Feature Article
How Voice Commands Can Continue to Revolutionize Basketball Gaming

Despite the added incentive of a PlayStation Network trophy, just 54 percent of NBA 2K14 players have ever "called a play using the 2K Smart Play feature."

For NBA Live 14, the numbers look way worse. Only 6 percent of Live owners on the PlayStation Network have the trophy for "calling a play that ends up in a bucket."

Why Are Gamers Not Calling Plays?

In real life, basketball teams run set plays because they tend to create better scoring opportunities than what the players could generate on their own just by freelancing.

In basketball video games, the opposite tends to be true: freelancing is an easier, faster and much more efficient method of creating high-quality shots versus standing vulnerably in a set position and waiting for AI scripts to complete.

To summarize the key issues that are holding back video game playcalling:
  • Slow, floaty passes hamper ball movement
  • Complicated, multi-button controls distract gamers' focus from play execution
  • AI teammates are slow to react and move without urgency
  • Off-ball cuts lack precision and quickness
  • Plays become disrupted or discontinued if the ball handler is not continually standing in a very exact, far too tiny circle.
Being a mere gamer, and not a software engineer, I have no solutions for the longstanding AI and passing issues that continue to diminish basketball games' fun factor. Controller issues, however, seem to be a much easier fix, especially considering the increasing use of voice recognition technology in video games.

Play calling controls are easy enough in NBA 2K14, as getting your team into a quick set is as simple as holding down the left bumper. But in NBA Live 14, running plays is a much more complex process -- too complicated, apparently, for 94 percent of the game's owners. First, the left bumper must be held down. Next, the player needs to tap a direction on the dpad to select a play type (post up, screen or isolation). Finally, the player must hit one of five possible action buttons to choose an exact play.

How Voice Commands Could Help

While NBA Live 14 decided not to include voice controls in its PlayStation 4 debut, both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of NBA 2K14 contain several helpful audio commands, which allow gamers to make strategic adjustments without having to lift a finger:

“Quick iso” or "Clear"
"Quick post up"
"Quick three point"
“Pick and roll”


"Double Team" or "Help Me"
"Pick up ball"
“Intentional Foul”
"Man to man"
"Zone two three"
"Zone three two"
"Zone one three one"
"Halfcourt press"
"Halfcourt trap"
"Fullcourt press"
"Fullcourt trap"

My Career

“Pass me the ball”
“Set a screen for me”
“Shoot the ball” or "Take that shot"


"Time Out”
“Switch Camera”
For NBA 2K15, this list could be expanded by adding voice recognition to specific offensive plays. Simply saying the name of a play like "1 clear" or "4 high" could give gamers instant access to their team's entire playbook without having to page through clumsy pop-up menus.

Voice commands could also be added for making on-the-fly substitutions and Point of Emphasis adjustments. Last names could be used to trigger substitutions, so that saying "Crawford sub for Redick" would get Jamal off the bench and take J.J. out of the game. Point of Emphasis phrases like "limit perimeter shots" and "limit transition" are already brief enough that they, too, could easily be called out loud instead of having to slowly scroll through an on-screen menu. Using players' last names to swap defensive assignments would be another welcome feature, as simply saying "George guard Anthony" is a lot more convenient than calling a time out, bringing up the matchup screen and sitting through a couple cut scenes just to change up who's guarding whom.

How else could voice controls be used to improve basketball gaming? Do you believe it should become a focus for all sports developers going forward? Share your thoughts in the comments below.


Member Comments
# 1 Semipro91 @ 02/04/14 01:38 PM
You can call subs using your voice in 2k14. Its not as detailed as this article would like but you can say "Sub Kobe Bryant" and depending on your 6th man or who the next 2 guard in your lineup is, someone will come in for Kobe,
# 2 BSchwartz07 @ 02/04/14 02:02 PM
I had to turn the voice controls off on 2K13, I would get T'd up for cursing if anyone in my house said anything... it literally thought anything anyone said was either that or asking for a timeout, got REALLY annoying.
# 3 ubernoob @ 02/04/14 02:08 PM
Even trophies can't save a gimmick that will (and should) ever be a gimmick.

Voice commands in any type of gaming will take off the same day a truly immersive VR experience is developed.

Why feel like an idiot talking to an inanimate object when the same thing can be accomplished (often quicker) by pressing a button or two?
# 4 ccoaxum @ 02/04/14 02:11 PM
You call quick plays just by pressing the directional pads button s without holding the shoulder button and if you double a certain direction you can choose a specific player to run the play for all without holding another Button in nba live so what's hard about that...ppl haven't Been doing it cause they don't have the game and they just don't know how to do it
# 5 El_Poopador @ 02/04/14 02:11 PM
using it to communicate with players on the court would be a big advantage especially in my career where you only control a single player. even something as simple as saying "switch" on a pick would be welcome and give the player a sense of control and realism instead of not knowing how the ai teammate is going to play the screen.

right now i think you can call for a double team by saying "help" but thats a little too cut and dry. saying "help" if a ball handler gets past or you get stuck behind an off-ball screen would cause your teammates to be aware of the man youre guarding and collapse into the paint on a drive or close out on the three point shooter instead of just arbitrarily bringing a second man to double team whoever has the ball.

one thing that needs to happen for the voice commands is better recognition. if you have to say something three or four times for it to work then its not worth it. being able to issue voice commands through a headset would help a lot here i think as opposed to relying on a mic situated by the tv across the room to pick out the words. maybe they can add in a voice command button that would start listening for commands specific to the game when you press it similar to communicating with your team in halo 2 (pressing the white button would open up the "team speak" line so your whole team could hear you no matter where you were. then it would cut off automatically after you stopped talking).
# 6 ccoaxum @ 02/04/14 02:13 PM
2k14 my camera be trying to take commands and I'm not even saying anything...it pick up voices from its own game smh
# 7 thatdudetoo @ 02/04/14 04:34 PM
54 percent on PSN but I wonder what those numbers are for Kinect users?
Somehow I think it would be much higher. Could be wrong though but I would think so. Voice works great for me. Albeit I only call basic stuff with it. Mainly ISO when I bring Melo down with the rock.
# 8 RUFFNREADY @ 02/04/14 05:29 PM
On XB1 for the 2K14; the voice commands work great, albeit, I play about 10ft away from my TV and console, in my man cave! Just wish as @El_Poopador stated, that they should incorporated headset voice commands for better recognition (and faster responses)!
# 9 mrclutch @ 02/04/14 11:57 PM
I've tried it but the reaction just feels slower that hitting the button.
# 10 TN - BRAVES FAN @ 02/05/14 03:28 AM
This would be awesome in a baseball game too to argue with the umps...just for the heck of it!
# 11 tril @ 02/05/14 09:37 AM
all for the expanded voice commands. the complaints folks have about interference for other sounds is an easy fix.
to initiate a voice command you'd just hold down the r1 or r2 button and call a play then let the button go once done. thsi would apply for any voice command triggered instruction.

the benefits is getting into offensive sets quicker. The developers do have to get rid of the player having to be in a certain position/circle to start a play, that circle should me mobile along with the player.
# 12 ifitbeginsitends @ 02/06/14 10:23 AM
Live 14 does have some voice commands on the Xbox one. You can call timeouts and do other things. For what its worth, I dont use it.
# 13 NoTiCe_O @ 02/06/14 02:15 PM
If anyone from the NBA Live team reads this post please don't go for the voice control gimmicks. Stick to the fundamentals.

Maybe Live 16 you can add in the voice commands

P.S - Didn't read the article but the thought of voice commands just screamed gimmick to me.

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