and Career mode and seeing what I unlock next. Maybe I'm in the minority but I don't mind that's it's a ton of alternate attires since I like that stuff. Plus when I unlocked the Rock earlier it was kind of a pleasant surprise.

I'm always an alternate jersey nut in other sports games so I think it's pretty cool CM Punk has like 10 different outfits. Would just be nice if they did it for a couple more guys. Really sucks for them that CM is gone since they built a ton of content around him.

Anyways, as I said before got this Monday night and I'm still playing non stop the second I get home from work and got up a few minutes early this morning to get in a couple more matches before I left. It's not even that I can put my finger on one thing and say this is the reason I really like it. I've played a lot of matches and I'm still on guard, watching out for surprise finishers, having guys kick out of my finisher, just always having to be on my toes I guess and having it feel like an actual match on TV and not just a video game where you spam running attacks.
# 135 eremiomania @ 11/20/14 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by NBA2K Genius
I feel that I'm probably gonna get both anyway just wanted to see which one I should get now. I do love wresting games n like @TheShizNo1 said GTA is GTA it's kind of a tough choice for me specially to see both on next gen. I usually buy one game a year and that's NBA2K, I'm trying to venture out for a change but can't make up my mind lol just needed a little guidance that's all....
Man I was debating getting GTA instead up until the last second. I may have asked for WWE V lol.
# 136 Runne130 @ 11/20/14 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by cake612
I get that people just want to go right into Universe with everything unlocked but I'm having a lot of fun going through Showcase and Career mode and seeing what I unlock next. Maybe I'm in the minority but I don't mind that's it's a ton of alternate attires since I like that stuff. Plus when I unlocked the Rock earlier it was kind of a pleasant surprise.

I'm always an alternate jersey nut in other sports games so I think it's pretty cool CM Punk has like 10 different outfits. Would just be nice if they did it for a couple more guys. Really sucks for them that CM is gone since they built a ton of content around him.

Anyways, as I said before got this Monday night and I'm still playing non stop the second I get home from work and got up a few minutes early this morning to get in a couple more matches before I left. It's not even that I can put my finger on one thing and say this is the reason I really like it. I've played a lot of matches and I'm still on guard, watching out for surprise finishers, having guys kick out of my finisher, just always having to be on my toes I guess and having it feel like an actual match on TV and not just a video game where you spam running attacks.
I hear ya on the alternate attires, it would be so nice if the game came with 4 for each superstar, even if it was the same trunks just different colors so we didnt have to use caw slots for a different color. For my universe ppvs i look at the card and then make an alternate for each person so they have a different attire, but once i download more guys im not going to be able to do that
# 137 Anaxamander @ 11/20/14 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by cake612
Anyways, as I said before got this Monday night and I'm still playing non stop the second I get home from work and got up a few minutes early this morning to get in a couple more matches before I left. It's not even that I can put my finger on one thing and say this is the reason I really like it. I've played a lot of matches and I'm still on guard, watching out for surprise finishers, having guys kick out of my finisher, just always having to be on my toes I guess and having it feel like an actual match on TV and not just a video game where you spam running attacks.
That's exactly my feeling. The matches can be freaking excellent without all the running spam and Tekken combos that have plagued the series for 15 years.

I was defending Brock Lesnar's title against Randy Orton at Wrestlemania, and the way we were both crawling, limping, and bleeding at the match's endgame felt utterly true to WWE.

Plus, I like how guys don't always kick out of your finisher. It felt like the last few games, it was guaranteed that the first finisher wouldn't do the trick, no matter if it was a stunner or a cobra. This year, they sometimes go down with one, but the tougher guys take two or more to put them away.
# 138 eremiomania @ 11/20/14 03:52 PM
Finally found one of the features stripped out that does piss me off and affect how I play the game. I create a lot of tag teams. I can't believe they stripped out all extra tag entrances except 2. Same with trio. Even if I DL a Scott Hall CAW, no NWO entrance. uuuugh. I guess I was spoiled having NWO in last years

It is awesome that CM Punks old song is in though. So much better than Cult of Personality.
# 139 Retropyro @ 11/20/14 03:59 PM
The reversal system is terrible.
# 140 birthday_massacre @ 11/20/14 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by Retropyro
The reversal system is terrible.
I agree they need to go with the firepro or N64 reversal systems.

Also they really need to let you pick a difficulty in career mode as well as getting matches to last longer than just 5 minutes.

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