Feature Article
NBA 2K15 Forces You To Rethink Your Approach (Roundtable)
Every time a new sports game releases, there are changes to the core gameplay which changes how you play the game. In this roundtable our staff writers explain what they are doing differently to find success thus far this year in [i]NBA 2K15[/i]. Be sure to leave your own suggestions in the comments!
James Kerti: As I mentioned in my initial impressions as well as my review, team strengths and weaknesses seem to matter a lot more in NBA 2K15. Switching between different teams has become more difficult due to individual shot releases with the new shooting meter and personnel differences between teams. I get hammered on higher difficulty levels if I don't make a conscious effort to play like the real team does.

Points of emphasis help, as do the defensive settings. I'm trying to familiarize myself with the shot releases so I can cash in on the open jumpers I aim to generate. It finally comes down to putting your players in positions to succeed — just like real basketball.

Kevin Groves: I'll be honest, I haven't found much success this year in NBA 2K15 and I couldn't be happier. After spending the day getting beat-down by the much improved CPU AI, I went back to the drawing board and began the process of ridding my internal hard-drive of everything NBA 2K related up until this point. I began to look at the game through a first-person point guard view; "OK, you have a step on your defender. Where's the help coming from? Where's the open man? Who has the mismatch? Gotta close-out hard on the open shooters without over-committing. Three-on-one fast break, have to get a bucket or at least get to the line.

Once I began thinking through situations in the game I started to put some runs together and achieve success. Like James said, more time will breed familiarity with shot release points and team styles/playbooks. While I would like to get my hometown Wizards down to a science, I want to run with all of the teams taking advantage of the best display of player individuality across the sports video game genre.

While some would like to just enjoy the game, I want my decisions to mimic those of a real game. I look forward to spending more time with NBA 2K15 and evolving my thought process to "don't play video games, play basketball"
Ben Vollmer: I'm with James, just getting adjusted to the way teams (and individual players) play has been a huge learning curve.

For instance, I'm using my Magic in a test-run Association Mode. It's taken me about twelve games to learn that Victor Oladipo, who I had no problem scoring with in 2K14 isn't that takeover-the-game kind of player yet. He's not going to nail well-guarded shots, and he can have some issues driving on defensive guys who can match his quickness.

For now, it's all about getting acquainted with my team as opposed to the game itself, and I think that's just about the biggest compliment you can give 2K15.

Matthew Coe: This year it's all about defensive adjustments for me. I'm attempting to do a better job staying shaded to a dribblers strong hand, or if he has a tendency to drive in one direction over another, I'll shade to that side. I'm also attempting to do a better job of boxing out and letting my CPU teammates help me on the boards. In the past I've sometimes felt like I had to go grab every rebound. Now I'm focusing on fundamental box outs if I don't have the superior position to get the rebound.

I'm also playing more attention to the match-ups on the floor. For example, I know if the CPU has a faster, quicker player at a position I will stay aware and help off of my man when I feel like the CPU is attempting to make a scoring move. That has helped tremendously in keeping the CPU shooting percentages down by giving them less uncontested shots. NBA 2K15 really forces the user to think and react quickly moreso than any previous entry, and I appreciate that as a gamer.

Chris Sanner: Without a doubt, as the rest of the guys have mentioned, learning your roster and their tendencies is the absolute best thing you can do to find success this year. You also need to learn the fundamentals of basketball and the NBA game to really ensure success. It's really quite simple, while 2K15 doesn't play a perfect game of basketball -- it does play a version that requires you to use some real basketball know-how to have success on the upper levels. You can't do gamey things and expect to have amazing amounts of success on the court, which is a huge compliment to the on-court gameplay for sure.

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Member Comments
# 1 juicey79 @ 10/14/14 03:01 PM
I've only played a handful of times however, I felt this change immediately.
I tried to win a game with Kobe and after the AI adjusted I could not break double teams, and I didn't have a good supporting cast to beat the AI with a passing Kobe. Now I try to play with a team philosophy and pick my spots of when I need to run an offense through a player. I actually love the offline gameplay...great work 2K!
# 2 silverbane @ 10/14/14 03:26 PM
First 2K that made me trade a player ( association mode) Andre Bargnani out of frustration. Opposition continued to exploit him for the bum he is on defense. Ai is really to be contented with and takes no prisoners
# 3 labelmeoriginal @ 10/14/14 03:34 PM
Offline, great job. Online, it's an absolute joke.
# 4 Jadakiss88 @ 10/14/14 03:36 PM
Yes....just beat the Heat yesterday by feeding my post players and attacking the basket forced them to shot from outside alot and they were easily dispatched.

