Feature Article
NHL 15: Reviewer Impressions (PS4/XB1)

After a delayed and protracted PR schedule, people are finally getting to play NHL 15 on Xbox One and PS4. To say that there has been a lot made of the missing EASHL and other features would be an understatement. Fans have made their feelings known that the absent features and modes are going to impact purchasing decisions, while EA has remained steadfast in their belief that the game will stand on its own merits and make people believers (well, only for so long, as EA plans to patch in certain elements).

After playing the game for some time, three things remain clear in my mind: this is the best-looking version of the game to date, it plays very well, and it’s not worth the full asking price.

Those three things may create a dissonance for some, but the fact is that the game feels like a situation where the priorities were completely skewed towards presentation, with some emphasis on gameplay improvements as well. What this means is that game modes and functionality (read: reasons to play) have been put on the chopping block, creating an experience that’s really hard to reconcile. It’s one thing to create “a foundation” for the future; it’s another to strip out 70 percent of the modes in order to ship a product on time.

This creates a really difficult scenario for someone reviewing the game, as there are possibly other factors at play over at EA HQ. One might reasonably ask: “Why wasn’t the dev team given more time? Why were they asked to do so much with not enough resources (money, people, tech)?” These questions, and others, may never truly have answers, but we’re left with a game that, at first glance, does a lot right in some key areas, but then it just omits any reason to play it (online or offline). On top of this, it’s got some baffling omissions of basic functionality that we’ve come to, reasonably, expect as automatic in a game like this.

What it comes down to is that this game seems like something that would only be enjoyed by those who just want a barebones hockey experience, with one-on-one versus play or a simplified season mode. If that’s all you’re after, then maybe NHL 15 is up your alley. The problem is that this is 2014, and users have come to expect a certain amount of functionality for both their offline and online experience, and NHL 15, from what I can see so far, just doesn’t have anything resembling that experience.

Fans of the series would likely have understood if a small handful of features went on hiatus for a year (GM Connected and Live the Life, for instance), but when those things are absent as well as about 20 other modes and features, it just dispels any notion of NHL 15 possessing long-term value.

The sad thing is that my experience with NHL 15 on the ice has been quite good so far. I enjoy the pace of the game this year, and there is a lot more weight to the players and the shots. Turning the settings up to all-star or superstar and moving the gameplay slider to “hardcore” manages to create an experience where the CPU will act aggressively in certain scenarios (still not enough in the neutral zone) and force the odd turnover. They are even able to score on cycle plays in the offensive zone, which makes hit timing and poke-checking a must.

The revamped puck physics seems to have reduced the absurdly high and wonky bounces of the past and replaced them with more moderate puck bobbling and bouncing that’s closer to the ice. This means that passes will actually need to have some measure of control before they are made, and setting up one-timers can be quite difficult if under duress. The new physics have made certain passing situations a bit frustrating, but I’d rather have some possibility for error as compared to auto passes all day.

The types of goals being scored are a bit more familiar, with lots of sniped short-side wristers, some one-timers and some deflections. It’s a little disappointing seeing the short-side stuff still go in with such velocity and regularity, but there is still some variety thanks to the new puck physics. There is now a separation with upper and lower body for deking, and this changes the timing slightly when approaching the net and moving side to side. You’ll still be able to rifle shots, but there is a bit more pace on the dekes now, meaning things feel more deliberate.

Goalies animate somewhat better this year, but that doesn’t mean they don’t still have some odd behaviours. The puck-covering reach still happens, resulting in the odd goal, and they also still wander from the net to go after pucks they shouldn’t. Then again, hybrid icing being present this year helps with some of that, and the 12-man collision physics creates for some hilarious pile-ups in front of the net.

Defense, generally speaking, seems relatively similar to before, with strafing and hitting feeling slightly more heavy and deliberate. The poke-check has a deeper lunge now, and it seems tuned about right. It is frustrating that you can no longer seem to bump the puck away from offensive players, as jostling into them rarely seems to clash with the puck, creating scenarios where players are able to sort of roll off you and still have the puck.

From what I’ve seen of the presentation, it certainly looks like a good deal of effort went into that, creating a dramatically better game day experience (video of arena flyovers, voiceovers, graphics). The NBC branding and commentary team give that piece of the game a good shot in the arm, but the commentary does seem like a first-year effort, thanks to some docile line reads and less-than-ideal audio stitching. Mike Emrick actually falls behind the play quite a bit, which can be bothersome. I do like the three-man team, though, as Ray Ferraro adds some solid insights from down at ice level. The arenas themselves look tremendous, as does the revamped crowd tech. There is fantastic detail in each of the arenas, as the stairways, banners, jumbotrons, boards, ice and sightlines all feel unique from one another. This detail is amplified by the new crowd, which gets copious screen time on goals and period breaks, showing unique character models who add a great deal of frenzy to the game. Kudos on that crowd. Of course, the player models also look dramatically better, often presenting a strikingly similar facsimile to their real-life counterpart.

But then we’re left with reality of the situation: there just isn’t much to do in NHL 15. Be-A-Pro has basically been untouched — you know, except for the fact that you can’t sim shifts anymore, making the mode effectively useless. There is no Live the Life or meaningful career equivalent, and Be-A-GM is basically season mode with trades (no drafting). Add on to this the slew of smaller modes and features that are missing, such as Shootout, Winter Classic, Battle for the Cup, custom music or player creation, and things just start to seem really off.

Everything feels similarly wrong online, with just one-on-one play available (and even that has had a few lag hiccups). But don’t worry about any of the previous stuff, because Hockey Ultimate Team (HUT) is prominently displayed for all to see. Of course it is. The fact that this mode has been included (and many other things haven’t) speaks volumes about EA’s priorities right now. I feel sad for the dev team having to prop up EA's ridiculous moneymaker in the face of such a (seemingly) incomplete product.

Final Thoughts

Our review of NHL 15 will be posted during the week, but these impressions obviously don’t paint a very good picture for the new generation of hockey. It’s frustrating, disappointing and sad, because I know so many people who were hopeful for this game. Well, the game seems to be there, but the reasons to play it are apparently not.

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Member Comments
# 1 turbineseaplane @ 09/08/14 12:51 PM

Looks great, but too much stripped out to justify the price tag.

I really don't get why they didn't do a $29-$39 for just this year to make up for that fact.
# 2 Honome @ 09/08/14 01:13 PM
Is there a review embargo by EA??? I am pretty sure there is since we canīt see any final review so far, even with review copies already sent to the media...

EA is really playing dirty, as usual...
# 3 ps3veron @ 09/08/14 01:13 PM
Tragic really! I'm thinking the game scoring 6 at the most.
# 4 turbineseaplane @ 09/08/14 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by Honome
Is there a review embargo by EA??? I am pretty sure there is since we canīt see any final review so far, even with review copies already sent to the media...

EA is really playing dirty, as usual...
Yes! There is actually. That was the condition that reviewers had to accept to get an advance copy. (No reviews public until launch).

Very very dirty pool. Really hoping to confuse and hide facts until people have already purchased. Shameful behavior.
# 5 Retropyro @ 09/08/14 01:20 PM
Exactly how I feel about the game. I don't think I'd pay more that $25 for the game in it's current state. But here in Canada they want $69.99.
# 6 Honome @ 09/08/14 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by turbineseaplane
Yes! There is actually. That was the condition that reviewers had to accept to get an advance copy. (No reviews public until launch).

Very very dirty pool. Really hoping to confuse and hide facts until people have already purchased. Shameful behavior.
Thatīs a shame... They already knew the game would receive low scores because of the missing features.

On the other hand i highly doubt they will do the same with Fifa since they already know they will receive lots of 9īs and 10īs and that may improve the sales.

The games industry is really dirty. Same company treat different games different ways just to illude the customer and improve their sales.
# 7 Gsanda @ 09/08/14 01:30 PM
Thank you for this article. Since I read this, I read many comments of frustrated consumers on Google, twitter, etc. I have purchased EA Sports hockey games nearly every year, but now I cancelled my order through Amazon. I emailed Amazon and asked them to consider assuming some responsibility for promoting and selling an incomplete and unfinished product for FULL PRICE. Maybe when retailers start standing up for consumers, Manufacturers would present better products before trying to sell them.
# 8 milesizdead @ 09/08/14 01:51 PM
Agree with Glenn to some extent, but I'm not impressed with gameplay, at all. AI is slightly improved on the defensive side, but offense is horrible. AI might cycle the puck a bit more, but only when human player's errors let them do it. If you watch AI play against AI, all they do is skate into checks when they have the puck.

Gameplay still has the same issues it has for years, puck control is too high, pass assist is too high, some checks still result in the good old rubber ball effect, where the player just bounces off the puck holder. Players still warp in an unrealistic speed when picking up a loose puck, yet skating past a loose puck without acknowledging it is still rampant. And the way you can skate through traffic without losing the puck is ridiculous.

I was pissed off at the missing game modes before, now I'm just pissed off. Worst NHL game since 07. If this had been released on 360 with the missing game modes I would've been happy, but this is not a nextgen game.
# 9 GROGtheNailer @ 09/08/14 02:06 PM
When I played the demo, it felt very NHL 14 to me but it is better, I do like puck physics. Not having those features though, it makes the game useless to me, I cannot use it.
# 10 canucksss @ 09/08/14 02:18 PM
My nephew who used to be a designer in EA (Burnaby, BC) and now working at a big computer gaming as developer after being "pirated" will send my his free copy of NHL PS4 from his buddies at EA. His friend at EA thought he has PS4....my nephew has X1.