Before that I played the Heat and lost by 30. 2k was serious when they said "Hero Ball" was no longer a viable option to win games.
# 5 solofx7 @ 10/14/14 03:38 PM
totally agree with this article. This is a sim gamers dream. In about 5 games, I have gotten more made than I ever have at any previous iteration of the game. I realized it was me, I had to change the way I played. I had to make adjustments. Then I started to have success. Even on the easier settings of the game, the cpu will outthink you. My enjoyment from this game comes from my knowledge of basketball and me making adjustments that work and watching the cpu do the same. The game will not allow you to "arcade cheese" your way to victory. It hurts a lot, but I love this game. There is nothing better than making a good team defensive possession. When has anyone ever said that about any video game ever. I don't think a week or month is long enough to give this game an accurate review. All of the internet based stuff aside, this is the best AI video game of all time. I enjoy the game and I fret to admit, I even enjoy losing.
# 6 trey2k198003 @ 10/14/14 03:39 PM
I agree with most of what everyone said ive tried my gm with the kings knicks and rockets and cant get that pick up that game trade a few guys get a couple of F.A. and boom 10 game win streak this game is challenging i can see myself picking a bad team and having a mediocre season while trying really hard...in the past the only way i wasnt a top three squad whatever team i played at was if i simmed

Also i have to say this challenge to me is on pro right now i will def get much better but its on pro now and i feel this way just gives me hope to when i step my level up how difficult it will be to play lol.
# 7 FUWS @ 10/14/14 03:55 PM
I play pro level as well with sliders. I've always wanted a sim. game and they nailed it this year..( my league) Although I wish we can get rid of autosave!!! I look at it like this, past 14 years of nba 2k with 10 min qts usually ended with 95-105 shots pergame.(per team). This year I'm putting up about 70-85 shots. This only means I'm actually doing the right things instead of exploiting the crappy AI...
# 8 rudeworld @ 10/14/14 03:55 PM
MyLeague is so much fun because of this. Drafting players and learning how your players play is essential. If you have bum on defense the cpu will expoit and expose the bum. Even the free throws are more difficult for some reason. Thqnk you 2ksporte
# 9 DBMcGee3 @ 10/14/14 04:36 PM
I've noticed the biggest differences when it comes to things like team defense and rebounding. With my Bulls, I usually own the glass, and their size down low provides me with plenty of rim protection, as well as viable options in the post. I had taken these things for granted a bit, until I played with the Lakers the other day. Suddenly, my scrubby bigs couldn't grab a rebound, and I basically abandoned post play altogether after a flurry of Jordan Hill bricks at close range.

I've also found that my knowledge of the players has served me well this year, as the tendencies seem quite realistic from my experience so far. When I'm locked in mentally, I'm closing out on the shooters, backing off the guys who I want to shoot jumpers, etc. This is one of those games that really requires a lot of thinking to be successful, almost to the point where I don't even play if I'm tired, or distracted in any way. That's a very good thing.
# 10 kennyacid @ 10/14/14 05:09 PM
Ive played with a few teams and they all felt different. I couldnt do the same thing with all teams. I had to adjust...finally decided to settle with Houston. I am making it my mission to master their playbook. harden is a beast. When I control him I feel like I can take anyone off the dribble...something I never felt in nba 2k14 , and that has a lot to do with weight and speed finally playing a factor. I am just loving this game
# 11 davel @ 10/14/14 05:32 PM
I'm 2 and 10 with the timberwolves and loving every minute of it .
# 12 Sam I am @ 10/14/14 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by labelmeoriginal
Offline, great job. Online, it's an absolute joke.
Offline it seems everything works & why can't we cannot adjust the poe's & individual defensive settings, so we could get a feel for them, Online it seems that none of the defensive settings work & its one & gun, one crossover move & you're at the hoop. If you play on broadcast(which i don't do but 2k is forcing me to) you can play a lil better defense, but on the offensive side its crowded & its harder to get to the hole. Just the opposite on 2k cam. And the offensive rebounding is horrible
# 13 al2k4 @ 10/14/14 06:37 PM
Maybe on next gen online defense is weak but on current gen the defense is tough this year.
# 14 tb24ster @ 10/14/14 06:57 PM
Where are the HIGHLIGHTS at the end of game ? It was in the game at launch day!
# 15 tb24ster @ 10/14/14 06:59 PM
HIGHLIGHTS please come back ASAP !
# 16 tb24ster @ 10/14/14 07:00 PM
Hey OS can you get back to 2k and find out what happen to the highlights? Please ! What's a basketball game without end of game highlights?
# 17 ericem @ 10/14/14 07:14 PM
I'm 1-9 with the Lakers and I don't feel cheated. Played once with the Bulls and immediately noticed the Lakers suck at defense.
# 18 sticks323 @ 10/14/14 07:34 PM
I always try to adjust to the way a team plays. Learning new jumpers will take some time getting used too but overall I always tried to play real basketball in 2k. The Cpu just makes way too many contested shots for it to seem like a fair game.
# 19 RipCityAndy @ 10/14/14 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by sticks323
I always try to adjust to the way a team plays. Learning new jumpers will take some time getting used too but overall I always tried to play real basketball in 2k. The Cpu just makes way too many contested shots for it to seem like a fair game.
WAY WAY WAY too many contested jumpers. Even on Superstar Sim settings they make a ton. MyCareer mode is especially bad. I recorded a clip of Manu making a jumper while triple teamed. The defenders hand was actually clipping through the ball!! I also recorded a clip of D-Will making a 3-point spin jumper while contested. As isolated incidents it wouldn't bug me, but that kind of stuff happens a lot.
# 20 BBallcoach @ 10/14/14 08:33 PM
I've only played quick games, I am waiting for the NBA season to start to start mygm with opening night rosters. I have tried playing many different ways and try to "break" the game and it's virtually impossible. I love having to make the adjustments. And maybe because I didn't play 2k14 NG a bunch last year, Pro seems pretty difficult with the lower teams. I have been playing with the Bucks, Wolves, Kings, ect trying to find a good MyGM to rebuild but man it is tough to win games. I like it.

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