I might receive this either today or tomorrow. I'll post here my impression...but I will only play BaGM. (I told my nephew if I didnt like it if I could sell it via GS and he said he's fine with it...LOL). I love this nephew of mine!!!!
# 11 SVCbearcat10 @ 09/08/14 02:21 PM
I feel bad for the NHL franchise because this probably set them back at least 2 years. No one will be satisfied with next year's release because everyone will say that NHL 16 should really be NHL 15. This game really does play a solid game of hockey, probably the best to date. It's funny how everyone yelling at how stale commentary and presentation was for YEARS now says that being updated is no big deal.

This game probably should have been delayed until October so more could have been included on launch day. Those saying they should release the game for $30 as a gesture of goodwill have never worked in a business environment. That would put them out of business faster than anything.
# 12 turbineseaplane @ 09/08/14 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by SVCbearcat10
Those saying they should release the game for $30 as a gesture of goodwill have never worked in a business environment. That would put them out of business faster than anything.
That is an absolutely silly statement. NHL is a total drop in the bucket for EA as a whole and they most certainly could eat a price drop for 1 year.

Goodwill with customers is hard to earn and very easy to lose.

Ensuring none of the bad reviews get out until they sucker a bunch of people into buying it first is *not* good business.

Anyone in a "business environment" should know that part well.
# 13 KomicJ @ 09/08/14 02:40 PM
"It’s one thing to create “a foundation” for the future; it’s another to strip out 70 percent of the modes in order to ship a product on time."

That one sentence sums up to perfection what I've been trying to say with much more words these past few days. This is EXACTLY what's wrong with this game.
# 14 centauris @ 09/08/14 02:56 PM
Should have launched at $40..

this game will NOT be getting my money.
# 15 dovuto86 @ 09/08/14 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by centauris
Should have launched at $40..

this game will NOT be getting my money.
I dont understand you at all..If you buy it for 60 dollars and play it for 3 months, Walmart will give you 40 dollars for it trade in so youd really only play it for 20 dollars.
# 16 dovuto86 @ 09/08/14 03:00 PM
To everyone not buying this game because of the missing game modes, Walmart will most likely give you 40 dollars for this game into November/December so if you buy it for 60 dollars, play it for a month or two it would only really cost you 20 dollars. It makes no sense not to buy it if you were planning on buying it to begin with
# 17 KomicJ @ 09/08/14 03:05 PM
In fact, I'm gonna say a few more words, cause I finally found out what's been buggin' me.

Seing as NHL 15 is the first new "current gen" release, and that this first release been gutted out of so many modes and features, it feels like we've been presented a demo.

Is it exciting, enticing and promising ? Yeah ! Damn right it is ! I can't wait for NHL 16.

But as promising as it is, releasing it to the public at this point sends a message to my ears that I just can't agree with. This message is: "Good ! We're glad that you like it. But for now, that's as much as we can do...and we need YOU to finance our product, so we can take this demo to a full-game statuts next year. Because as of right now, we can't afford to skip this year's title, we need the money to bring it to the next level".

And as customers...well, I don't think it's quite our job now, is it ? Sure, I know...we are financing upcoming games by buying the one before. But we do it by buying full games. The part where you have to finance a studio in order to take a demo to the next level...that's the publisher's part ! Not the customers !

So it feels like EA's saying: "We like where you going with this, and we know you need more time, ressources and money to complete the job. However, we're not ready to pay for it. So we'll let our customers pay."

NHL 15 is nothing more than a kickstarter campaign !!! But with a poor attempt to disguise it as something else. That's what's bugging me !!!
# 18 turbineseaplane @ 09/08/14 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by dovuto86
To everyone not buying this game because of the missing game modes, Walmart will most likely give you 40 dollars for this game into November/December so if you buy it for 60 dollars, play it for a month or two it would only really cost you 20 dollars. It makes no sense not to buy it if you were planning on buying it to begin with
The only potential flaw in that logic this go around is if sales are bad up front.

If they are, you're likely to see the Amazon's and Wal-marts with discounts on new copies much sooner and thus buy-back prices will be in the tank as a result.

Only time will tell.
# 19 canucksss @ 09/08/14 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by dovuto86
To everyone not buying this game because of the missing game modes, Walmart will most likely give you 40 dollars for this game into November/December so if you buy it for 60 dollars, play it for a month or two it would only really cost you 20 dollars. It makes no sense not to buy it if you were planning on buying it to begin with
Thats not the point...of paying this eventually at $20.

THe point is..you're still giving EA the initial sale of a product that is bare in its essential.
# 20 ZB9 @ 09/08/14 03:44 PM
Is it worth it if all I play is ranked head to head online? (X1)

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